Sunday, May 28, 2023

Having Friends Over

 First thing this morning was cleaning house. We had our bowling partners over today. They brought dessert. We had hamburgers and fruit salad. Really didn't go out of our way to have a lot for supper. I didn't eat any lunch, so I enjoyed my hamburger. We had really good corn on the cob as well. 

We played games and I wasn't the lucky one. I did win 3 games with Nick, but that was about it. We played 4 games of SORRY and of course I didn't win that either. 

All in all it was an enjoyable day. Connie texted that she needed a backing. So, after they left, I went and cut a backing. It's in the wash right now. Then I will take 2 backings and the quilt top I finished yesterday. Which meant today was not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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