Sunday, October 2, 2022

My Hawaiian Quilt Is MIA!!

 This morning I received a call from mom asking how many quilts I gave her for the Christian School Quilt Show. I told her 3. She had the one by my mother in law, hers, and OH - Hawaiian quilt is missing. I am freaking out! My best quilt! My own designed quilt! My gift to my husband quilt!! UGH 

I waited for Nancy to get home. Called and she didn't have it. Thought maybe Suzy had it.....called Suzy and NOPE she doesn't have it. I also found out Hildi's Baltimore Album quilt was missing too. Not happy!! 

This quilt took a long time to work on! 

If anyone has seen this quilt, please, please let me know. I want this quilt back. 

I pretty much worked on playing games today. My mind was on my missing quilt. I then pulled out Sophie's bead work and started working on the word chart. I have 3 pages done with the number of beads in each row. I have 80 pages! So, it's going to be an on and off thing. When my beads come in, I will set up and get started on working on it. I'm getting excited about working on it. 

Then it was time to go bowling. no matter what I did, I couldn't get my ball and me to work together. I bowled a 185, 134 and 135. REALLY REALLY BAD! At least I bowled over 100!! I'm almost to the point of quitting. Let's see what next week will bring. We won 3 games. While we were bowling I did get a text that Hildi's quilt was found. Now it's my quilt that's missing!! UGH!!

My day didn't end up being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Anne Kirby said...

I'm so sorry about your quilt!! I hope it's found soon, I'm sure someone has it by mistake and will locate it soon. Hang in there!! Anne

Podunk Pretties said...

Oh no! Did you find this quilt? It's gorgeous. I've heard many others talk about quilts coming up missing from quilt shows. So heartbreaking.

6th Generation Quiilter, Crafter said...

Yes, thank goodness, it was found. One of my friends had it and didn't realize it. I was so glad it was her who had it. Thanks for asking.

Lazy Day - All Day

This morning, I was on the tablet playing a war game. Then I pretty much did that all day. Not just a war game but some others. I wasn't...