Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Started Out Calm Then Went to Hectic By Night

 This morning I had my massage therapy and she worked me hard. I had a different gal and when I told her what my PT'ist wanted she worked it. We have a lot to do. I was sore while she worked on me, but it helped because by the time she was done, it felt good! 

Stopped at my sons before heading home. Had to give him a big hug!

Came home and worked on my beading (sorry no photo yet). I was able to cross another row. Then Patrick came back from getting chlorine for the water system. While he was gone Debbie and I chatted about tomorrow. Carol called and then I called Debbie back. Long story short, the quilt that was supposed to be awarded tomorrow to one of the veterans was MIA. I called mom to see if the binding was on it yet. Luckily she had the quilt and only one side of the binding was on it. Which meant I had to go get it to finish and get a label on it for tomorrow. 

We decided to go out to Dick's Brewery for supper. Before we went we stopped at moms to pick up the quilt. She also gave me 3 more that need labels. UGH! We had a good time at Dick's Brewery and then stopped to get the car washed. Once all that was done we were home by 5:30 pm. 

That meant I needed to get to work! Oh, yah! I started working on the binding. 2 hours later it was done.

Then I had to add the label. 

 Now Roland can get his quilt. It has the plane he flew. This was a special request - which we rarely do. 

Then I needed to get the certificates done. Once that was done, Debbie called and needed a backing and batting for me to bring tomorrow. While I was doing the certificates, I cut the batting and backing. Put the backing in the washing machine. Now it's in the dryer and I need to fold it. Then it's ready for tomorrow. 

This is now finished. The label is on it. Funny part is that the panel is a Navy Officer panel. Now it's done. I still have 2 more to do. I will do them tomorrow as it's 9:30 pm and I'm still not done! UGH. I need to empty the bucket downstairs to take to Hildi tomorrow and my brain is on full load! I HOPE I can sleep tonight. Will have to get everything done in time tomorrow! Wish me luck! Guess that's how hectic my evening has been. Not enough to enjoy being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Worked On Quilts Today

 Patrick went golfing and I decided to work on my QOV quilts that needed labels. One of the quilts needed the binding stitched down. 

I stitched the binding down on this today. It was several hours of sitting and stitching. Then I put the label on it. It was made by Connie. 

This was done by Pat Stenhouse and Marion Hazzard. They are related to Debbie. I like the design they did!

This is one I got from Victoria Parrott. I love her work! She lives in Ocean Shores. I will send her a couple more panels to help us out. I really like what she did with this one!

This one was donated. I'm not sure who did it. So our label has "donated unknown" on it. I wish I had a name for it. 

I was happy to have the binding done as well as getting the labels on all 4 quilts. I may work on another quilt later, but right now I'm thinking I may put a few more stitches in on my beading. I really want to get back to working on my Fireplace Sophie piece. Plus I want to work on a couple more ornaments. Way too many things on my mind that I need to work on. I'm doing something the rest of the week. It's off to the massage therapist tomorrow, QOV presentation Thursday and then my Gastro appointment on Friday. At least tomorrow and Friday I have the afternoon to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Ordered More Beads LOL

 This morning I was out the door and on my way to Connies. I took the 2 backs for 2 quilts she has along with the quilt top I just finished. Then it was off to the grange to my BE meeting. 

Cindy was the only other one there. We ended up doing more chatting than anything. I did help her with starting a beaded bracelet that she bought the kit of. We had half of it done and then sat and chatted. Didn't even work on the cross stitching - which is what we have been doing lately. 

Came home and had lunch - 1:30 pm!! Then by 4:30 pm Patrick was hungry. So, I heated up the leftovers that we had from the shrimp scampi. 

After playing games for awhile, I decided to pull out the bracelet I started and get it done. I'm not happy with the looks of it, but I'm going to finish this!

I have a couple more X's to do before it will be the right size. I don't know why the first X is looking so bad. I did it right. Hard to say. Hopefully when it's done it will look better. I can always take it out! lol 

I didn't do much today, but I did find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Having Friends Over

 First thing this morning was cleaning house. We had our bowling partners over today. They brought dessert. We had hamburgers and fruit salad. Really didn't go out of our way to have a lot for supper. I didn't eat any lunch, so I enjoyed my hamburger. We had really good corn on the cob as well. 

We played games and I wasn't the lucky one. I did win 3 games with Nick, but that was about it. We played 4 games of SORRY and of course I didn't win that either. 

