Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 This morning I woke to the phone ringing. I called the number back and it was one of the quilters from the quilt show. She told my quilt was found! She also said that she was going to pick it up and deliver it to mom this morning. I was jumping for joy!! After she called I got a text from Suzy telling me she had the quilt. I told her it was a blessing it was her. I was so glad it was her! If it was someone else I would have been worried. She's a dear friend and I'm thrilled it was with her while MIA. I will collect my quilts tomorrow and won't let them out of my sight again. 

Once I calmed down, I got laundry started. Since Patrick had to get the app for our washer/dryer so he could update the fixes, he's been getting texts that the washer is done. Or the dryer is done. Clothes have been in the washer 26 mins, etc. It's so funny! He was golfing and getting the texts! lol 

I decided to work on my class project. 

I finished up the knots. I then worked on the fillers for the tree. I'm missing the bottom part, so I contacted Debbie to see what was missing. She sent me the pattern and told me what pens she uses to mark stuff. I ordered them but they won't be here for a week. I'm hoping it will be sooner but we will see. I have more to do on the tree and will fill it in more. I'm liking how this works. 

Then I worked on my word chart by putting the number next to each row. Did about 6 pages. 

After I got this far, decided to call it done.  I will worry about the tree later. lol - Still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

Anne Kirby said...

Yay!! The best news!!

Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...