Monday, January 31, 2022

What A Day!

 Since it's Monday, it was a busy day for me. Till now anyway. 

Received a call as I'm heading out the door. The carpet people were coming to fix the carpet where the seam is and the stairs where Patrick dropped ink. Both Patrick and I were leaving this morning. Patrick said he would stay and take care of the carpet people. 

I went on out and did the usual stops on Monday. Once all that was done, I went to the grange to find Alice and some people that were going to rent the grange. Once they left, we chatted. Then Cindy and I got down to business. Sandy showed up and we all had a really good laugh. It was good to see Sandy in such a good mood. 

I was able to get a lot done on this set of leaves. I'm happy with the work I got done. Then I was helping Cindy work out her twisted lazy daisy stitch. She had it by the time we left, I just hope she practices before we get back together, or she will forget. lol 

Came home and worked on my book keeping stuff. Then it was time for supper. It was funny, but I passed Patrick on the way home. He was behind me for awhile. I thought we would be back to back, but he turned off to get something else done. So, 10 mins after I got home, he did. 

Sharon called and asked for the pattern of the beaded Santa's. So, I had to get that ready to take up to her. She's borrowing my pattern. I made a copy of my word chart, just in case. 

I'm just happy today was being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Finished Binding - Went Bowling

 This morning was cold! We pretty much stayed home. I worked on laundry and played my games. Then I got busy on getting the binding done on another quilt. I also added a label to the quilt. 

Three quilts are now ready to go the museum. It's an added addition to the quilts. We had 8 ready to give out - 5 are going out this weekend. Then adding these to the pile will put us at 5 ready for the next one. We have about 4 others out there with bindings. I have to pick one up from mom on Wednesday and then it will be done as well. It needs a pillow case, so will end up giving it back to Debbie. Nancy takes a little longer getting the bindings on. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I started out good. Took a noise dive after! I bowled a 194, 171, and then really went in the toilet!! A 136!! Not my best bowling! At least I got a 501 series. I really do need to figure out what is going on with the lanes! We had 3 new bowlers come in. I was able to let one sub, add one to a team, and did what we don't do - let the other bowl on his own for an average. 

At least I finished the third quilt. That made it a great day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Quiet Day

 This morning we went grocery shopping. I really didn't need a lot. So, we bought about $100 worth - and that wasn't much!! Prices are going up. Even gas is going up again. 

Came home and I finished the binding on Patrick's quilt and put the label on. There are 4 names on the piecers. I checked with my nephew and the quilt arrived yesterday. I'm glad he's got it. Now it's a waiting game on when they present it to Christopher. I will see if they will video it so I can see it. 

Then I gave up and played games. Wasn't in the mood to do much else. I did get my sourdough cinnamon raisin bread. I have it in the refrigerator. 

So, today was really not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Quilt Meeting At Moms

 This morning I was getting the quilts together to take with me. I grabbed all 4 quilts. 

I worked on the label for the one I finished, then I worked on my brothers quilt - binding. I have about half a side to finish the quilt. I have the label to add to it. Then I can have 2 ready for the museum. Nancy and mom took one quilt each. I took the quilt that Nancy was binding and will finish it. I only have about 1 side to finish on that one. Then I can have 3 quilts to take to the museum. 

I put Connie Carter's name on both the piecing and quilting. Now it's ready to go to a Veteran. 

Came home and saw the boxes in the garage. So, I took one, and went to the stack of boxes for genealogy. I ended up pulling out a box that was full of photos. It has a lot of mom's side and dad's side. I'm not sure who is who. I did go through them and threw out half of them. Those were ones that had pickers of land or other stuff. If the photo was blurry, it went in the trash. I found some photos that I took when I was young, and they were all bad, so they went into the trash. I didn't want cat photos or dog photos, so those went as well. I have more to do. 

After all that we had supper and then I decided to play games. My day was good and it ended up being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Still Binding

 This morning I didn't feel like doing much. So Patrick and I were playing games and watching TV all morning. 

Then it was off to Olympia for his appointment. We are now scheduled every 3 weeks to go up for his cancer treatments. I didn't go in the office with him, but was there when he was getting his appointments arranged. We are working on trips to Olympia and thankful it's not Seattle or Tacoma. 

We stopped at DQ for supper and then came home. Had some Birthday cake and then Patrick left for bowling. I in the meantime, decided to try and get more done on my brothers quilt. 

As bind I did go. I've got another side done. It's going. I will be working on this tomorrow as well. I'm still not sure if I want to give the ladies Debbie's quilts or just go ahead and do them myself. It would be easier if I could do them and then do the labels. It would keep me busy, but then I have my cross stitching and beading that will keep me busy. Hard to say what I plan to do.....I'll decide tomorrow. 

I'm hoping to get back to getting a few things done. I think I'm "off" because of the stuff going on with Patrick. I can get through this. It's been a year now, and we can go. We have a cruise coming and Patrick is going on with his golfing and bowling. So, I can go on with my crafts. It's good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Just Enjoying The Day

 Today is a quiet day before we head back to Olympia tomorrow. 