All in all it was an enjoyable day. Connie texted that she needed a backing. So, after they left, I went and cut a backing. It's in the wash right now. Then I will take 2 backings and the quilt top I finished yesterday. Which meant today was not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Working On QOV Quilts Again

I wanted to work on my quilt today. Patrick wanted to go to Safeway for tomorrow when Nick and Joanne come by. He wanted to go at 2, which had me between times of working on my quilt. I was going to wait till we got back. That didn't last. I went downstairs around 11 am. That should give me plenty of time to work on it. 

I was able to get this much done. Patrick liked it. Then I talked him into letting me finish it. Said he wasn't in any hurry, so I did. It was about 1 pm when I got this far. 

Around 2:05 pm I brought this up to show Patrick. I didn't realize the photo would make it look yellow! It's tan. More like the top photo in color. it wasn't what I wanted. I wish I had paid attention to the 16" instead of the 18" blocks. I can keep kicking myself over it, but will just accept the fact that I got this done without too much hassle. 

Once it was done, we headed to Safeway. We get so frustrated with offers - Buy two get one free. Buy two get three free. (Last one was Coke). We ended up buying 5 different cokes - and hated spending the money to do that! We just needed 1 or 2!

After all that, I got the shrimp peeled for Patrick to fix Shrimp Scampi. 

I pretty much took the rest of the day off. I'm going to look up a Fat Quarter quilt to see what I can make with the fat quarters that we received a while back. I'm hoping to find something easy. I have another panel on the wall. Need to work on that as well. Guess right now, that's where I will be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Quilt Meeting At Moms

 This morning I had a few things to do before going to moms. I had to stop at the bank and then Connie's. Dropped off my quilt top but realized the backing was still in the dryer! So, I'll have to drop it off on Monday. Mom called me at 10 am to see if I was coming. Told her I was on the bridge and would be there in 5 mins. 

I arrived to only 2 people already there. There was one quilt done that I put in the back of the car. Then Hildi arrived when I was doing that. She called me over to give me a box of fabric. She was clearing out her fabrics and it's all red, white and blue. I will add that to the fabric I have downstairs. She didn't have the challenge panel. I took Nancy to her place to pick up the challenge panel because her car was blocked in. I took Nancy 3 quilts that needed the binding sewn down. Mom had 5 quilts that needed the hand stitching done. Penny decided to work on the bindings when she comes to the meeting. So, she finished one side of  a quilt. I brought that one home. 

I spent my time at moms sewing the labels, so that I could iron them and have them ready for the quilts. I need to order more labels. I was able to iron 7 labels. Then I sewed 7 more - photo - and they are ready to be ironed. I only have 7 more that I will work on later. I helped mom afterwards before I came home. 

Had to take a photo of her giant Iris/Tiger Lily. It's really pretty!

Had to stop at Carol's to give her the list of Stillwater Residents to see if they are on our list of veterans. If not, then we won't do July 4th with them. If they wanted us to do that, they should have submitted applications in January to be able to do that. Then I texted Debbie I was on my way. Got us a drink at Dutch Brothers and then went to Love's for gas. She was behind me at Loves! It was comical. She followed me home. I got her to use the gas app I have. I'm up to $15 from saving in gas rewards. 

We both arrived and she went downstairs to get fabric for the panel she brought. I took her receipts and filled out a reimbursement for them. We chatted and got some ideas of quilts as we were there. 

After she left, I got to work on doing statements for the water group. I had to get them done and in the mail - or ready for the mail. It took some doing because I no longer use QuickBooks. Now I'm just playing games and watching information on Volcano's.  I had enough to do at moms that kept me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Best Laid Plans - Get Messed Up

 Patrick went golfing today. I had most of the morning to myself. I took my audio book downstairs and got busy on the quilt top. 

I got started on working on all my 9 patches. 

I had the darker yellow that would go in the corners.....but noticed that the blocks where so much bigger, and to add another 9 patch to the bottom would make it way too big!! I should have made the 9 patches 16" and not 18". So, then I had to rethink things. 

I couldn't do the 9 patch on the top and bottom. I had to do 2 - 4 patches. Now I need to add some red in there. I wanted to use up some "busy" fabric. Now I have to redo what I was planning or had originally wanted to do. I still can't believe I messed up on the size I wanted to do!! It's going to be interesting how it comes out. Patrick gave me an idea to finish this up. I will have some extra 9 patches which means I will need to figure something out for those too. UGH!! 

