Sunday, May 14, 2023


This morning I received a call from both my daughter and son. Then I got a text from one of my nephews. It's know to get one from the nephews. 

I had to recut my fabric for the back of the quilt I finished yesterday. I cut the backing too short. I did the actual size. Got it in the wash before we headed to the Evergreen Playhouse to watch the play "Tuck Everlasting." It was really, really good. I had no idea what to expect. Katt said it's like a Romeo and Juliette. She was right. But I did enjoy it. I was wondering if there is a movie about it. The players were great!

Stopped at Safeway for noodles. Poor Patrick still can't find food that tastes good. He does good with Ramen  noodles but gets tired of those. I had leftovers. 

Came home and downloaded a book app. It's frustrating because you have to have points to keep reading. Of course, one can pay for the points. Not me. So, I've got the book half read and now I have to wait till I get more points to unlock each chapter. I thought if I started two books, I'd get more points, NOPE! As soon as I get the book read, it's going to be unloaded!

I decided to try and work on my beading. 

I was able to get 4 of the strips done. I'm about half way on the 5th. Since there are 6, it will get done. Then I can work on the second twist. Easy enough, right?! We'll see. 

Tomorrow is embroidery. With 90 degree weather and no AC in the grange, it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping we can deal with it. Western WA has broke so many records the last 2 days. Some went back to 1964. 

I had an awesome Mother's Day and I hope you all did too! I'm wishing everyone a great day! Even if it's just being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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