I really didn't do much. Really wasn't in the mood. Debbie showed up early to give me her 2 quilts that she put the binding on. I THOUGHT about doing the border on the one downstairs, but that's as far as it got. Was more interested in playing games. 

Then I finally got to finishing the quilt. 

Connie's quilt is done and needs a label. Then it will go to the museum for another Veteran. 

While I was working on this, I also baked a Olive Bread. It really turned out good. I had a little whole wheat with bread flour and it turned out really good. Almost like having the olives on the top of a piece of bread. Loved it. 

Then I pulled Patrick's quilt out and got started on the binding for that one. Now I have 3 quilts to bind. If I get this one done, it will be down to 2. 

There isn't a lot done, but it's getting there. I am close to having a side done. Guess I will be doing that tomorrow as well. I may be taking the other 2 to moms to see who wants to do those. I think I will have them done faster. I believe there are a couple that are still getting stitched down. 

Tomorrow is another trip to Olympia. It's time for Patrick to get amino therapy started. Not looking forward to that. 

But today I was - at least for a few minutes - Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Binding A Quilt

 This morning I remembered it was Patrick's Birthday! At least I baked his cake. Katt called to wish him a Happy Birthday along with his sister. Mom forgot. 

While he was golfing, Debbie and I exchanged quilts. I had 2 quilts for her, and she had 2 for me. I have to stitch down the bindings. She is going to put the binding on the 2 I gave her and they will come back to be stitched down. 

This quilt is the one Connie did. It's different. I do like it. I think I have a pillow case to go with it. I now have 3 sides done. So, tomorrow I will finish it and then work on my brothers quilt to get that one done. These will go to the museum and be ready for the Veterans to receive them. Brother Patrick, I'm hoping, will be here this Spring or Summer. Once I know I can get Mike McCoy to join him. 

Other than that, it was just a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, January 24, 2022

From Embroidery To Doctors Appointment

 This morning I started out almost in a hurry. Never did finish my game that went through the weekend. Then it was out the door. I did get a call from Sandy 2 saying she was coming, so I pulled my "good bag" stuff out and took that to her. 

Arrived at the Grange to find both Cindy and Sandy waiting on me. It felt good to have 3 people there! We had a great time. Connie stopped in and then Sandy 1 stopped in. Talk about laughter!! We all had a great meeting. Cindy was getting mad about the accident that Sandy 1 was in. She was really having a cow over it. Sandy 2 said she won't be able to attend the Seminar this year. Bummer. 

I worked on my piece. 

I was trying to do the "fill ins" after I finished the greens under the buds. I'm now working on the French Knots to fill them in. 

Then it was off at 11:30 to the bowling alley. After that it was straight home to join up with Patrick and head to the doctors in Olympia. Didn't really feel like doing the French Knots while waiting, so didn't bother. Went to see the doctor and found that there is no change. So, that's great news. No meds or biopsy needed at this point. I go back in 6 months and start all over again. But the good news is that they have the tests over the last 2 years and they are close. I'm okay with that. 

We came on back home. First stopping at Staples for paper and then to the UPS to drop off my nephews boxes - 2 boxes. I let him know they were one the way. It will take about 4 to 5 days. Had to believe it's costing us $88. Ouch! Hard to believe shipping is going up so high. 

Came home and I worked on Patrick Birthday Cake - his Birthday is tomorrow! It turned out to be a good day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Back To Beading And Bowling

 This morning I was playing game - no surprise there. Trying to finish before the weekend ended - no such luck!

I decided I needed to get to work on my beading. So, I pulled it out and sorted the beads on the tray since they were all mixed up. It took me a little bit to do that, but I at least was listening to the end of my book. 

Once that was sorted, I started beading. 

I started from this point and got busy. Around row 35 I realized something was off. My number of rows was not working out. I has a row ahead - so I thought. I counted and found that the row I was on didn't match the row number I was supposed to be on. So, I ended up cutting it at the double silver row. As you can see I had one too many silver rows. 

Then I had to take out that row, and re-stitch it together. Once that was done, I could could continue on. I added 2 rows after I attached the top to the bottom. The row numbers lined up with what I was doing. Now I am back on track. - Never fails for me!

Then it was virtual meeting with BE. I got to see 2 of the classes they are offering at Seminar this year. I really do want to take the class. No clue what I will do with them once they are done, but they are really cute!

Then it was time to go bowling, but we had to stop at 2 other places first. Phil had us pick up his dad's Birthday card. Then we had to go to Home Depot to pick up some storage containers. I will work on those this week some time. 

Bowling went great! We lost 2 games but it was great. I bowled pretty good! I started with a 206, 190, and then 156. Everyone went in the can on the last game. At least we took 2 games. 

So, it was busy and I'm getting back to my crafts. I love being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Not Much Going On

 Today we were up and I made blueberry muffins that turned out awesome! 