After taking out several blocks, I called it done! I'm done till Saturday. Tomorrow is my usual quilt day at moms. At least my batting showed up today. Not sure what I will do after this one is done. Guess that's what make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Quilting Day

Today I was up just as Patrick left for golfing. It was nice to see him going golfing again. He's going again tomorrow. As for me, I had to get up and do my exercises before going to the dentist. Of course it didn't go well!! I have to have a crown replaced. UGH UGH UGH! I paid for my visit (not cheap!) and then received a call saying that I have special cleaning (which I think it BS!) and it cost $78 more. They will send me a bill. GRRR I also had to schedule my replacement crown - $1600!!! What a pain! I don't remember paying that much. I'm to the point of going somewhere else. Patrick said we can get it with our insurance and I think we will do that next year! I will go to someone else at this point!

I went to get myself some tea at the Dutch Brothers. I like going there. Plus Debbie has been working with the manager to see if QOV can get donations from them. Fingers Cross!! 

Came home and was telling Patrick what needed to be done. Complaining about it! lol Then went downstairs - that's when I got the call saying I owed more. GRRR 

I went ahead and finished the quilt top I was working on yesterday. 

One more done. I like the way it looks, but I did get it a little short - 5" around. It's okay, but I would rather be closer to the 60 x 80 then being less. 

Once I did that, I got moving on another quilt top. I decided to do it with 9 patches all the way around. 

Those 9 patches will be in the corner. The rest of the 9 patches are a little lighter in color. I ran out of the background fabric to do them all the same. This panel is not the brightest and it's really not the "prettiest" either. So I worked with the colors that are in the panel. 

The other blocks are in the lighter color - top of the photo. I will work on this tomorrow and try to get another one done. I will try and drop off a top or 2 to Connie. I was thinking I may drop off one to the church as well. I feel pretty good that I've been able to get at least one if not 2 done. I've done more quilt tops in the last month than I have in the last 5 months. We have an SOS out to the rest of the state groups to see if they can send us quilts or quilt tops. So, I'm trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Working On QOV Quilt Top Today

I changed my mind on what I wanted to do today. So, I went downstairs and got to work on putting some of the fabrics away that we received. As well as putting the backing that came in today downstairs. 

I now have plenty to work with. So does everyone else in the group. I just wish they would come get some to help make quilts!

I decided to work on the stars that mom made. I added the white border on the panel. It was a pain to square up! Then I decided to get some of the "busy" fabric we have and use it in the top. I do have another idea for then next quilt as well. I may get a couple done in a good amount of time. I had some issues with measuring - go figure! For some reason I can measure sizes and cut the fabric to find out I cut it wrong! Every time!! I don't know what is going on! But I was able to get the bottom sewn together. Then I did the strips on the side and sewed that down as well. I have half of it done so far. I will try and finish it up tomorrow. 

Then this evening I decided to try and get a few stitches in on my cross stitching. 

I got in a little more than 100 stitches. I figure if I get a few stitches in at a time, it will finally get closer to being done! lol That's what it's about - being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday At BE - Cross Stitching!

Today I was up and out the door to our meeting. I took both my embroidery and cross stitching. Both Cindy and Sandy wanted to work on cross stitching. So, I was teaching them how to start and stop their work. Sandy go more done today then last week, I think. She took a break and cut her dress to be the length she wanted. She's got it ready to hem. I worked on my cross stitch as well. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get some done. 

Came home and played games. Had to work on QOV stuff. I even had to send an email to our state coordinator to help with quilts. I didn't want to but I needed to. 

Then went downstairs to bring in all the fabric Patrick got for me. He picked up some the QOV fabric that was donated to our group. There must be $2000 worth! It was fun to see what we have. I'm going to get moving on on some quilt tops this week. I have a dental appointment on Wednesday but I am going to try and get some work done. 

I was able to work in this area. I just need to fill in a few places. I'm having fun working on this, that I may just put my embroidery aside for a little bit and try to work on this. 

