Sunday, December 26, 2021

More Snow! Woo Hoo!

 This morning I was up and moving. I looked out the window and there was SNOW! Love the stuff! We had a small amount yesterday, but this morning there was a good inch or two. 

We got moving on putting more stuff away. Getting rid of stuff. Getting laundry going....oops, behind on that. 

Then I had to get my water bills out. I'm still working on that. It took all afternoon to get my books up to date. I boxed up stuff that was over 7 years old. I now have a "current" and "old" box for the water system stuff. I then got the bills printed and started on getting the minutes with the bills together. In the middle of it, Sharon called and that was a good hour call. After I hung up with her I had to get moving and get supper - because my virtual meeting was tonight. I was eating as I entered the meeting. Turned out that was only 3 of us. Sandy was the 3rd. I was able to work an hour and 10 minutes on my cross stitch book mark. 

 Snow was coming down the whole time I was on the meeting. I didn't cancel bowling because it wasn't that bad - that was today anyway. Then an hour before bowling it got worse. 

We went bowling - with less than half the league showing up. We bowled anyway. I bowled REALLY BAD! I bowled a 146, 159, and 131. I just couldn't find my spot! I had more splits than strikes. Let alone spares. I could not pick up the 10 pin for the life of me. 

On the way home we took it easy. We even had a car pass us in town! I could not believe it. They were in a hurry. Not much going on out there. When we got home, I took some photos. I have one for our Christmas card next year! Not going to post it till then.

This one is by the garage. I love the photo! I have a better one of the house. 

Today turned out to be a day where I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...