Monday, October 31, 2022

Busy Day....From One Place To Another

This morning was first stop to the bank, second stop to the bowling alley, and then to the grange to enjoy some time with Cindy and Sandy. We talked and worked on our projects. I was able to get a bead in on the tree as well as a few leaves. I didn't get a photo, but will do that when I work on it next. I have my new class this Saturday. 

Then it was off to Connie's to drop off my quilt. Also took her her backing and batting. We chatted for a little bit. She has been getting a few quilt tops done as well as quilting them. I'm amazed at how much she gets done. 

Next stop was Bill and Bea's for 2 burgers. Once I had those I was off to moms. We had lunch together before she had visitors. I enjoyed about 20 mins with Irene who used to live across the street from mom. They just sold the house. She's now in the Colonial House at Stillwaters Estates. She was looking good but she's lost some weight. Next stop to Georgie's to drop off some embroidery and quilt blocks. 

I changed this around but didn't take a photo. I will probably do what I have on the floor downstairs. That will get another quilt done. (All after I got home and Debbie came over)

I was out the door to my PT. I arrived just as he was at the door. I spent the next hour doing exercises. He worked on my "tight" legs and back. I was in pain a couple times when he stuck his thumb in my back. lol 

Finally came home. Got backing and batting done for Debbie. Then she came over and collected some more fabric. We chatted for a little bit and then she left. She finished another top so at this rate, I need to get moving! Georgie gave me a couple more blocks that would go with the quilt I have on the floor. When I checked it out they were different backings. 

It's Halloween and I miss not having children stop by for treats. Time really have changed. I just relaxed the rest of the day. I'm just lucky I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

I Should Quit Bowling!

 This morning I was up and enjoying the morning - till I started doing laundry and cleaning up. Then I decided I was going to work on getting that last panel done for the ornament. So, between loads of laundry I listened to my book and watched the Seahawks WIN! Yeah! 

Just as I finished the panel, I had to get ready for my virtual meeting. We do embroidery in our virtual meeting. I showed my bonsai tree and wanted to get some work on it, but ended up chatting instead. Which means I didn't get much done. Plus I end up eating supper when I'm in the meeting. 

Then it was time to leave early to go bowling. I swear! I really need to go back to beginner learning lessons! I could not find one place or mark that worked for me. I would strike but then in all three games I had 9 splits! 4 in one game! Not my night!! I didn't even get a 145 discouraging! At this rate, I'm loosing interest in the game! I've been bowling since I was 12!!! You would think I would know by now how to bowl! Oh, well. We bowled the Vacant team and won all 4 games. I was getting ticked at Nick because he was so dang slllllooooowwww getting up there to bowl. I was getting frustrated with my bowling as well as frustrated with him taking so freaking long!! And I bowl after him!! UGH! 

My best part of the day was when I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Now It's Saturday

 This morning we were woken by a hawk breaking the window above my bed. Good thing it was a double pane window. Now we are going to have to get the window fixed. 

I was enjoying the morning but still tired. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. When I woke an hour later, I went back to bed. I got up after another hour of sleep. Sat down to watch TV and Patrick said we still had time to go to the movies. So, we headed out. 

We watched "Ticket to Paradise" and I loved it! It was really good. Patrick doesn't like Julia Roberts but I do. He actually enjoyed the movie as well. It was funny but not stupid. More like what I like. I thought of my daughter a couple times with the comments that were out there. lol 

Came home and made supper. Of course had to do my exercises again. 

I pulled out my beading. I was able to get over half of what you see done. I will try and finish it later this week. I really do need to get this done. It's the last panel in the set. 

I worked on getting my beading going. That will always keep my Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday Not Saturday

Today started out with me sleeping till 10:30 am. I took a Zantac to help with my headache at 4 am. So, the first thing I do is SNORE and not quietly! lol - At least I knew it was working! After that, I slept and couldn't wait up to get up. I would wake up and roll over and go back to sleep. 

When I finally got up, I played a couple games. Then I decided it was time to make the snickerdoodle cookies. Patrick has been asking for them for a few days now, so I got moving. Then I made him help me with the cookies. I had never made the cookies and I think I can do it again. It's not a bad as it looked but it's not that easy either. 

Once all that was done, I wanted to sit and relax. Then Patrick started watching his shows he taped - that I don't care for. After the first one, I went downstairs. I was able to get the top and part of the bottom done when I realized I needed to run into town. I headed out and came back in about 45 mins. 

Back downstairs. 

 I didn't make it downstairs till after supper. When I did, I wanted to finish this up. I brought it up for Patrick to see - this photo. It's looking better today then it did yesterday. I'm happy with this one. Now I need to put another one together. lol I have the backing in the wash to have it ready for Monday when I will take it to Connie. 

I wasn't able to finish my exercises because of my side muscle disagreeing with me on the my exercises. 