I've almost got the bottom area done. I'm working my way up. I'm also working in groups of 10, so once I get it even, I will move over to the next 10 x 10 area. I was able to work on this tonight as well. I'm keeping busy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Spending The Afternoon Stitching

This morning I was itching to clean. So, I started cleaning things up. Got tired of looking at my piles. lol I even cleaned up my end table. lol 

Once that was done, I listened to my audio books. After awhile of playing games I decided I needed to do something. I wanted to go down and work on another quilt but realized I'm getting a ton of fabric from someone who's cleaning out their stuff. Since it's a LOT, I decided to wait till it arrives and I can look at the material out of there to get started on another quilt. I have a few ideas. 

Then I pulled out my cross stitching. 

I wanted to get back to the stair step method. So, I worked on squaring up the 10 x 10 block area. I was able to get a lot done. I'm now working on the bottom left for now. I am also getting more organized as I go. I had so much fun! I like it when I can work on something and not worry about getting it done. Just working on it and knowing it's coming along, that's what's fun! This was all afternoon! 

Got a text from Debbie saying she was hacked. I saw a message from her this morning and it asked me to get ahold of her. I deleted the message before opening. I had to notify all our group just in case they were sent a message. Trouble is, when someone opens it, they collect your friend information and send it out. Not good. 

As much as I would love to say I did a lot today - which I did but doesn't look like it - I don't have much to say. That's what happens when I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Yet Another Saturday.....

This morning I realized I forgot to give the church the threads they asked for. Wasn't sure if we would be going out or not. So, I just picked up a few things and played games. Then Patrick said he wanted his Rice Krispies treats. Which meant I needed to go into town after all. 

I stopped and visited with Lisa when I dropped off the threads. Then off to Safeway for the stuff to make his Rice Krispies. Picked up some fried chicken. Stopped at Phil's to pick up his plants. Patrick had him start plants for the garden. Since he rototilled the garden, he's ready to plant. He had to take a lot of breaks while working the rototiller. 

Came home and shared a chicken breast with Patrick - to get him to eat. Now I wish I hadn't gotten the fried chicken! It wasn't very tasty and I'm getting tired of chicken. 

I played games for awhile. Then I decided it was time to work on something. I can just sit and play games all day - or can I?! lol 

I got 2 more crosses done. I'm going to work on the next set. It's not as "smooth" as I would like. Maybe it will get better. I do like working on it. Not sure how it will be finished yet. I was thinking I should have done something a little more simple. I did try out the thread that High Street Beading Co gave me to try. I like it better than the NIMO thread! I'm going to have to place an order with her! lol - Maybe I will do another bracelet later. I need to work on another ornament! As well as my Fireplace Sophie piece. The best part is being able to get my butt moving and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Friday, May 19, 2023

What A Day!

I enjoyed the day by running around town. lol I went to Grace Church to drop off the quilt top for them to quilt for us. Then I headed to the post office to mail the certificates that I got wrong. Once that was done, I had to get to Staples and pick up some labels and envelopes. 

Then it was to moms. I stopped and got us both a Chai Tea. Then I headed to her place. She was having trouble with her credit card. She was upset that she was being blocked from using it. I called the CitiBank to find out what was going on. They had her down for paperless bills. Mom doesn't do paperless. I told them she never received a bill the last couple months because she doesn't do paperless. So, mom paid the bill and then is able to use her card. They changed it so she will get a bill in the mail to pay. She was freaking out that she needed to get another credit card because she can't have them cutting her off. I told her to "hush" the whole time I was talking to the gal. Comical!! Specially when mom is hard of hearing. So, she heard a word or two and then started yammering! Comical!

I then headed home. Stopped and got a Whopper Jr. because I wanted a burger. Patrick didn't have an idea for supper. So, I pulled out my frozen food I prepared (can't spell it right now). lol 

Good news is that Patrick's brother's surgery went well. Sounds like they got all the cancer. Time will tell, just like with Patrick's cancer. 

I was lazy the rest of the day and played games. I also finished on book on audio and started another that will be done her pretty soon. I had so much fun listening and playing that I didn't take time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Presentation & Meeting Day

We were having a meeting this morning at 9 am. Chip was a little late to let us in. No worries. I had to leave early to go to Safeway and then get our drinks at Dutch Brothers. I was the first one there, then Smiley arrived. We chatted for awhile before Debbie and Connie came. Once they arrived, everyone started coming in one after the other. Mom and Nancy were running a little late. 

