Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Visit From Mom

 Today I was happy to be able to have the day to myself. I slept in. Then mom called to see what I was doing today. Told her I was getting laundry going and cleaning up a bit, other than that I wasn't doing much, "Why?" She said she wanted to do something different, and could she come over after she gets her nails done. That didn't bother me, so I said, "Sounds good."

While I was waiting for mom to call back after her nails, Victoria, who is a family member, called. She wanted to tell me about her adoption by Margie. This is the MATHESON family. As I figured out, she is not related to mom. She's the daughter of Orville's wife, who had an affair with someone else while he was serving in WWII. He was due home around the time Victoria was born. Her mother kept her in a closet and tried to kill her with a pillow when Margie came in the room. Margie took Victoria (1946) and adopted her. Not sure how that worked because we haven't been able to find a birth certificate. Long story short, she's not mom's relative but a step. We chatted for a while. 

Then I vacuumed because it needed it. By the time I was done, mom arrived. She picked up a sandwich from Subway. So, we sat and chatted. I learned more about her upbringing and her mother. It was interesting. We both wondered why grandmother wouldn't go back to Kansas. Granddad wanted to go back to Kansas to be with his family. Grandmother didn't seem to be a family type of person. So, even though he went back there to work, she would not go with him. That made him come back. Mom said she thought grandmother threated to keep her to make grandfather stay. Hard to say. It was interesting. We talked about how my brother Patrick was her favorite. We all knew that. Mom couldn't figure that one out either. 

After lunch we sat in the living room and chatted more. She worked on the applique stars, and I worked on my beading. 

While she worked on her stars, I worked on my panels. I finished the panel from yesterday and worked on the last set of panels. The red is the last one. The bottom of the dress doesn't show like the others, but it's because of the reds. I should have made them a little more different than they are. They are close to the same shade of color. I have one more to do and then it's finished. 

Tomorrow is a trip to Tacoma. Not sure how that will turn out. If all goes well, I will post why I had to go up there. Think good thought! lol 

I really enjoyed my day with my mother. Sometimes that's rare, but I really did enjoy her visit and told her she needs to do that more often. With her here and me stitching, it turned out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Embroidery Day

 This morning Patrick went golfing, and I went to the grange to have embroidery. I arrived early and Gerilyn was already there. We got the place warmed up when Cindy arrived. Sandy said she would be running late so Cindy decided to get the drinks. As it turned out Sandy was only 10 minutes late. So, they both had drinks for us. I was thrilled to get 2 drinks, one hot and one cold. 

I decided to take my beading today. Wasn't in the mood for embroidery. I worked on my panel and finished it just as it was time to leave. Cindy showed the projects she's working on. She decided to try the "rotation" idea. That's when one has 2-6 different projects and rotates them either by weeks or months. Let's say I have 3 projects that I want to work on. I get tired of doing the same one all the time. So, I decide to do the first one for 2 weeks (or say, a month), then I rotate to project #2 and do the same. When I have rotated all three projects, I go back and start over. Eventually, they get done. Depending on how much work each one is. I showed Cindy what they do on Instagram, and she took off from there. She has 5 projects. She was so chatty that she didn't get much done. Sandy worked on her rock and flower project. Can't remember the name of that one, but it's a Debbie Kelley piece. Gerilyn worked on her basket handle and decided how she wanted to decorate it with embroidery. We gave her a couple ideas and she ran with it. Looks great!

After embroidery I stopped at the church to pick up 2 quilts that are done. I need to trim them for the binding to be put on. If there is a panel in there, I may have Debbie sew the binding on and then I will finish it. 

Took my walk when I got home. Patrick arrived as I got started. I listened to my book. It's about eating right. Hard to explain. It's about how ones body works and what it needs and can't function with. It's interesting. I'm just waiting to see what the eating habbits should be. 

Then I decided to get back to the beading. I need to finish this set and start another. Time is running out!