This morning I was thinking it was Saturday...and as the day went on....I was thinking it's Saturday. Maybe it's because we didn't have anything going on. I didn't have to go to moms. I hope I get over the fact today is NOT Saturday and tomorrow will be. Even when Patrick said he wanted to go to the movies Saturday, I was thinking NEXT Saturday. Go figure. Nope, today is Friday NOT Saturday. 

At least I can say Friday was a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Another Trip To Olympia

Today I was glad I didn't have to get up early. I was enjoying my time while Patrick golfed. I worked on laundry and then decided to go downstairs to work on a quilt top. First I did my exercises. Then I chatted with mom. Next Sharon called. That took some time. Oh, heck, better get lunch. 

By the time I got downstairs it was after noon. 

 I worked on this. Not my favorite but it will work. I wanted to use those blocks by the stars. Diane's sister-in-law made them and they needed to go in a quilt. It works, but the blue fabric has writing in white in it. So, the photo doesn't do it justice. I need a border and I have no clue what I will do. Patrick will help me tomorrow. 

We went up to Olympia. Stopped at Costco to pick us stuff. Had supper up there. Then when we got back Patrick had to leave right away for bowling. I went downstairs and sewed the pieces together. I have the top and bottom rows to sew on, then try and decide what to do with the border. It's different. Again, not my favorite but it will do. 

I forgot to do my exercises, so I was doing them when Patrick got home. I'm going to get this back in shape one way or another! At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sad News Today & Presentation Day

This morning I went to moms early because of my physical therapy. I parked at moms and then walked over to the physical therapists. Before I went, I stopped in to see mom. She was in a good mood. Said she had to take Daisy to the vet. So, we both left at the same time. As I was getting out of the therapy, I received a text. Mom said they were doing tests on Daisy and they thought her kidneys were failing. I told her I was sorry to hear that. As I reached moms, I received another text that she was putting Daisy to sleep. Hard break! I asked Nancy to go and comfort mom because I had to be at the presentation before others. She gave me a list of things she needed and I went to Walmart first. Then I went to pick up coffee for the 3 of us. (Debbie was the third). She was getting things in order for me. 

One of the veterans didn't come on the bus. So, we worked on getting his family to go get him. We were at 1:10 pm when he went to get his father. At 1:15 about I got started because they didn't want to wait till 1:30 pm when he would probably arrive. We told everyone that we would take a break when he arrived so Smiley could chat with him about his service. As we were starting to award the quilts, he arrived. He was then next to receive the quilt. Before when we took the break, we gave a raffle gift out. Then he came up and received his quilt. As he walked down the aisle he was crying. I realized he was a Vietnam Veteran. I felt for him! He family was very supportive and wonderful. We had everyone get in for the group photos - which I didn't get this time. I'm waiting on Diane to send the photos.  

I came home and realized I forgot to stop at Safeway for fried chicken. So, I dropped the 2 quilts off that need binding. Then I got back in the car and went to pick up supper. Came home and pretty much relaxed all the rest of the day. I did have to do my exercises. Which are going to be taking some getting used to. I have to do them 2 x's a day. With 2 of them 3 x's a day. I'm working on it. 

We will be heading up to Olympia tomorrow afternoon. I will have plenty of time tomorrow to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A Little Of This And That

Today started out with Patrick leaving and me going out for a walk. I walked twice around the block and then stopped at Cherrill's to see how she's doing. We got caught up on each other. It's nice to have tea with her. 

Came home and played a few games. Then when Patrick arrived he reminded me I needed to do the certificates for the presentation tomorrow. So, I printed them downstairs and decided to lay the blocks out downstairs to see if I could get a quilt out of it. I was 2 blocks short. 

Trying to find 2 more blocks. If I don't I will probably find something to put in the middle of the quilt that will cover 2 squares. I'm not sure what, but I will work on it. 

 Had to get ready for supper and board meeting. I wasn't looking forward to the meeting. I'm actually getting tired of trying to figure out where we will be going for Seminar. The looking is taking way to long. So, I just stayed mute most of the time. That way my comments aren't heard. lol The meeting ended just as supper was done. Patrick made a mac & cheese that he found a recipe for. It turned out really good!

Then I decided to try and get some stitching in. Wasn't sure if I wanted to do embroidery or beading. Embroidery won out. 

I worked on the bowl again. Tried to fill in the rim a little but I think I will do more of that later. I need to use the magnifier to fill it in more. I worked on the bottom part of the bowl as well. It made it nice to get some stitching in for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, October 24, 2022

Plans Were Changed.....

This morning I had plans to go to our BE meeting, going to moms and then physical therapy. Well, that doesn't happen in that order. 

I received a call at 7:45 am. Bob called to ask if I could come in a little earlier for physical therapy. We worked it out to be at 12:45 pm. I figured I could leave early from the BE meeting. We were sitting in the living room before it was time to leave and Sandy I texted to say Cindy was sick and won't be going. Then asked if we should go ahead and meet. Told her it's up to her. She had a few things to do, so we canceled. Okay, that changed things up as well. Mom called and asked if I would like a BLT for lunch. Said sure and told her I would be over earlier than expected. 

