Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Finally - Done With The Floors

 Yesterday they finished up the floors. Then today Patrick went off golfing! I grabbed about 4 boxes of clothing and stuff. I was putting the clothes in the dressers and getting them put away. I was interesting trying to decide where each part of my clothing was going where. I figured it out. Laundry was running all day long. 

I took a little bit and worked on my beading. 

I worked on the fringe of the ornament. This one is more black, but there are some beads from my grandmother's necklaces. I wanted to have something of hers on this. They look really good on the bottom. Plus there are some seed beads that she had as well. I liked the way it came out. Unfortunately one can't really see them because of the pattern behind it. 

Then it was time to get moving on boxing up my beads -again. I decided to take them out of the big box, and put them in a smaller box. I didn't want a big box that was 3/4's empty. Then I took a box of table clothes and put them in a container. I think it will work out for me to find what I need. I just need to remember to put what is washed back into the container. 

Once Patrick got home he started working on cleaning up the wood that had "issues." He is going to have to replace an area in the entry way. The wood cracked. He had some jell that he was cleaning up our doors with. They are looking a lot better!

We finished getting the bedroom set up. So, we will be sleeping in our own room again. I'm happy! 

After that, I tried to get my ornament done. We all know how that goes! I was close to getting it done, but then - OF COURSE - there was a "boo-boo." So, I had to take it out. Which I did. Then I said the heck with this, I will finish it tomorrow. I just need about 2 hours and it will be done. 

 This went together differently then the others. Plus the top is done differently as well. So, I was happy to finally get this done. 

I added the top, and actually had 2 rows done. THAT'S where the mistake was. So, I had to take it out, as well as the one on the first row. I will have to put that part back in, then start the next row. There are 3 rows, so I need to pay attention to how it goes together. I will have to shorten it as I go. We will see. I like what I have going so far. Figures crossed tomorrow. 

Between cleaning and trying to get the house back to "normal," I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...