I finished the left panel angel. Then tonight I started the second one. I will try and get it finished as well. Once this is done, I have one more set of 2 to work on. I didn't see the colors in my box. Or maybe I did, there was red in there. I am happy with this. I hope to work on this and get them done. I need to mail a couple of them out. At least beading does keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Doing Nothing Today...Till Supper Time

 Today I spent working on laundry (and forgetting it). As well as sitting and listening to my book playing games. 

Finally around 4 pm I decided to do something instead of wasting the day. 

I worked on the bottom left and the white areas. I did get a lot done, but I have a couple places that need a stitch in there. I will do that later. It went really well. 

AND THE SEAHAWKS WON! I was listening to the book working on this when I would look up and find where were ahead, tied, and then behind. It was awesome to see we pulled it out at the last minute! 

So, in a way, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Our Last Presentation Day - This Year

 Today I had to load up the car with quilts and stuff for members to work on. I gave Diane her paperwork and all is good for now. 

We had our presentation and checked to see when we would need to be available for Nov 11. 

Quilts were put our and ready to go. We had a good turn out. 

It was nice to have a full house for 9 veterans. They were all having a good time. Veterans kept the quilt wrap around them when they sat down. It was awesome. 


We had a fun time. We also received some small quilts from Smiley for us to raffle off when we have our presentations. That will go on for a little while. There must be about 10 quilts in the box he gave us. We are done for the year. With the exception of being part of the Nov 11th ceremony at the museum. We will honor 5 move veterans. We also have to be at the LC Commissioners meeting on the 7th. Plus we have our potluck. But the big presentations are done for this year. 

Afterwards, Debbie, Connie and I went to Dutch Brothers to get our drinks. We were able to get an extra 100 points. I ordered a drink for both Patrick and I. Then I had to go to Walmart (ugh) and pick up potatoes for supper. I made homemade fries that turned out really good. The hamburger paddy wasn't as good. 

Then I took the rest of the day off. I sat and played games while watching TV. Called it a night. Not quiet being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Friday, October 27, 2023

What A Day

 This morning I was back to normal. Patrick didn't go golfing because it was 40 degrees this morning. We slept in. 

I went walking around 11:30 and used Patrick's phone to clock what I was doing. I found out that it's just 2 miles around the block 7 times. That's fine. It's actually over a mile so I'm happy. 

We headed out after that to go to my mammogram. First, we stopped to get a few things and then we headed to Olympia. It went well, but I have to make a trip to Tacoma next week. I'm not worried about it, so I'm not going to say anything till I know what is really up. 

Next, we stopped at Costco and bought some crab legs for dinner. We decided it would be cheaper to pick up the crab legs and have that at home then it was go to out and eat. I was totally okay with that! I love crab! We couldn't decide what to do for dinner, and this was the best option. Date night, and crab is a great way to have "date night." 

After supper, Bryan called but I didn't answer. Feel bad but I had to get the 2 quilts done. Tomorrow we are having the presentation, so I didn't have time to chat tonight. I sent a text to let him know I would be available next week. This weekend is just way to busy for me! 

The finally 2 quilts are now labeled and ready to go to the museum. This one was done by Sonja Wilkins. She said she may have more for us later. 

This one is Kristie Gerard's quilt. She does an awesome job! She even quilted this one. 

My day was so busy, I was worried I might not be able to get the labels done. I have everything ready for tomorrow, and that made me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Had A List For Today

Last night I wrote myself a list to make sure I tried to get something done today. 

1. Do certificates

2. Cut backing for Connie

3. Cut backing and batting for 3 quilts

4. Work on getting Smiley's stuff ready.

5. Get the backing washed

6. Send photo of color catchers to Bob

7. Look for fabric for mom

8. Get to work on finishing the quilt top

9. Put labels on 7 quilts

Now that list was on the counter. I had to go walking first.  Ron and I walked for the last time before he leaves for California. I will see him back here in April. I will miss him! Walking went so much better with someone to talk to. 