Then we pretty much wasted the day away. I played games, and I'm still playing games. 

I did get the label on my brothers quilt and now it's getting ready to be shipped. I'm excited to have him finally get his quilt. I was hoping he would come and get it, but that didn't work out. Mom told me my SIL has Covid again. They have not had the shots, so I hope she doesn't get too bad. She has a lot of health issues. 

So, as I said, not much going on. I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting - today!

Friday, January 21, 2022

What A Day!

 This morning we were up at 6:30 to get Patrick up to Olympia by 8:15. He had his appointment for his scans. I sat and waited. 

I worked on my embroidery and was able to get most of this done. I still need to add the green under the buds on the left. I like the way it's coming along. I was able to get a lot done. 

Then Patrick dropped me off at moms. It was Friday meeting day. I worked on the binding of the quilt for my brother. 

It is now finished. I will add the label and get it sent off to my nephew. Then he will be presented this quilt on Feb. 17th. Mom wants to see it as it happens. So, my nephew will have to work that out for her. 

We then headed out to supper. Taking mom out to eat since we haven't done that in awhile. It was good to have a decent meal. We went to the Talking Cedar in Ground Mound. Came home and didn't do much at all. Wanted to get caught up on my games. lol 

It was a good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

One Busy Day

This morning we were relaxing before having to head out to Olympia. By noon we were on our way. Had to stop at the bank first, then off to Olympia. I had my breathing tests today. We thought it would only be about an hour, but then it ended up being a little longer. I had to wait a good 20 mins past my appointment to be seen. Patrick waited out in the car. 

Once all that was done, we headed to Costco. Once that was done, we dropped some food off at Phil's and came home. I was unloaded the stuff when Patrick had to head out for his meeting. (Good thing we ate at Costco). He was gone and I chatted with mom and Debbie about how the presentation went today without me. 

Once that was done, I went downstairs to finish the 2 pillow cases I cut this morning. I needed them for my 2 brothers quilts. Then I decided to iron the black Japanese Doll quilt that I wanted quilted. I also ironed the backing. I will take those to moms tomorrow for her to drop at Kathleen's. Then I decided to trim the border of the quilt she finished for me. 

I was shocked at how bad I did on the border! She did a good job hiding some of the puckers but I really messed up. So, I cut some of the border off. I may cut more off, I don't know yet. I did cut about 1" off because of the puckers. I will send her a thank you card and say I'm sorry for the mess on the border. 

It went from one thing to another - a really busy day! So, I can now say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Binding Day

This morning I woke to a text asking if Debbie could stop by in the morning. It was 9:30 before I was up and out of bed. I over slept. Patrick went golfing. 

So, I told her to give me till 11 and I will be ready for her. I stitched the labels on the 2 quilts I had. Those where folded and the pillow cases put with them. Then I texted her about 10:15 to let her know I was done and she could come. She was delivering my brothers quilt to me. 

Once I was done playing, I pulled the quilt out and got started on binding it. I have 2 sides done so far. 

 She used the fabric I took to her. It's the same fabric that is on the front of the quilt. 

So, most of my day was binding and playing games. I enjoyed listening to my book as well while I worked on the binding. 

It ended up being a great day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Working On The Pillow Cases

This morning Patrick went golfing and I headed downstairs. 

I got to work on the pillow cases I cut. I also went and got the fabric that went with the quilt I made. So, I was able to find that fabric and cut it for the quilt. 

The top 2 are for the quilts I have, the next four are extras for the other quilts that don't have pillow cases. 

I spent the day down there listening to my book and sewing. Yep, I was sewing. I need to get the border on the other quilt but will do that tomorrow - after I finish with the labels on the quilts. Then the quilts can go to the museum and be ready to be presented to veterans. It's funny how I know all the quilts. I know which ones are there and which ones we've given away. I can usually figure out if there is a missing quilt. It's almost like I do with money. I know the amount to the penny. Just something I do, I guess. 

Came upstairs after Patrick got back. I played a few games. I love my new tablet and I added a few games to it. I couldn't load a couple because it wouldn't get me to the level I was on. So, they will stay on the old tablet and I will play those while I listen to my books when I go to bed. It works out great. lol 

Today was actually a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, January 17, 2022

From One Thing To Another

 This morning I was up early. I had to iron the backing fabric to go to Connie. Then I had to put 2 labels on the quilts. I also wanted to get my game done, but didn't get there. 

Before I headed out, the guy from Carpet Warehouse showed up to work on the kitchen. He finished the edging on the cabinets. Looks great. The carpet guys didn't come to fix the steps yet, so I'm hoping they will be here tomorrow. 

I piled the van up and headed to Connie's. I dropped off the backing, batting (for her 2 quilts), bolts of fabric, and 4 quilts to be quilted. She was a kick! I love going there. She showed me all her fabric in the one room. I gave her a lot of scraps that she can work with. She had 2 quilts done, and was working on another. 

