This morning we woke to the phone going off that Flooding is expected by tonight (which it is). We got both a text and a call telling us the river by us is in the flood watch and was expected to go over the river levels tonight. Patrick's bowling league canceled due to flooding in Centralia. We found out Jackson Hwy is flooded as well. Then the other road we use to get to the freeway was also closed. Debbie was lucky to get home when she did. (She picked up fabric for her QOV quilt)
Then we decided to get a few things done downstairs. Wanted to clean up the area where we were staying while they were doing the floors. It's a small room off my sewing area. We also had a few things to do in the other room where the bed was. So, we spend a good amount of time down cleaning up the rooms. I then wanted to clean up my counter. I want to get that counter out of the room and put the one that Dan's grandfather made for his mother. Patrick wanted to get rid of it, and I told him no. I want that down there. It's smaller than the one I have, but that's a good thing. Plus it's at a better cutting angle for me. It has drawers and that's okay with me. That way I can clean up the stuff I have and make myself downsize a little more.
OH!! I found my embroidery work!! I thought I lost it here the last 4 days. I've been looking and today I was telling Patrick where I looked and asked if he had seen it. He didn't. Till an hour went by and he told me to check with my tray of beading work. I had it there before we moved everything downstairs. Sure enough - that's where it was! I was thrilled because I was at the point of asking friends if I left it with them. All said no. Of course they did - I put it away where I couldn't find it!!
The table in the room where the bed was, is where I am stacking the backing fabric for QOV. It gets them off the floor and is easier to get to. I think Patrick even put the batting over there too. I put the quilt tops that need to be quilted next to them. I have one quilt top I need to cut the backing and batting for. The other quilt top needs another border and will put that on later. Not in the mood to sew, plus our quilters are already full with quilts.

I don't think my sewing room as been so clean in a long time. I have three cutting boards on the counter. One I use to cut the backing and batting when I roll them out on the floor. I put the sewing machine down for now. I will pull it out when I need it. My counter is less crowded and I have more room. Still have a couple things that I'm not sure what I want to do with just yet. Plus I have 2 quilts that need to be finished quilting. I may have to get back to those soon, as I found the fabric to use for the binding of the one that is 20 years old. I also found the list of women who helped me in the border round robin back then. They are all from Canada. I was the only one from the US.
I also found the box of 3 1/2" squares that mom cut with all that extra fabric we had in the QOV box that wasn't very big. I will work on getting them done into nine patches. I may even do more half square triangles to get those done too. Oh, what fun. More sewing!
Came upstairs to find Sophie messing around her tree. I got a few photos, and posted one of the better ones on Instagram. She's so much fun to watch! Plus she is a pill when it comes to me working on something!
I wanted to get more done on my "Santa of the Forest" cross stitch. Of course, Sophie wanted me to pet her more! So, I would stitch and feel this tough on my hand or even a nudge. Which meant I wasn't supposed to work on anything. I petted her and kept working but didn't get as much done as I would have liked. The last row on the right is the bottom of the piece with the exception of the coat which will come down a little more. I'm finding other cross stitch projects I want to do, but I need to finish a few things first.
I'm actually in the computer room and really like it in here. It turned out awesome! I've even been putting my stuff away, so that it's not out and about. I will take one thing out at a time. I don't want to have a pile of the stuff I'm working on by my chair anymore. I like the "clean" look. I really must be getting old when I begin to think I need to clean more!! Or even pick up my stuff more!! At least I'm putting things away now. I have a few things on eBay and hope they will sell. I kept 2 of the cross stitch stuff that didn't sell before and will wait till I know they are in demand. I hate to just give them away. Even though I made them. The other stuff, not so worried about.
Between cleaning and stitching, it made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!