We got our meeting going. Letting everyone know we were short on money for our group. Then my mother ended up talking to mom on the phone. She went into the bathroom while we had our meeting. She asked my younger brother for a donation. He agreed. Then she called my older brother and told him that our younger brother donated to our group - so he did too. I had to walk my older brother through to do it online. My younger brother is sending a check. All's good. When we had our potluck, Kaylee came up with another donation that came in the mail. So, by the time we were done today, we had $800. Since it was my Birthday I got a few gifts. Debbie brought me a Birthday cake. Loved her card! Diane D brought me some stuff to make a Smith and Curns (sp). Even the whipping cream! I was to thankful to her. She's a sweetheart. The potluck was great. After that, we got everything ready for presentation. 

Presentation went good. I was signing some quilts before the presentation was done and realized that doesn't work. It interrupts others. So, that won't happen again. 






MISTY CLINE NAVY 1997 - 2000



Not in that order, but those are the people above. 

They asked for all our group to join them in a photo. I'm in the back on the right side (4th to the left). It was a good group today. We did miss one person. We are also getting behind on quilts. So, I'm going to have to get moving and make a quilt for more veterans. I have a quilt panel that I need to make for Carol's friend. Then more for our veterans.

I couldn't have asked for a better Birthday today. I saw my son after the presentation. I was able to honor our veterans and give away quilts. What is better than that?!  Unfortunately I wasn't able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Finishing Up A Few Quilts

This morning Patrick took off to go golfing - thank goodness! I was getting worried he was slowing down. I was woken up at 7 am from our neighbor who decided to weed whack! Then mow the yard.  I kept going back to sleep to be woken up again 10 mins later. Just couldn't get my eyes to stay open. lol

I got to work on the certificates for tomorrow. Then I went downstairs to print them. While I waited on the computer to start up (older one), I took out the right side of the border I put on yesterday. Once that was off, I stay stitched the side of it. Once that was done, I went ahead and sewed the borders on. 

It's now done. I'm going to send it to the church to have it done. I will drop it off on Friday or Saturday. At least it's done. 

Once all that was done, I finished up the certificates. I also got the Shredded Chicken in the crockpot. I will cool it in the fridge and then tomorrow take the pot and have it on warm while we are in the meeting. Or I may put it on low to heat it up more. 

Next I had to get my stuff printed for the meeting. Then I had to get moving on getting 5 quilt labels on quilts. 

Mom made the stars, Sue Klapel did the center strip, and Connie put it together as well as quilted it. 

Linda Walter made this and donated it to us. This is one of 3. Love what she did for us!

This is one that Debbie put together and quilted. 

Another of Linda Walter's quilts. 

Last of the three that Linda made. I love what she did!

We are slipping. I am just glad I had 2 done in the last couple weeks. I will try and get moving on more. We are really getting behind on quilts. That is going to be one of our talks at the meeting tomorrow. Something we need to work on. I'm just thrilled we have been able to keep going with these quilts. I may have to ask for more from other groups, but I will try and keep us going. So far we are doing great and I'm very proud of our group. That's what is the best part of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!\

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

A Day Of Fun - Sort Of!

 Today I slept in. Didn't feel like getting up early. I did get up before Patrick - lol. He's doing okay, but not so good either. I just take each day. 

I went downstairs this afternoon to work on the quilt top. I wanted to get it done and possibly give it to the church to quilt. I need to get a few quilts over there to them again. Since Debbie won't be doing much for a good month or more. 

Ran into trouble. I was trying to get the last border on, when it didn't come out right. The right side, I will have to take out. Then I need to cut an inch off the strip. Even though I measured it!! I found that the border waves. I will try and cut it off, then I will take about an inch off. Once that is done, I will do a stay stitch to the outer part. Just so it doesn't waffle like it is now. 

I quit at this point and went to moms. I pick mom and Nancy up so we could go out to my Mother's Day and Birthday dinner.  Patrick didn't go because he just can't taste food and didn't want to waste money on food he couldn't eat. So, I decided to take mom and Nancy to the Happy Teriyaki restaurant. 

I realized then that I had the clothes of moms that I needed to stop off at the grange! I forgot yesterday. Mom gave me 4 quilts that are done and need labels. So, our first stop was to go back to the grange and drop off the clothes I should have dropped off yesterday. 