Then I headed over to Nancy's to pick her up and go to moms. We talked about the quilt that had an area where it wasn't sewn down. So, it won't be given out on Thursday. My next trip was to the bowling alley and then home.

I really, really wanted a "bearcat" sandwich from the Deli today but they were closed. I will have to wait and get one another time. 

When I got home, Debbie came to pick up the 3 quilts I picked up. She's binding them for me. I will get them back and do the hand work on them then. I also gave her the 2 quilts that I had the label on. She's going to make the pillow cases for those. 

I got my new tablet in today, so I was working on getting it set up.

Then I got back to putting the labels on the last 2 quilts I have here that need to go to the museum. We are doing good with keeping up on the quilts. I have a few more things I need to keep track of. I asked Nancy and Debbie to get a count on the quilts we have. We did figure out that we have 142 quilts that we have given out. So, we are doing pretty good! 

With all the stuff I had to do today, I'm glad to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Best Laid Plans -

 Okay, we are talking about ME. So when I say "best laid plans" we all know what that means. I've done that so many times in this blog it's getting to the point it's not funny anymore. 

So, MY PLAN was to finish the border on that quilt, get a couple pillow cases done. Yep, best laid plans! It turned out that I didn't get any of that done! 

First I cut the borders, then I went through the fabrics to find some material that will work for pillows. I was able to cut some fabric for pillow cases. I still need a few more. Then as I was working on this, I found out my co-leader Faye can't do the presentation on Thursday. Her husband has covid. So, I needed to get ahold of Debbie to see if she could do our job. Then I had another call. Before I realized what time it was - and realized I had to go bowling tonight - I needed to get moving!

I left my mess on the counter and got busy cutting the backing and batting for the quilts I have that need to go to Connie tomorrow. I had to go and wash one backing. I need to iron it tomorrow and have it ready to go. 

I also need to get Debbie's 2 quilts back to her so she can make the pillow cases. I hurried up and put one label on one of her quilts. I need to do the other by tomorrow so that she can pick those up with the quilts I'm getting from Connie. 

I ended up canceling our BE meeting because of all the stuff I need to do. Then I realized I will have to cancel next week as well because I have a doctors appointment. GRR

It was then time to go bowling! And bowl I did!! I bowled a 159, 236, 197. I was thrilled!! It felt good to get back to bowling "normally." I did go up 2 pins on my average. I'm hoping this is a start! I just need to come off the left side like I did when I was growing up. It's been a long time since I've bowled that close to the gutter. 

Today, as much as I tried - I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Finally Worked On A QOV Quilt!

 This morning I was going to be lazy and work on laundry....yeah, nope. 

I went downstairs and turned the fireplace on. Then I went back down to work on the quilt that was on the wall. Patrick gave me suggestions which at first I didn't like, but did anyway. It turned out better than I thought it would. 

My idea was the red border in the inside. His idea was the blue between the blocks. I wanted to do white, but now I realize why he said no. Don't tell him, but I think it turned out awesome! I added the last red border to be able to stitch the binding on. It wasn't really for the piece but it does help. I will cut the backing tomorrow and get it ready to take to Connie.  At this rate I may have another 4 quilts going to her. I'm getting 3 back on Monday. I need to cut more backing and batting for 2 other quilts. Backing is for this quilt and

This one, once I get the white border added. It was too small for our group, so I decided to add the borders. The red was to make it longer and the white will be the same all around. I need to cut the backing and wash it tomorrow. So, I will be busy getting fabric cut. Connie has 2 quilts that she has ready for us, but needs the backing and batting. So, I will be cutting that as well. 

Tomorrow will be busy downstairs getting things ready to drop off at Connie's. Today turned out better than I thought it would. I really wasn't in the mood to sew but once I got started, it worked out great. 

When I started to add the border on this quilt (up above), I found the edges were not cut right. So, I had to work on squaring it up. I will probably have to double check that again tomorrow before adding the white on it. I don't like adding borders. 

As for now, I don't know what I will do. I'm playing on the tablet right now. I may just keep playing. Not really ready to bead or cross stitch, but that's what I'm saying right now. Tomorrow will tell. 

It felt good to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Trip To Seattle

 This morning we headed to Seattle. It was an hour and forty minutes to Kaiser in Seattle. Patrick was to see the doctor at 11;30 am but we were an hour early and they were an hour late. So, he finally got in around noon. 

I took a walk to get some food. I found a bakery across the street and got a sandwich. I picked up Patrick a German Chocolate Cake that was like the GCC's we used to get. He told me later on that is was. I didn't have any. I had enough with that sandwich I ate around 2 pm. 

While I waited for Patrick to "recover" I was working on my embroidery. 

The first time I decided to call it quits, I had this much done. I played a few games on the phone. Then I actually went back to working on this piece. 

I like the way it's coming along. I need to work on the center. I will work on it more. It's supposed to look stuffed, so I have another layer to do on it. 