After taking care of my errands, I headed to moms. I arrived to find out she had to go get stitches in her thumb because she cut herself while cutting fresh bread early this morning. I was just happy it happened before I got there because I would have been on the floor. Passing out is more my style. She was laughing. She drove herself over to the doctors were they fixed her up with 2 stitches. 

We had lunch and then I headed over to physical therapy. He worked me over and gave me a list of exercises to work on. I was told to stop a few that I was doing. I was also told to continue with some of the others. I also have to walk 2 miles a day. UGH. Exercises are to be done twice a day. I will have to do them first thing in the morning and then again around 7 pm when I normally do. 

Came home and listened to my book. I was only in need of an hour to listen to the recent book. I finished that while I was playing. 

Then I decided to watch TV with Patrick. AND do embroidery - since I missed it today. 

I worked on the rim and then decided to do the bowl before moving the hoop to get the other side. I was able to get more stitches done. I also received the floss I ordered when I chatted with Debbie on Friday. That was fast - from FL. I worked on getting that in order. I ordered the floss for the "Ruth's Farewell" piece so I can finish that up as well. It turned out to be a day that had plans changed. We all know how that work with me! It didn't stop me from being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Beading While Seahawks Won!

 This morning I was playing games. It's a way that I can relax but at times I don't want to do anything else. 

Cleaning day. So, I got 4 loads of laundry done as well as the kitty litter. I completely change the litter box on Sundays. It a good to get a few things done. Now I just need to find something to make for dessert or even cookies. I will try and find something like that later this week. 

Patrick woke with a sore neck. He's had that for a few days, but today seemed to be a little worse. He decided he's not going to bowl tonight. (I'm working on this before we go so I can finish it when I get home)

I worked on beading while we watched the game. I would listen to my book since I really didn't want the play on play action. I'm happy to say I finished the panel on the left and started the Columbine. Once that is done I will have a set for one ornament. I will then work on a couple more. I'm thinking of changing the greenery on the next one. I want the darker green with the medium green. 

I have backing and batting ready for Debbie. Not sure when she is coming to get it. I will be out all day tomorrow. My physical therapy starts tomorrow. WooHoo!

Patrick didn't bowl tonight. He was having issues with his neck. So, we bowled. Won 3 of 4 games. Bowled a team that is easy to win at times. They kicked butt on the first game. By the last game they were bowling 89 to 106 scores. I bowled a 153, 189, and 158. Not my best! I had a 500 series. I thought I had a 501 but guess not. Not my best bowling. I need to get this back worked on and back in shape so I can bowl better. Plus I need to figure out the lanes so I won't keep messing up! Oh, well. At least my day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Getting Ready For Another Class

This morning I didn't feel like getting up. I knew I had my class introduction at 10 am and knew I had to get up. So, I got up and headed to my class. 

We had 4 of us today. Plus the teacher - Debbie Goff. One of the gals couldn't make it, so Debbie was going to contact her to make sure she gets what she needs to attend. Debbie showed how to work with the wire for the wings. We decided that we would have the wings ready for our second class. We don't start for a couple more weeks. Then it's only a 2 section class. We were only on the introduction for about 30 mins. Then I was ready to move on. 

Patrick suggested we go to the movies. I was okay with that. I really would have liked to have stayed home, but I do want to see a couple movies that are out there. It took about 5 mins to get the gal to use our credits for pop corn and soda. Can you imagen what it's like when you have a long line waiting to pay? UGH The last three times we went they said they were having trouble with their computer going slow. This was the slowest it has ever been. They need a new system. 

We saw "Black Adams" and I loved it! It's a really good movie. I would love to see it again. There were things that can easily get missed. I loved the characters. I really, really enjoyed the movie! It's well worth going to. 

Came home and played a few games. Then decided I needed to get some work done on something. So, I pulled out my beading. 

I worked a few more stitches/rows in on this. I will try and finish it later. I still want to go downstairs and try to get another quilt top done. That will have to be a day when I have plenty of time. Tomorrow is bowling, Monday is embroidery and moms. So at this rate it might not happen till Wednesday or Thursday. Tues is a trip to Olympia. My week is filling up fast! But I'm going to try and find time for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 21, 2022

An Enjoyable Day

 This morning started out good and ended good. I had my class and Patrick worked outside. 

My class with Debbie Goff was short. We talked about what I was able to do in my class project. She was telling me that when I get the "hair" done, then I can wash the piece. After it's washed then I can tie the hair back and trim it. I'm actually liking that idea. I showed her were I was on my project and then we chatted about tomorrow's meeting. We start the next class tomorrow with a get together. Then in 2 weeks we start the class which is 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to it. 