Next we arrived to find a sign on the door say, "Closed today at 4 pm." UGH! So, we went across the street to the Teriyaki restaurant there. We sat down and I didn't care for it. Both Nancy and I were looking at each other and decided to leave. Mexican owner for a Japanese restaurant didn't look good. The food on the menu didn't look very good either. Not a Japanese restaurant at all!! So, we headed into Chehalis to the Chinese restaurant next to the peppermint factory. No cars there - Closed on Tuesdays! UGH!! So far not doing so good. Then we went to the Royal Sushi and Teriyaki restaurant at the end of Market Street downtown. It was really good. Poor mom watched Nancy and I eat for about 10 minutes before they served her. We were done when she was just starting to eat. We did sit and chat for awhile before calling it done. I took them both home and came back home. 

Talked with Patrick to see how he was doing. He's okay, but I know he's worried about all the weight he is loosing. It's going to be interesting how the next few days go, since he got an email from the doctor to stop taking his meds and work on getting his weight back to normal. Prayers going out this works. 

At least part of my day - I thought - was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, May 15, 2023

The Usual Monday

Today I was up and out the door to head to the grange. When I got there, I didn't see Sandy and Cindy. Then I heard people talking and they were walking into the grange. They parked under the trees in the back. So, I moved my car back there too. 

Sandy was pulling out the fabrics that we bought for our embroidery projects. We cut a few of them to get ready for projects. Then I was teaching Sandy and Cindy how to start their cross stitch project. I also started the small piece that Cindy gave me. I didn't get far, because I was showing them how to work their stitches and keeping it neat and tidy. 

Came home and asked Patrick if he wanted to go to the Casino. We decided to go in about an hour. I got laundry going. Then we headed to the casino. We were there for about 3 hours. We did pretty good. 

Came home around 5:30 pm. We stopped at Arby's for dinner, but Patrick couldn't eat his sandwich because it had too much salty taste. So, he didn't eat much. Ugh. 

I had a few things to get caught up on. I had to send out a list for the QOV group to let me know what food they are bringing for the potluck. So, I didn't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 14, 2023


This morning I received a call from both my daughter and son. Then I got a text from one of my nephews. It's know to get one from the nephews. 

I had to recut my fabric for the back of the quilt I finished yesterday. I cut the backing too short. I did the actual size. Got it in the wash before we headed to the Evergreen Playhouse to watch the play "Tuck Everlasting." It was really, really good. I had no idea what to expect. Katt said it's like a Romeo and Juliette. She was right. But I did enjoy it. I was wondering if there is a movie about it. The players were great!

Stopped at Safeway for noodles. Poor Patrick still can't find food that tastes good. He does good with Ramen  noodles but gets tired of those. I had leftovers. 

Came home and downloaded a book app. It's frustrating because you have to have points to keep reading. Of course, one can pay for the points. Not me. So, I've got the book half read and now I have to wait till I get more points to unlock each chapter. I thought if I started two books, I'd get more points, NOPE! As soon as I get the book read, it's going to be unloaded!

I decided to try and work on my beading. 

I was able to get 4 of the strips done. I'm about half way on the 5th. Since there are 6, it will get done. Then I can work on the second twist. Easy enough, right?! We'll see. 

Tomorrow is embroidery. With 90 degree weather and no AC in the grange, it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping we can deal with it. Western WA has broke so many records the last 2 days. Some went back to 1964. 

I had an awesome Mother's Day and I hope you all did too! I'm wishing everyone a great day! Even if it's just being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Quilting All Day!

This morning I was up and enjoying the cool weather - before the heat hit! Then after all was done, I went downstairs to get moving on finishing the challenge quilt top. 

I finish this up. For some reason I was in the mood to get this done. Now that it's done, I can try and get moving on some of the blocks that are downstairs. I need to get them into a quilt. 

I laid out the blocks. I have a lot of both of them. The colors are the same in both block so decided to mix them up. I have enough for 2 panel quilts. This is the first one. When I got to this point, Patrick came down and said he was going to watch one of the shows I am tired of. So, I decided to stay down there and work on this. 

I talked with Patrick about getting the center area done. I don't have enough space to have 4 blocks across the top. So, I'm going to do a blue strip on the top and bottom of the white in the panel. Then I will use that same blue to balance the 3 blocks on the top and bottom. It's going to look like a U in blue. I guess as long as it's done on top and bottom it will balance it. It may look a little funny with all the red and the blue just in the center. But at this point, I want to get another top done and I have more things to figure out for the next one. We are in need of quilt tops and with Connie getting her knee done in Aug (I believe) then we need to get more quilts done before that. Debbie is a beginner and she's getting there. I hope she can pick it up soon. lol Debbie does an awesome job! I just need more people to work on the bindings because I have only one quilt right now that will go to the museum on Thursday. 

