Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday Not Saturday

Today started out with me sleeping till 10:30 am. I took a Zantac to help with my headache at 4 am. So, the first thing I do is SNORE and not quietly! lol - At least I knew it was working! After that, I slept and couldn't wait up to get up. I would wake up and roll over and go back to sleep. 

When I finally got up, I played a couple games. Then I decided it was time to make the snickerdoodle cookies. Patrick has been asking for them for a few days now, so I got moving. Then I made him help me with the cookies. I had never made the cookies and I think I can do it again. It's not a bad as it looked but it's not that easy either. 

Once all that was done, I wanted to sit and relax. Then Patrick started watching his shows he taped - that I don't care for. After the first one, I went downstairs. I was able to get the top and part of the bottom done when I realized I needed to run into town. I headed out and came back in about 45 mins. 

Back downstairs. 

 I didn't make it downstairs till after supper. When I did, I wanted to finish this up. I brought it up for Patrick to see - this photo. It's looking better today then it did yesterday. I'm happy with this one. Now I need to put another one together. lol I have the backing in the wash to have it ready for Monday when I will take it to Connie. 

I wasn't able to finish my exercises because of my side muscle disagreeing with me on the my exercises. 

This morning I was thinking it was Saturday...and as the day went on....I was thinking it's Saturday. Maybe it's because we didn't have anything going on. I didn't have to go to moms. I hope I get over the fact today is NOT Saturday and tomorrow will be. Even when Patrick said he wanted to go to the movies Saturday, I was thinking NEXT Saturday. Go figure. Nope, today is Friday NOT Saturday. 

At least I can say Friday was a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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