This is my next class. The butterflies are not attached to the background. Or another way to say it, is that the butterflies are free standing. I wanted to be ready for the class, so I cut the floss and put them on my keepers. I have it all in the bag ready to go. That way I don't have to take the floss and unravel it while in class. I have it all set and ready to go. 

I then got busy making Chocolate Chip Date Cake that is my mother in law's recipe. It turned out awesome! I listened to the end of my book and then it was time to go out to eat. 

We went to Olympia for the Outback. One the way home we stopped and dropped off some fabric and batting at Connie's. I just need to get busy and make a couple tops. Since it's raining - I may just do that. 

When we got back home we had dessert and then watched the new movie about Good and Evil on Netflix. I seriously liked that movie! It looks like they have it set up for another one. I'm loving it! Well worth watching! One of the better movies. I was having trouble with my foot crapping so I had to walk around while watching it. 

When my foot was behaving, I was able to get a few beads done on this. I'm working on the third Queen Anne's Lace panel. 

All in all, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Visiting Mom

Today I went over to moms. I had told her I would be over. I didn't go till around 10 am. I took some chicken from the roasted chicken that we had. I had enough for a couple lunches. I left some of it for her when I left. She looked great and even put her makeup on today. She was in a good mood and it was an enjoyable time with her. 

We both sat and watched the Unsolved Mystery. 

I worked on my embroidery. I added the tree part on the middle left. Then I started working on the bowl. I need to fill in a few move stitches. It's a little "gappy." We were in about 5 shows! lol I wanted to get more done but time went by faster than I could get the stitches done. I'm having fun, just not getting as much done as I wanted. 

Came home and got a text from Connie. She wanted to stop by and get some more fabric for pillow cases. Her and JoAnn came about 6 pm. Patrick had left already for his meeting and then bowling. 

Connie and JoAnn came and I gave her a ton of fabric for the pillow cases. We talked about the piece I have on the wall. I told them what I was thinking. I have 2 quilt tops that I can get done this weekend if I get there. I have a virtual class tomorrow. Then I have the start of my other class on Saturday. It's going to be fun! The next class won't be as long. It will be fun to see how to do some of the stuff she has on the next piece. I will be showing that as I go. I just wish I had more done to show her. lol Just keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A Day Of Doing NOTHING!

 Today was a day of doing Nothing! I really didn't do a thing. Except maybe laundry. Other than that, nothing. I played my games, had tea, and just tried to get my FB page to work right. Still haven't done that. 

So, I'm sorry to say, today was not a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Finish - Even When Busy!

 We had to leave early this morning and head up to Olympia. Patrick was getting his immunotherapy. While he was in there, I was sitting in the waiting room. I was able to work on my embroidery and have a great time. 

The "Brazilian Fantasy" was finished while waiting on Patrick! I was thrilled to finally get all the French knots done. I do like it now that it's done. 

Came home and I wanted to get my game challenge done. It took a lot. But I couldn't get it done before I had to head back out and pick Ziva up. My granddoggie was having some teeth removed today. I went to pick her up. Poor thing! 

Came home and decided to try and finish the game - which I did. Then I worked on my beading. 

I was able to finish the 2nd on of 3. Now I need to do one more of this one and one more of the other one. Then I will have 1 set of the ornament. I will have to do more. I will work on more later. 

Right now I think I need to get one more QOV top made. Plus I want to work on my embroidery from my class. Chances are that will be first. I'm just happy to have one done. It went fast. I need to try and work just as hard on the Bonsai tree. - It will keep me going and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 17, 2022

A Day Of Embroidery

 The day started out with me stopping at McD's for tea and coffee. Then on the way to the grange. I arrived to find Sandy II there. She came from Ocean Shores. We had a good chat and I showed her the piece I was working on for the guide. She helped me with what I needed to do. Trouble was, I didn't realize there wasn't instructions for the small flower. Which meant I was on my own. 

We sat and chatted for awhile before Sandy I came in. A half hour later Cindy arrived. 

I was able to work on all the greenery. I had most of it done before I left today. Sandy II left about an hour earlier than we did. 

I had to go get us a pizza for supper. Then I headed to the bowling alley. We did win the quarter!! 

Came on home. Debbie stopped by to get backing and batting. We talked about the fabric we need for backing. I need to place an order this week. I will do that tomorrow or the next day. I want to remember that for tomorrow when we get back from Olympia. 

I decided not to play so much with games and work on finishing the designed embroidery. 

I worked on the flowers around the outside. I will finish that up tomorrow and then work on the French knots that go around the center piece. THEN I can put it back in the mail and get it out of the house. I didn't want to wait till the last minute and this way I can get it out to Charlette. I'm not sure I like the colors but it's looking pretty good. I just hope they like my work. 