I was enjoying some audio books today. Finished 2 of them. Had to get my ear buds recharged. I had listened that long! Guess that kept me working on my quilt tops. It felt good to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, May 12, 2023

HUM - What Do I Usually Do On Friday's?

This morning I was up and getting stuff ready to go to Connie. I had 5 bags and a tub to take to her. I also had the batting that I got from the shop that I gave her. told her she can do whatever she wanted with it. Of course I had to be at her place by 9:30 am, I was there by 9:15 am and dropped everything off. Next stop was gas. We had 80 cents off per gal of gas, so I paid $3.49 for gas. It's more than most states pay, but in WA they love to tax whatever they can. Taxes go on gas, and then rarely get removed, even when we vote on it. lol 

Got to moms around 10 am and was the first there. Then Nancy came. Mom was getting bindings done for the quilts I had at her house. She didn't realize she needed to sew the binding on. So, I sat down and put 2 bindings on 2 quilts. That left her with 2 to finish. Nancy was going to look at the bindings she has to match them up with the quilts. 

 Connie gave me a quilt that she had the binding ready for it. I put that one on at moms. So, it jumped the line! lol Then I worked on getting this one and got it done. Then mom and I sat down and started to sew down the bindings. I was able to get a side done before I left. Mom had about the same. The one mom was working on went to Michael to finish up. She only had about 1 side to finish the one she was working on. If all goes well, mom should be bring me at least 2 done if not 3. We seriously need more quilts. Connie has 7 to quilt. That should get us up there but I'm getting nervous since we are doing 9 veterans at a time. 

In case you haven't figured it out - I usually go to moms on Fridays. lol 

Stopped at Safeway on the way home. Then I stopped to get both Patrick and I a milk shake at Dairy Dan's. Came home and played a few games. I was also contacted by one of the people I sent a letter to that will be awarded a quilt on my Birthday. I just hope we don't get any more for the 18th. We have 9 with the possible of 10. I think we will use the challenge quilts for this one. I'm not sure if we have that many quilts for the next 2 presentations. We will have to wait and see. I know we have about 4 panel quilts, so hoping I can get more done! This is getting me moving - I hope! That will keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Decided To Work Downstairs

Today I woke with the alarm - Sophie meowing till I got up! She's my alarm clock. It was 9:30 am - lol - I overslept. 

I played some games and then went downstairs to work on my quilt. 

I had to rip out the middle of the 4 barn hole blocks to add the red. I couldn't believe I was that far off. I had to figure it all out as I went. The measurement changed on me, and I went with it. I will put all this together later this weekend. I was hoping to finish it today, but when I got to this part, I gave up. I didn't want to rush it. It's one of the challenge quilt tops and I will get this done. I'm one of the last to finish it. Hum - I wonder why. lol

I was able to get laundry moving.  I finished the backings. Have the quilt backing and batting ready for Connie. When I'm done with this, I will have another one. I may drop that off on Monday - IF I get it done this weekend. Tomorrow is quilting at moms. Not sure I want to go, but I will. I need to drop this off - so I better go. 

At least I can say today was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Went Fabric Shopping Today

What a day! I slept for a little while then got up and went to my PT appointment. I had to call the One Touch (for blood sugar tests) and ended up asking them to call me back. I waited an hour before heading to my PT. While I was waiting for him to come out to get me, I found they called me back. I didn't hear the phone ring and trust me, I had it with me the whole time. 

Went through my PT and then stopped to see mom. She was on her way out to the church. She helps give food out to the poor. Her and Nancy. Nancy called asking where she was. I told her I kept mom up and she was out the door now. 

On my way home I stopped at the museum and picked up a quilt hoop and 2 quilt tops. Then I stopped and got a burger. I'm tired of trying to figure out what to eat since Patrick is having a hard time with it. He did decide he wants pancakes tomorrow. I want waffles. lol 

I found these beautiful flowers on the counter. They are my Mother's Day flowers from Phil and Emily! So sweet!! I love them! Thank you. 