We finally left around 4 pm. arriving at home around 6:30 pm. On the way home we were able to see Mt. Rainier in it's full view! I loved the view!

See the busy I-5! We were stop and go for awhile. 

I decided I didn't want to work on anything else today. But today I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Stayed Home

 This morning we were up and moving again. Not far though. 

I had Patrick go downstairs with me and let me know what he thought about the quilt on the wall. I know I have things I need to do, but I want to do another top before too long. If I have to drop some off on Monday, then I want to add another one to the pile. This weekend I will work on getting 2 more tops done. The one that needs another border and the one on my wall.

Then it was time to sit and watch a couple shows. Patrick worked on the roast and I was able to work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the wolf. I made sure I was on track. I did take some stitches out but most of it was done today. I like the mouth area. I'm going to try and get it done but it may be a day or two because we are headed to Seattle tomorrow and I want to get some quilting done as well. I'm looking forward to getting this quarter done. 

Since Patrick is bowling, I'm going to keep working on this piece. I do like this. I'm having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Trying To Decide

 This morning Patrick wanted to make a trip to Olympia. So, first thing we were in the car and on our way. We stopped for gas and then moms. I dropped a few things off at moms and picked up some quilt blocks from her. 

Came home and Patrick headed to golfing. I decided to see what I could do. First I took the black off the Japanese doll quilt top, because it was too thin. Mom had that same fabric and it came apart. The last thing I want is for my quilts to come apart. 

Mom has another black that I will use instead. It's not a solid black, so I think it will work better too. I need a thicker black so it doesn't come apart. I will take it to Kathleen. She told me today that she is retired. I told her I had one more quilt. She said only 1 more is okay. So, I'm going to take this and then I will need to find someone else to machine quilt the quilts I have down there. Sorry to hear she's retired. I will miss her quilts!

I then wanted to play with another quilt. I changed the panel and checked to see if the stars worked with the panel. I like the way it turned out. So, I'm playing with the idea of what to do next. I'm thinking the red border and then putting the stars 2 side by side on each border. I only have 8 stars, so that will work great, I hope. I'm still thinking and will decide tomorrow. The red has stars in it, and I think it goes with the star blocks. 

After that, I decided to listen to a book and play games. I got tired, so took a nap. Then I was going to cross stitch but never did get to that stage. I'm still a little tired. Connie called to say the quilts are done, so Monday I will go and exchange quilts with her. I want to try and get a couple more to take to her. She's okay with having a pile. So, I will be dropping quilts off as they come in. I need to cut some backing for her as well. She's going to get a lot from me on Monday. lol 

It wasn't quiet a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Day That Ended Up Being A Quiet Day!

 This morning Patrick and I were up and getting a few things done. Funny thing was that we went to bed around 8 pm because I was beat. We had paperwork that needed to be done. I also had some QOV stuff that needed to be worked out. It's a rough road for the presentation next week. I won't be there, but I've got things worked out now. 

Then I decided to work on the cross stitching. 

I wanted to get as far as I could. I finished the left side of the robe. I am really happy with that. While I worked on this Patrick went around to get the meters read for our water system. I did get a lot done. It's coming along great. I did get rid of the APP that I had for stitching! It didn't work for me. 

Wish I had more to say, but really don't. Just enjoyed working on my Santa. That's what Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting is!

Monday, January 10, 2022

Worn Out! LOL

 I couldn't sleep last night. I did get some sleep but kept waking up and couldn't go back to sleep. 

This morning started out with going downstairs and cutting the backing for a QOV quilt, and then ironing the fabric. I needed to get it done so I could drop the quilt off this morning. 

First stop was the church to drop of the quilt. It was locked and as I was getting ready to call them, the cleaning lady let me in. She unlocked the door after I left. Then to the bank. Once that was done, headed to McD's to get  drinks for Cindy and I. Headed to the grange for our BE meeting. There was water over the road when I got about a block from the grange. 

Cindy and I chatted and stitched. I even gave the grange a lot of boxes full of garage sale stuff. It was so nice to get the boxes out of the house and garage. Then it was time to stitch. I was happy to get a lot done today. 

I finished the 2nd corner and started on the 3rd corner. It's close to being half finished. One more to go and then I will be getting to the flowers. 

As I was leaving, I forgot I put my ice tea on the top of the van. By the time I realized it, it went flying across my hood and on the ground. I cleaned up the cup and lid, then head on to my next stop. Even Gene was trying to tell me I had my drink on top of the van - if I would have seen him, I would have figured it out!

Stopped at the bowling alley and chatted with Kathy about our league. She's been doing good and keeping up with the work. Things change and sometimes she has to make the changes at the last minute. Hopefully after this week, we will be back to normal. 