This is interesting because I actually am trying to finish this. I'm also finding myself busy to get a few things done. I need to work on the ornaments as well. As much as I would like to get another QOV top done, I'm not there yet. BUT I am getting closer to wanting to get another top done. i may do that this week as well. EVEN THOUGH I have about 6 projects in different stages! I hate that! 


Red Sun due to the fire smoke!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

TV, Embroidery And Bowling

 This morning Patrick was out the door to go get his blood tests in Olympia. I tried to sleep a little longer, but that didn't happen. 

I played my games for a little bit. Then when Patrick came home, he had doughnuts! Had to eat those! 

Then we sat and watched TV. It was time to get some of the shows we were missing done. I was okay with that because I wanted to get the embroidery done for BDEIG. 

I started at this point. I had all this done yesterday. I was thrilled to get this much done. 

I had to read the instructions that came with this piece. The greenery was "suggested" as a medium green. So, I went downstairs and pulled a green that I thought would work. It was originally the light blue that is in the center where I did French knots. This has more French knots and I'm going to do those last. Then I can get it in the mail. I will try to get it done this week. I need to send it off and get back to my stuff. 

Now off to bowling. 

We won 3 games. Almost lost 2 but pulled it out. Patrick had a 623 series and he was the one that won the game for us. We were trying to win the quarter. We had to win 3 games in order to have it. Thank goodness we pulled it out. There for awhile I thought we only had 2 games. I did bowl a 211 and had a 511 series. Better than I have done in a long time! It felt good to get a good game out of it. My other games weren't so good. I'm just glad we won the quarter! 

All in all it was a good day. Even being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Posting Early Today

 This morning I was up early, my hip didn't want me to sleep any longer. I listened to the last of another audiobook. I'm enjoying some new ones. Funny how so many books now are "series" that go on for over 20 books. I don't mind half the time because that gives me a book to listen to. I have started a couple new series and found they go for about 4 books and stop. All because the last book was published this year. 

We decided to watch the Mariners!! I'm still watching this game as it's in the 14th inning. No one has scored. I keep hoping the Mariners pull it out! If not, we can't say they didn't try! 

I'm working on the piece for the guild. I got most of the center done today. I'm not sure if I like it. I don't care for the colors. But they asked me to make it with those colors. I will get some greens out of my supply. I received a note on what I can do and what not to. They usually have beads on this, but we are not supposed to do the beads. I have to do French knots instead. So, that's what I'm doing around the center. Once that is done I will work on the hearts. Then I need to find the greens she requested and work with that. I'm hoping to get it done soon, since I need to mail it back. 

We are heading to the playhouse to see a play. It a mystery play. I'm looking forward to it. Since it doesn't get out till around 11 pm, I decided to just get this posted and not worrying about doing it when I get home. 

Now we are going into the 15th inning! We can hope!

It's a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Class Day - What Fun!

This morning I was just enjoying the morning. Got a call from Les Matheson asking if I knew where his brother was. He's been looking for Kenny for the past month. So, I got on the computer and sent some messages out to other family members to see if they have been in contact with him.  Chances are they haven't. Les called me yesterday to see if I had found him. Today it was like he forgot he talked to me and had to ask several times what my last name was and if I was Shirley's daughter. It's hard to chat with someone you think is loosing their memory. 

After all that, it was time to go to my class. I joined Debbie Goff and we worked on her piece. 

We worked on the star flower. I have to add 3 drizzle stitches in the middle. I only did one and she showed me how to load a bead onto the thread! It's awesome. I don't have to worry about the needle going through the bead. This way was easy and fun.

We worked on the Japanese man sitting on a bench. I'm working on his "hair" and will tie it down 3 times. I'm still trying to separate the floss so it looks like hair. It is time consuming. I also worked on his arm and pipe. This is really fun!

Afterwards we went out to eat at Dick's Deli. It was really good. I had a cornbeef sandwich that I haven't had forever!! Really good!

Then we stopped at Safeway and bought some groceries for mom. Since she didn't feel up to going to dinner, we picked up some supplies for her. Stayed and chatted with her. 

Came home and both of us were tired. So, we are calling it a night early tonight. I'm just happy I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Presentation For The Records

Presentation day! I arrived early to find about 4 others as early as I was. That shocked me because they are usually about a half hour after me. We got things moving. As we put the quilts that were assigned up, we waited for the quilts from Bellevue. They arrived around 12:15 pm which was great. Then We put the quilts out. I was told that Georgie's husband was supposed to get one of the quilts that has her blocks! I explained that we couldn't do that because we had 5 quilts that came from Bellevue. Georgie's daughter-in-law as having a fit! She wanted one of her mother's blocks in the quilt. So, we found another veteran that came who was signing up for a quilt. He lived at Woodland estates. That gave us a chance to get one of Georgie's blocks (quilt) out for her husband. Poor Georgie, she was so embarrassed with her  daughter-in-law. I felt for her. I almost told the daughter-in-law that my husband doesn't have a quilt that I made. Anyway, she was trying to get me to move Josh's quilt to her father. I told her that was the quilt for Josh. She didn't like that answer. 

