Monday, October 24, 2022

Plans Were Changed.....

This morning I had plans to go to our BE meeting, going to moms and then physical therapy. Well, that doesn't happen in that order. 

I received a call at 7:45 am. Bob called to ask if I could come in a little earlier for physical therapy. We worked it out to be at 12:45 pm. I figured I could leave early from the BE meeting. We were sitting in the living room before it was time to leave and Sandy I texted to say Cindy was sick and won't be going. Then asked if we should go ahead and meet. Told her it's up to her. She had a few things to do, so we canceled. Okay, that changed things up as well. Mom called and asked if I would like a BLT for lunch. Said sure and told her I would be over earlier than expected. 

After taking care of my errands, I headed to moms. I arrived to find out she had to go get stitches in her thumb because she cut herself while cutting fresh bread early this morning. I was just happy it happened before I got there because I would have been on the floor. Passing out is more my style. She was laughing. She drove herself over to the doctors were they fixed her up with 2 stitches. 

We had lunch and then I headed over to physical therapy. He worked me over and gave me a list of exercises to work on. I was told to stop a few that I was doing. I was also told to continue with some of the others. I also have to walk 2 miles a day. UGH. Exercises are to be done twice a day. I will have to do them first thing in the morning and then again around 7 pm when I normally do. 

Came home and listened to my book. I was only in need of an hour to listen to the recent book. I finished that while I was playing. 

Then I decided to watch TV with Patrick. AND do embroidery - since I missed it today. 

I worked on the rim and then decided to do the bowl before moving the hoop to get the other side. I was able to get more stitches done. I also received the floss I ordered when I chatted with Debbie on Friday. That was fast - from FL. I worked on getting that in order. I ordered the floss for the "Ruth's Farewell" piece so I can finish that up as well. It turned out to be a day that had plans changed. We all know how that work with me! It didn't stop me from being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


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