Came home to find Patrick was golfing. Faye left me a check that was sent to QOV for a donation. It was nice to get! I had to get it off to nationals. Then I had to check with Nancy and Faye about what they needed for the presentation on the 20th. I won't be there because of my doctors appointment in Olympia. I ended up being on the phone from 2 pm till Patrick got home at 4 pm. I ended up chatting with Faye twice, Nancy twice, Sharon H once, Sharon M twice and mom. I had that phone to my ear way too long. I was running around getting stuff put away and getting my stuff updated. By the time I sat down - after supper - I felt like I was beat! So, I'm going to call today an early night. I'm heading to bed in about an hour or so. I really am tired. Way too much going through my mind and way too much stuff going on! At least I could enjoy my BE meeting and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Bowling Night

 This morning I wasn't in the mood to work on anything. I played games and I cooked. 

It's funny, Patrick wanted stew, and I did what his mothers recipe said to do. Of course he wanted me to add spices and then I needed to check on this and that. Finally told him if he wanted to make it, go for it. lol He backed off. Then he was surprised that he liked it!! Go figure. I made some rolls to go with it. Turned out to be really good. 

I cut backing for Debbie. She gave me her quilt that needs to be quilted. I cut the backing and 2 battings. I had the one from Laura. I have to cut it more, so I can drop off the quilt at the church tomorrow morning on my way to embroidery. 

I washed the backing and need to iron it in the morning. Plus I have to cut off some of the fabric because the church is very specific with what they get. 

We went to bowling. Man was it busy for me! I had been asked this or that. I was also in the middle of the bowling alley and the league. Our county President wrote a letter to the new owners. Neither one of them get along with each other. The bowling alley gave the letter out for everyone to read. The President of the county went a little too far on this. What a pain! 

I bowled really bad! I started with a 134, 142 and then FINALLY 170. I couldn't find the right place to stand. I couldn't seem to get the corner to work for me. What a pain! I kept trying and got nowhere fast! Oh, well. Dropped another pin on my average. 20 pins off my average is a pain in the rear!

It was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Another Saturday!

 This morning started out with me playing games. Then it was time for Patrick to go bowling. They were making up for the snow day that his team couldn't go. This week his league canceled because of the flood. 

While he was gone, I made some Banana Nut Bread that was a recipe from my "adopted" grandmother. It is easy and a very good recipe. I like some of the old recipes. I also found her Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake Recipe that I'm going to try later this week. It's pretty close to the Chocolate Chip Date Cake that Patrick's mom was good for. Then I got to work on laundry. 

I pretty much played my game today. I want to get it done. It's one that goes for the weekends and not during the week. I like challenges, just wish it wasn't only on the weekends. 

Once I decided to do some work, I got back to my Santa. I'm working on the coat part and will have it hanging here pretty soon. It's coming along pretty good. I did have to take out some red at the end of the gold area. I had missed a line. I have the right side done now. I'm working to the left and will get to the middle area soon. That's what's fun with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 7, 2022

Flooding In Centralia - We Are Safe

 Woke to the news about Centralia and Chehalis being under water. Downtown was okay. The place around the Veterans Memorial Museum was flooded but didn't make it in the museum. They built it up high enough. The main road (Harrison) in Centralia was closed down along with I-5. We watched the news and saw the damage. I could not get out to go to moms. I was blocked off with flooding all around. The freeway at Rush Road was closed, Jackson Hwy was closed, and Bishop Road was closed. So, the only way I could get out is to go south. I have no place to go south, so stayed home. 

I needed to get the water paperwork done. Doing a close end of the year. It worked out fine. I played games and worked on my Santa. 

I was able to get more done on the coat. I also got most of the grass done on the right side. It's coming along nicely.  Of course Sophie had to help me out too. I was able to get a lot done. I'm hoping to finish the corner and get moving toward the middle. 

It turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Cleaning The Last Of It Today

 This morning we woke to the phone going off that Flooding is expected by tonight (which it is). We got both a text and a call telling us the river by us is in the flood watch and was expected to go over the river levels tonight. Patrick's bowling league canceled due to flooding in Centralia. We found out Jackson Hwy is flooded as well. Then the other road we use to get to the freeway was also closed. Debbie was lucky to get home when she did. (She picked up fabric for her QOV quilt)

Then we decided to get a few things done downstairs. Wanted to clean up the area where we were staying while they were doing the floors. It's a small room off my sewing area. We also had a few things to do in the other room where the bed was. So, we spend a good amount of time down cleaning up the rooms. I then wanted to clean up my counter. I want to get that counter out of the room and put the one that Dan's grandfather made for his mother. Patrick wanted to get rid of it, and I told him no. I want that down there. It's smaller than the one I have, but that's a good thing. Plus it's at a better cutting angle for me. It has drawers and that's okay with me. That way I can clean up the stuff I have and make myself downsize a little more. 

OH!! I found my embroidery work!! I thought I lost it here the last 4 days. I've been looking and today I was telling Patrick where I looked and asked if he had seen it. He didn't. Till an hour went by and he told me to check with my tray of beading work. I had it there before we moved everything downstairs. Sure enough - that's where it was! I was thrilled because I was at the point of asking friends if I left it with them. All said no. Of course they did - I put it away where I couldn't find it!!