Anyway, we ended up with 9 veterans after all. It was a good presentation. We had one guy who was late, thinking we started at 2 pm. It was a good thing I was 15 mins behind - trying to please everyone! Once we were going, he showed up "early" for 2 pm and was just in time to get his quilt. Poor Smiley had to figure out what to say about him because he didn't get the chance to interview him. Over all it was a good presentation and no one knew what I went through to get it so everyone was happy! Debbie was helping me. The guy from the Chronicle was there and with me going up and down the stairs (out of breath), I was sweating and red faced! So, any picture of me is going to be bad!

Glenna Ralff in the middle is 100 years old. She's a WWII veteran that we had the honor to honor. She was also the first stewardess when airlines allowed women to be help in the airlines. A kick and in great condition! 

This was the quilt Patrick picked out for Josh! It was fun making the quilt. I may do another one like it. He loved it from what I could tell. He left before I could chat with him. I did tell him that Patrick picked it out for him. 

I was home by 3 pm. Patrick was still golfing. He decided not to go. I was surprised since Josh was his bowling partner. Patrick just texted he got a 618 series. That's awesome. He's not doing that good on Sunday night. 

I decided to work on the embroidery piece for the group. 

They didn't send enough of the Cira floss, so I'm glad I ordered more. I will work on the blue area around the tear drops. Then I'll work on the center. I'm just glad my floss arrived today. I'm going to try and get this done asap so that I don't have to worry about it. I'm not going to wash it because it will be easier for the person putting it together. The best part is that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

QOV Fabric Pick Up & Beading

 This morning was a scheduled QOV meeting for members to come and collect fabric to make quilts with. About 15 mins past the meeting day, no one arrived. I texted Kristi and she said she was on the way. We spend a good hour before anyone else arrived. Debbie came and then Connie and Donna came. They picked out some good fabric and took a few other things that needed to be done. It felt good to have some of the fabric going out the door. I just hope we have more quilts coming back. Gave Connie some fabric to do more kits. 

It was about 1:30 pm before they left. I pulled two quilts from the back room to add the labels. Then I called it done and pulled out my beads. 

Patrick and I sat out on the deck. I worked on half of this (doing the rest later). I was making sure my pattern worked right. I noticed I have two pages of the second page. 

When we came back in for supper, I pulled out the last two quilts that needed to be labeled. 

Label was done for this quilt that Connie made with all the odd ball blocks we have. She's good at putting them together. 

Then my quilt needed a label. So, now I have eleven quilts that will go the to museum tomorrow when we present eight quilts. We had a hard time with that. Kristi insisted that her quilt go to one of the original six veterans. Told her we couldn't do that because five quilts are coming from Bellevue and the sixth quilt has a quilt assigned to him. She then asked if we could find someone to give the quilt to. Diane was called and asked to get ahold of another veteran. She did, he said yes. Then about ten minutes later I received a call from one of our quilters asking if we still had her quilt. She wanted it to go to her brother-in-law. That quilt is at the museum. So, we were back to the same place we started. Connie suggested one she got the paperwork for. She didn't have a quilt for him. I called and he said he would love to come tomorrow. I explained to him that we had an "extra" quilt to give out tomorrow and would he be interested in coming to get it tomorrow. He surprised the crap out of me and said, "Sure." Now we have eight veterans receiving quilts. What a pain! But it all came out good!

I then went back to beading on the panel. I didn't get it done, but I will try to finish the panel tomorrow. At least there is some work done. I will need to do one more panel of both of them. I think the next set I'm going to change the greens in it. I want more true greens in that ornament. I will work on it. That's the fun part of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Flosstube And Beading

Today I enjoyed being able to do as I pleased while Patrick went golfing. I did get laundry going and cleaned up the kitchen with emptying the dishwasher. 

Then I sat and worked on my Flosstube video. I tried to do one on a new program, but it didn't work. The sound and the "mouth" where not working together. I hate it when there is a delay. So, instead I re-did the video and posted it on Youtube. I couldn't get it to load on my computer, so I loaded it from my phone. That took a good 30 mins. I couldn't believe it since I usually load things a lot faster. It had been almost a year since I posted anything. I will try to do better. 

After all that, I played games. I like my games and just wanted to relax. I have quilters coming over tomorrow and I want to try and relax instead of thinking about tomorrow. We have a presentation on Thursday. Oh, well. 

Then I decided to fix the panel for the ornament. Yep, beading. I wanted to get the ornament to be right. So, I unzipped the area that needed to be worked. Rows 18-24. To my surprise it worked out great. 

