Friday, May 12, 2023

HUM - What Do I Usually Do On Friday's?

This morning I was up and getting stuff ready to go to Connie. I had 5 bags and a tub to take to her. I also had the batting that I got from the shop that I gave her. told her she can do whatever she wanted with it. Of course I had to be at her place by 9:30 am, I was there by 9:15 am and dropped everything off. Next stop was gas. We had 80 cents off per gal of gas, so I paid $3.49 for gas. It's more than most states pay, but in WA they love to tax whatever they can. Taxes go on gas, and then rarely get removed, even when we vote on it. lol 

Got to moms around 10 am and was the first there. Then Nancy came. Mom was getting bindings done for the quilts I had at her house. She didn't realize she needed to sew the binding on. So, I sat down and put 2 bindings on 2 quilts. That left her with 2 to finish. Nancy was going to look at the bindings she has to match them up with the quilts. 

 Connie gave me a quilt that she had the binding ready for it. I put that one on at moms. So, it jumped the line! lol Then I worked on getting this one and got it done. Then mom and I sat down and started to sew down the bindings. I was able to get a side done before I left. Mom had about the same. The one mom was working on went to Michael to finish up. She only had about 1 side to finish the one she was working on. If all goes well, mom should be bring me at least 2 done if not 3. We seriously need more quilts. Connie has 7 to quilt. That should get us up there but I'm getting nervous since we are doing 9 veterans at a time. 

In case you haven't figured it out - I usually go to moms on Fridays. lol 

Stopped at Safeway on the way home. Then I stopped to get both Patrick and I a milk shake at Dairy Dan's. Came home and played a few games. I was also contacted by one of the people I sent a letter to that will be awarded a quilt on my Birthday. I just hope we don't get any more for the 18th. We have 9 with the possible of 10. I think we will use the challenge quilts for this one. I'm not sure if we have that many quilts for the next 2 presentations. We will have to wait and see. I know we have about 4 panel quilts, so hoping I can get more done! This is getting me moving - I hope! That will keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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