The table in the room where the bed was, is where I am stacking the backing fabric for QOV. It gets them off the floor and is easier to get to. I think Patrick even put the batting over there too. I put the quilt tops that need to be quilted next to them. I have one quilt top I need to cut the backing and batting for. The other quilt top needs another border and will put that on later. Not in the mood to sew, plus our quilters are already full with quilts. 

I don't think my sewing room as been so clean in a long time. I have three cutting boards on the counter. One I use to cut the backing and batting when I roll them out on the floor. I put the sewing machine down for now. I will pull it out when I need it. My counter is less crowded and I have more room. Still have a couple things that I'm not sure what I want to do with just yet. Plus I have 2 quilts that need to be finished quilting. I may have to get back to those soon, as I found the fabric to use for the binding of the one that is 20 years old. I also found the list of women who helped me in the border round robin back then. They are all from Canada. I was the only one from the US. 

I also found the box of 3 1/2" squares that mom cut with all that extra fabric we had in the QOV box that wasn't very big. I will work on getting them done into nine patches. I may even do more half square triangles to get those done too. Oh, what fun. More sewing!

Came upstairs to find Sophie messing around her tree. I got a few photos, and posted one of the better ones on Instagram. She's so much fun to watch! Plus she is a pill when it comes to me working on something! 

I wanted to get more done on my "Santa of the Forest" cross stitch. Of course, Sophie wanted me to pet her more! So, I would stitch and feel this tough on my hand or even a nudge. Which meant I wasn't supposed to work on anything. I petted her and kept working but didn't get as much done as I would have liked. The last row on the right is the bottom of the piece with the exception of the coat which will come down a little more. I'm finding other cross stitch projects I want to do, but I need to finish a few things first. 

I'm actually in the computer room and really like it in here. It turned out awesome! I've even been putting my stuff away, so that it's not out and about. I will take one thing out at a time. I don't want to have a pile of the stuff I'm working on by my chair anymore. I like the "clean" look. I really must be getting old when I begin to think I need to clean more!! Or even pick up my stuff more!! At least I'm putting things away now. I have a few things on eBay and hope they will sell. I kept 2 of the cross stitch stuff that didn't sell before and will wait till I know they are in demand. I hate to just give them away. Even though I made them. The other stuff, not so worried about. 

Between cleaning and stitching, it made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Day For The Movies

 I actually slept in till about 10:30 am. I was tired and really didn't want to get up. Patrick went out to the garage to get ready for the people picking up the furniture he posted on Facebook "free." They came around 11:30 am and surprisingly they fit it all in their truck. It was 8 pieces of furniture - 2 desks, 2 speakers (old), an end table and a couple more things I can't remember. We were thrilled to get them out of the house and garage. It made room for a lot of stuff. 

I decided to post a few things on eBay hoping to sell them. Hate to give them to the Grange to sell, but may have to. 

I decided to sell this. I have it with free shipping. It's just the pattern, but it is cute! I do hope it goes to someone who wants it. 

I also decided to sell this quilters (crafters) tool. I rarely used it. I had it in case, but I really think I only ever used it once. So, I'm hoping to sell it too. I have about 7 auctions going. Cross stitch and quilting stuff. 

Then mom and Nancy showed up to see the changes in the house. They really liked what we have done. While they were here the nobs for the cabinets came in. So, after they left, we started take the old nobs off (Nancy said she would take those), and got about half way when it was time to leave for the movies. 

We arrived at the movies around 3:30 pm. The room where the movie was ended up being without lights, so had to put a flashlight on to get in. Patrick let them know. We went to the Spiderman movie. I really wasn't that impressed with it. I usually don't care for Spiderman movies anyway, but this one I really didn't care for. Disappointed actually. I was hoping for a little better ending or even a little better story line. Not my favorite at all. Afterwards we stopped and got a burger at Wendy's and I wasn't too thrilled with that either. Patrick asked for no cheese and he ended up with 2 slices of cheese. Mine was a little dry and I had everything on it. Go figure. 

We got back home and Patrick got to work on the cabinet nobs again. He's almost finished. I didn't feel like working on my beading - which I need to get back to. It turned out that today (like yesterday) was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Finished The Bookmark!

Today I was expecting Patrick to go golfing but it was called off. They decided the rain was in the way. So, instead, Patrick and I got back to straightening things up again. I changed the boxes that has my table clothes so I could use the box (air tight) for photos. We ended up with 3 full boxes of photos. Also had 4 boxes (downstairs!) of  genealogy. We throw out a few things and cleaned up other things. My china cabinet that I got from my grandmother was cleaned up and I moved the dolls into another container. I cleaned out the drawer that had a lot of stuff including my dairies from the 1980's. I haven't done dairies for about 20 years now. I had dairies from the age of 10 on to these. When dad told me he found them and read them, I told him to burn them. He did. I was okay with that. I really don't want to remember the things I did when I was a teenager. Grandmother was the one that got me onto dairies. Funny thought, because this is sort of a diary for me. lol 

 I found this in the spare bedroom! I completely forgot I had this!! I can't even remember where I got it. Everything is there. 