Came home and helped Patrick out in the yard. Then went downstairs to cut batting and backing for 6 quilt tops. Three were ones that Connie has ready. I ran out of the red we had for backings. I'm getting short on the blue as well. I needed to cut 2 more reds. So, I called Heavenly Quilts to see if they had a bolt of red in the 108" wide. They did. So, I asked Patrick if he wanted to go on a road trip. I figured I better get some fabric to hold me till I could order more. We had supper first and I took some asparagus to our neighbors in the back yard. They gave me some sweet corn seeds. I may take some to Phil. I don't know if Patrick is going to plant them or not. 

We headed over to the quilt shop. It's in Onalaska about 20 mins from us. I got carried away! lol 

I bought the rest of the bolt of both reds. I also got the last of the blue - only enough for 1 backing. I'm thinking I'm going to add it to the fabrics we have for quilts. May not use it for backing. I haven't decided. There were 8 and 13 yards of the backing red fabrics. The group is getting a big donation from me! When we came home I had to go back down and cut more backing. Now I'm washing them. When it's all done, I will have 6 quilt tops ready to be quilted. Woo Hoo! We need more quilts! I will try and finish the challenge quilt tomorrow. Not sure how it's going to be. I'll get back to Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Off To My Appointment In Olympia

Today we were up and out the door for my doctor appointment. I ended up waiting 45 mins to see my doctor, but since I like her so much, I'm not complaining. We decided to change a couple things. Then they took photos of my cheek. I told her I kept forgetting to show it to her. It started out itching, then it gave me a old age spot. Now it's itching again. She wanted that checked and asked if there was any skin cancer in the family. I told her my dad had it. The kept removing his cancer spots as they came along. So, we will see what she's going to advise after they give the photos to the dermatologist. 

We stopped at moms to pick up my hanging plant for Mother's Day. We dropped off her bowl of flowers for her Mother's Day gift. 

Then headed home. Patrick was moving our hanging baskets around and moved the bird house. When we were sitting there, one of the birds had stuff in the mouth and was looking for the house. He then moved it to the end of the post. The poor bird was noticing it wasn't in the same place. It moved around where it used to be. Then flew off. Patrick and I were out on the deck later just relaxing and the bird was sticking out of the bird house. I was thrilled! It's the house that a 90 year old veteran made and gave to me. He even signed it. I'm glad to see birds enjoying it. 

I worked on my beading while out there and I even worked on it later while we watched TV today. 

I got all this done today. I'm getting there. I do like the way it's laying this time. It should be easier now that I have it down. 

I have a lot going on, and really, really need to get back to the quilts! OR even my cross stitching, but NO, I'm working on a new project!! UGH. When am I going to learn?! But hey, it's fun!! That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 8, 2023

No Meeting Today

We didn't have our BE meeting today. So I was able to sleep in for a little bit. I was enjoying sleeping in. 

When I did get moving. I worked on my beading. 

 I found that I didn't like the way it was laying down. I realized I did one more row than I should have where they are connected. So, it didn't lay right. I decided to take it out. First I took it out to the point where it didn't lay right. Then I tried putting the strips back on. That didn't work, so I took it all apart. Now I will start all over again!

Patrick worked in the yard till the rain started. Then he sat out on the deck. So, I took my genealogy envelope out there and started adding more names to my tree. I had Nelson and Ziegler families added. Then I went back to removing beads when we came back in. 

Patrick said there was a double rainbow and I had to take a photo! It was in the side of the house. I had fun finding it.

My day didn't go as well as I would have liked, but it turned out pretty good. I started a journal about the cancer we are dealing with. I wanted to write down what I'm thinking when things are hard for Patrick. I can't do anything to help, but I can write about not being able to help. lol 

That's what's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Let Half The Day Go By

I shocked myself by sleeping till 11 am. I let the morning disappear on me! I was surprised I could sleep that long. I haven't done that since I was a teenager. lol 

I wanted to get my bread in before we left today. So, I heated the oven and got moving with baking. 

We took off and went to the movie. We saw the last of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It was really, really good. I enjoyed that. A couple times when they were moving - I started to move as well! My brain didn't like that. I was okay though. I did enjoy the movie and that's what counts. 

Came home and it was already 4:30 pm. So, it was supper time and then I could relax. I played games and then exercises since I missed those earlier. Once that was done, I could bead. 

 I was able to get another stem done with 2/3's of the other one done. I will try and get more done tomorrow since we canceled our meeting. 

I made sure I got something worked on today - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do.  About the time he retur...