Friday, October 14, 2022

Class Day - What Fun!

This morning I was just enjoying the morning. Got a call from Les Matheson asking if I knew where his brother was. He's been looking for Kenny for the past month. So, I got on the computer and sent some messages out to other family members to see if they have been in contact with him.  Chances are they haven't. Les called me yesterday to see if I had found him. Today it was like he forgot he talked to me and had to ask several times what my last name was and if I was Shirley's daughter. It's hard to chat with someone you think is loosing their memory. 

After all that, it was time to go to my class. I joined Debbie Goff and we worked on her piece. 

We worked on the star flower. I have to add 3 drizzle stitches in the middle. I only did one and she showed me how to load a bead onto the thread! It's awesome. I don't have to worry about the needle going through the bead. This way was easy and fun.

We worked on the Japanese man sitting on a bench. I'm working on his "hair" and will tie it down 3 times. I'm still trying to separate the floss so it looks like hair. It is time consuming. I also worked on his arm and pipe. This is really fun!

Afterwards we went out to eat at Dick's Deli. It was really good. I had a cornbeef sandwich that I haven't had forever!! Really good!

Then we stopped at Safeway and bought some groceries for mom. Since she didn't feel up to going to dinner, we picked up some supplies for her. Stayed and chatted with her. 

Came home and both of us were tired. So, we are calling it a night early tonight. I'm just happy I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...