The bobbin is different! I love this. 

I even have 4 more of these! So cool! I'm excited to see this. I decided to keep this one. I may even try it out one day. It's in a cabinet but the top part of the cabinet where the machine comes out is gone. That is the ONLY they missing. I have the owner manual and the certificate when it was sold - 1944! So cool!

After all that work downstairs, I came up and wanted to finish up the bookmark for Nancy. I'm so frustrated with the ends! I gave up and put fraycheck on it. I should have done that in the beginning, but didn't think of it till Patrick mentioned it. ugh. 

I put it on - on wax paper so it wouldn't stick to anything else. I finally have it done and hope she's okay with it. I realized I put the beads on wrong! I wanted them in the middle and it's over to the right too much. Drives me crazy and I may take it out tomorrow and reposition it. Who knows. I feel bad about this and not sure if I should give it as a gift. 

Today was busy and hard working, but we did put the furniture we decided to get rid of on Facebook. Within 3 mins we had someone wanting them. Patrick decided to put them all up for free. I'm okay with that. So, tomorrow they will pick them up and it will be out of the garage. That will be nice. As we were saying it's stuff the kids don't want and we don't need. It makes it easier to get rid of it now then have the kids messing with it. I agree. 

At least I was able to get some time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! (Sort of!)

Monday, January 3, 2022

Not My Best Day

 This morning I was up early to finish up my game. I got it done just before it was time to go to my BE meeting. 

Last night I received an email saying Sandy was in a car accident. I was trying to get more information, so I contacted her daughter. Apparently she was hit by a drunk driver n the afternoon yesterday. She was in Harbor View Medical Center. She broke her neck and was being fitted for braces. She's in a lot of pain and will be heading back up there. She's got a back and neck brace. I just got word she's back home. She's lucky she didn't get killed!

Cindy and I worked on a few things Cindy had. I didn't do much. I tried to finish up the bookmark, and I'm really not happy with it. The work I was trying to do, it didn't come out and had to cut part of the top off. Came home and sewed the ends down. I didn't like what I had to do on one of the ends. Not happy with the way I had to finish it. I want to add beads to it. 

On the way home I was hungry. So, I stopped at the BBQ place - they were closed. Went to the bowling alley and it would have been a 20 min wait on the food. So, I went to McD's and it was closed down to just the app. I don't order on the app, so went to Safeway to pick up a few things. I picked up a corn dog, and ate it as I headed home. Was so mad that I couldn't get a hamburger! lol I wanted a hamburger, then thought I'd get a chicken sandwich - both of which I wasn't able to get. UGH 

I worked on my bowling stuff and a few other things. Couldn't get in the mood to work on anything. Guess I'm worried more about Sandy then I am in the mood to do anything. It wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Bowling Night - Bad News

 Today started out pretty good. I was up and playing my games. Then I had to do some laundry and clean up a bit. Not that much to clean, but when you have a cat, it's sometimes more often. 

I worked on getting my TAST done. Didn't get it done, but worked on it. 

I'm up to week 32. So, I have a ways to go to get this done. I'm just playing with it. I do like learning new techniques. I have no clue what I will do with it when it's done, but I can say I am learning from it. A couple of them were a little harder than most. 

Then it was off to bowling. Of course it was the day that I forgot my phone. So, a few messages came in. I did bowl better today. 163, 204, 164. I'm working on it. I lost it on the last game. I was doing really good with no opens till the end of the last game. grrr

We stopped at Safeway on the way home. I looked at my text messages and got a message from Cindy saying Sandy was in the Emergency room! I texted Sandy and she's not doing good. She didn't say what happened other than a truck hit her. So, she won't be in BE tomorrow. I told her to let me know what the surgeon says. Don'ts sound good, and I'm worried. I wish I knew more about what was going on. I will just have to wait and hear from her. She was tired and needed to rest. I'm praying she's going to be okay. 

My day turned out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Trying To Finish A Finish LOL

 Today started out pretty good. I'm happy to say, it ended just as well. 

I wanted to get laundry done - and I'm close. I have one more load to put in the dryer. 

I wanted to get my bookmark done. 

I finished the cross stitching. I just need to finish the ends. I will do some looking to see if I have the off white thread and will go from there. If not I may use a black. Then again, maybe not. I will think on this one.  I know enough embroidery designs, I should be able to figure something out. 

We watched movies and I was able to listen to my book as well. I'm enjoying the book, just need to find the time to listen to it. Working on my projects is a great time - unless Patrick comes up with some ideas for movies. I'm getting there though. Love this book. 

My day turned out to be a really good New Year day, and I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...