Thursday, October 27, 2022

Another Trip To Olympia

Today I was glad I didn't have to get up early. I was enjoying my time while Patrick golfed. I worked on laundry and then decided to go downstairs to work on a quilt top. First I did my exercises. Then I chatted with mom. Next Sharon called. That took some time. Oh, heck, better get lunch. 

By the time I got downstairs it was after noon. 

 I worked on this. Not my favorite but it will work. I wanted to use those blocks by the stars. Diane's sister-in-law made them and they needed to go in a quilt. It works, but the blue fabric has writing in white in it. So, the photo doesn't do it justice. I need a border and I have no clue what I will do. Patrick will help me tomorrow. 

We went up to Olympia. Stopped at Costco to pick us stuff. Had supper up there. Then when we got back Patrick had to leave right away for bowling. I went downstairs and sewed the pieces together. I have the top and bottom rows to sew on, then try and decide what to do with the border. It's different. Again, not my favorite but it will do. 

I forgot to do my exercises, so I was doing them when Patrick got home. I'm going to get this back in shape one way or another! At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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