The one on the left is the one that has the mistakes. The one on the right is the right design. It's Queen Anne's Lace. I fixed the problem and got to work on the next panel. I'm at row 15 with that one. I like how much better it looks. If you look under the first white area, you will see where I messed up. The white dot on the right side of the mistaken one is now removed. I like being able to fix beading by unzipping a row and zipping it back together. It's a lot of fun. So, I don't worry to much when I have to do it. It's when I have 1 bead out of place that needs to be fixed and that is a major pain in the butt. 

My day was looking like very little was going to be done. That doesn't help me be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Working On Class - Fukien Tea Bonsai

This morning I was out the door and on my way to our BE group meeting. Today it was four of us. Sue T came for the first time in a couple years. She wanted to visit with us and then head on out to AZ for the winter. We do have a lot of "snow birds" around here. Not sure why because it's usually a quiet winter and we don't get much snow. Oh, well. 

I worked on the Tea Bonsai. I'm really enjoying this class!

I was able to get moving on the tree. I covered half the tree before it was time to call it done. I stopped at the bowling alley on my way home. 

Got home and sat with Patrick for a while. He was watching "The Orville" and I remembered that show. There was one that I didn't remember. 

I played for a little bit and then went back to working on the tree again.

I finished up the tree trunk. I like the way it came out. Sorry, had it on my lap when I took the photo. I then started to work on the rim of of the bowl. I'm getting that done soon. I may actually get caught up on my class. We have our next class Friday. I should be ready for that. This is fun!

While we had our meeting, Sue brought some pillow cases that needed some embroidery work. We decided to make it a challenge to have a set done by the time Sue comes back in May. It will be fun to work on that! I love the idea. It's just going to have to wait till I get a couple other things done first. 

It's hard to believe I spend most of the day being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!  


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Something About Nothing

 What is it about doing nothing that makes it something? I love just sitting and watching TV while either playing games or embroidery. Don't get me wrong - some TV is awful and I don't watch it. I enjoy the nature shows, exploring shows, and movies. I don't care for daily shows that are on now. So, my nights are working on something while listening to my books. 

Patrick shut the TV off (thank goodness) and went out to nap on the swing set. I pulled my book out and worked on my embroidery. I am actually enjoying working on this project. Good thing I have a good teacher teaching me. 

I worked on the bottom knot. Then I finished up my tree with the brown. Now, I can get busy putting my tree together. Just like the upper part. I'm happy with the way this is looking. I know what I need to do, so I'm going to work on it tomorrow at our meeting. I hope it will look as good as my teachers, but I'm just thrilled to be having fun with this. 

There is just something about not having anything to do on the schedule. I can do what I want. And if that's playing games, so be it. If it's just working on my crafts, then that's good to. I find that when I have the day unscheduled it's what I WANT to do and not what I NEED to do. That's why I think I like being home and just enjoying the day. I may go outside and sit on the swing set. I may play with Sophie or I might just listen to my books. I'm okay with that. At times I think I waste the day away, but then I look at all the things I have made or done, I realize that isn't true. This is enjoying life. I think of the people who have passed before me. I miss them, I love them, and at times it feels like a dream. But that's life as my father always told. Life for now, because you may not have tomorrow. 

We headed off to bowling. I bowled better than I have in the last couple weeks. I bowled 171, 165, 179. We bowled the team that was 4 games behind us - we are first. We lost 3 games. So, now we have to win all our games next week. It's going to be hard. But we can try. We need to stay in first so we don't have to worry about it later on. With us going on a cruise and then our team mates going on another cruise, we may not be in the top again for awhile. 

My day turned out pretty good. I am trying to stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Embroidery And A Movie

Today started out quiet. I did work on the rolls this morning. It took about 3 hours to get them completely done, so it wasn't breakfast, but lunch. 

 This is before frosting. 

Then after frosting. I loved working on this. It is a long process. They were pretty good. Patrick loved them, so that's saying something. My first time making them. 

After that was completed, we went out on the deck. Patrick read his book and took a nap. I worked on my embroidery. I know I need to work on the piece for BDEIG but that can wait till I get my floss in. 

AI worked on the top of the tree. This turned out better than I thought. I will be doing that to the brown area as well. 

I was able to add the "v" on the bottom. I will work on it. I am going to fill in the rest of the tree to work on the chain stitches to fill in the tree. I would like to get the tree done, so I can work on the bowl. I'm looking forward to working on the leaves next week. If we do the leaves. I can do the moss on the bowl later. That may be my next step. 

When I finished the top of the tree, it was time to go to the movies. We decided to see "Amsterdam" and I don't know how to rate it. It was slow, but interesting. It was interesting to see how it was referring to the war. It's almost like they were trying to remind everyone that history has been known to repeat it's self. I saw history in it. I saw little comedy. There was some weird "gore" but not enough to bother me too much. I didn't watch the bloody parts, but that wasn't a lot. Like I said, not sure how to rate the movie. Was it something I would see again? - probably not. Was it something that kept me involved in it? - Sort of. At times I wanted it to "wind down" or "get to the point." Did I get a story out of it? - that would be a yes. Even though it took awhile to tell it. Again, hard to say how I would rate it. 

Played a few games before calling it a day. It was a good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Class Day

 This morning I was up early and listening to my book. I am still having trouble with my hip but at least I can get physical therapy. 

I got the kitchen cleaned up and then headed into the computer room to work on my class. I really am enjoying this class. Being the only one in the class is a plus. Debbie is really good. 

We worked on three different area. The rim of the bowl, the area to the right (top), and the drizzle stitches in the middle. I had so  much fun making the yellow moss. It's fun! I had so much fun with it that we did it twice. We are doing 2 hour classes. I like that better. We talked about it. She's planning on offering 2 hours a week for the classes. I told her it works great for me. I can work on my piece in between the weeks. 

The I came out and worked on finishing my "Delicate Pleasures" piece. 

It is now completed. I'm so thrilled to finally have this done. I can now work on the piece for BDEIG that came in the mail. It's for the quilt they will be doing for seminar. I will have that to show as well. I also want to get to work on the bonsai tree. That is next. I have a few things I want to finish before our next class. 

Good new! My beads arrived today.

 Now I can get started on my "Fireside Sophie" piece. I'm excited about starting but will have to wait a little while before I do. I have a couple things that need to be finished first. Ornaments are one thing. In the meantime I need to stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

One Of Those Days - When Things Go Wrong

 Patrick's day to golf. My day to get caught up on laundry. AND work on some cooking. I needed to get the tomato sauce done and put in bags to freeze. My next thing was to make our Chocolate Chip Date Cake. 

Okay, things started to go okay. I did the recipe as it was written down - only because it's been a while since I made it. One of mom Wiltzius' recipe. Well.............................

Something went WRONG. It all sank into the cake! I couldn't believe it. The taste was there, but the topping ended up in the middle to the bottom of the cake. I waited for Patrick to get home and see if it would have to be remade. - Of course it would!

Remade and better. Except it's dry......UGH!! I thought it was under cooked and Patrick took it out. Come to find out, it's a little on the dry side. I like it more moist. So does Patrick. I had the piece with ice cream and that helped. lol 

Okay, that didn't work. Next I started working on a new recipe called Pain aux Raisins. Okay, I should have waited till tomorrow. But I decided to forge ahead. i worked on the Basic Brioche Dough. Yep, worked on it. An hour later, I figured it was where it needed to be. Now it's in the fridge and should be fine tomorrow. I couldn't believe my machine was getting HOT with the hook attachment. I added a little flour as I was getting closer to being done. It said to take 15 mins and I ended up with about 45 mins. Never fails. I just hope after all that, that it comes out good. Patrick is picking up raisins and an orange. He wants the orange taste in it. Tomorrow I will do the pastry cream and then work on shaping it. 

After finally giving up on cooking, I sat down to work on my laundry folding. Then I sat down to work on my embroidery. 

I finished one of 2 flowers that needed to be done. 

One down and one to go. I'm not sure if I like this one. The colors are a little weird. lol Pink, purple, and a grey. It works though, so won't complain. 

Patrick did pretty good bowling. Now I'm ready to try and get better sleep tonight. My hip has been hurting too much last night to sleep very good. At least with the pain, I was still able to cook and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Doctor's Appointment & Tomato Sauce

This morning we enjoyed each other's company before heading up to Olympia. We left early because Patrick saw they were working on I-5. We passed the south bound that was moved to one lane. The back up was about 5 miles long. So, we weren't sure if we would be able to come back on I-5. We ended up being an hour early. So, we sat in the car for about 30 mins. I worked on my embroidery. 

I was able to get this flower going. I worked on it while waiting to get into the doctors. The good news is that my thyroid seems to be behaving. I asked about my back. So, she checked out my movements. Then she ordered PT. I have to go back in December to see how things are going. I told her I don't want surgery and I don't want to get a shot. So, I'm willing to do PT. 

Came home after dropping a few things off and picking up my quilts. Now all three are back home and will be staying home. 

Checked the mail and found a block I need to return by December. 

I got an order off to Debbie Goff for the 3 flosses that I don't have. I will be working on this after the I'm working on now done. I just have 2 flowers to finish. I'm almost done with 1 of the 2. I like the colors, but Not really understand the blue in there with pink. I have to do the pattern colors. It will be fun and interesting. 

Then we worked on the tomatoes again. 

Patrick came in with a bucket full! So, we got everything ready! I ended up with 6 pans full of tomatoes that got roasted. I let it cook a little, but I noticed that it started to burn. I may have to move it to another pot and cook it down some more. 

While that was going I worked on my piece. 

I got more of the flower done. I will work on the leaves that stick out tomorrow. I'm getting excited about getting this done. It's fun. I did notice that some of these stitches are in the piece they asked me to do. Will be fun!

At least I know how to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...