Patrick got home on my last lap. Then I headed downstairs to work on getting the certificates done for Saturday. I had to get the ink in the printer. But before that, I had to get my computer to work for me. It's a laptop and since they updated it to Windows11 it's been a major hassle. They finally printed. 

I found my quilt top like this. I guess Sophie thought I needed help! NOT! I will have to get this done! First, I have to get the other quilts ready to be quilted. 

While I waited on the last one, I started cutting the backings and battings. I have the backing for Connie's quilt and the other 3 done. I then came up to get them in the wash. 

About that time my mother's cousin called me. She wanted to chat. Told her I would call her back after supper. Which I did. Then it was 45 mins on the phone with her. Good thing I had 2 of the quilt labels on. 

This one is Connie's. 

Victoria Parrott made this one! I love the work she does for us. I had to get 2 of her quilts ready to be quilted. One of them I had to trim the tails of thread on the back. 

This is another one. 

This was Val Gordon's quilt. They are all ready to go to the museum. I thought I had done 5 of them, but I guess I just did 4. I had too much on my plate today. 

I was able to get most of my list done. The part of 7 labels, well that didn't happen. Plus, I didn't get Smiley's stuff ready for him. So, that will have to be done tomorrow. Even though I'm going to be out most of the day. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the last 2 done. My day was BUSY, and none stopped. Phone calls do get in the way, but that's life and I work around them. Today I was working really hard to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

OOPS! Not Back On Track - Today

 This morning Patrick was up at 7 am to go golfing. Poor guy doesn't get to sleep in anymore with his golfing. The guys like to start by 8 am so that the rest of the day is free. 

I headed out to my physical therapy. Did my exercises and chatted with Bob. He's got a lot on his plate right now with his father-in-law having stage 4 cancer and doesn't have long to live. Plus, he had to put his dog down this week. Guess we aren't the only ones who end up with on thing after another. 

Came back and stopped at the post office. Had to get stamps so QOV thank you cards can go out. I need to get another thank you card out to the gal who sent 4 quilt tops. Plus, another gal that sent a big quilt for us. 

I was going to stop at McD's on the way home, but Patrick didn't answer his phone. We decided to go after I walked, and he went to the dump. Once he got back, he took a nap. I played games. I woke him at 3 pm and we went over to McD's where I got a free McChicken. Both of us were surprised that the food wasn't hot and didn't taste all that good. I was really disappointed, since I was hungry for a McChicken. Guess I won't be for a while now. 

Came back home and I listened to my books as well as watched TV. Playing games, the whole time. I just wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Back On Track With QOV

Today was one of those rainy days. 

 Val came over to drop off a quilt and get her check. We chatted a good 30 mins. Ron called while she was here. We decided not to go walking till the weather was better. Yeah, no, didn't get better. 

So, I went downstairs to work on my labels. I have to have a few more labels to finish up the 8 quilts in the bedroom. 

I was able to sew 25 labels and turn 9 of them into labels. I was texting Hildi at the same time. I was having a good long chat with her. She's happy to be in Vermont. But I still miss her! Guess she had called and chatted with mom the other day. That's good. Mom loves to chat. Not sure how that went with moms hearing though. I was downstairs working on the labels for about an hour or so. I figure we texted a good hour. lol 

Of course, Sophie had to try and help me. OR remind me that I need to finish this quilt. I will do that soon. I'm getting to the point where I need to finish it. Then when I was working on the labels, I ran out of bobbins. That meant I had to wind bobbins. I ended up doing 7 of them. One of them I accidentally took the bobbin thread that was in the machine and rewound it. Which means I actually did 8 bobbins. I couldn't believe I grabbed the wrong thread!

Then I came upstairs and got to work on the QOV stuff. I needed to update the NAMS program with all our information. I went through Carol's stuff and got that entered into NAMS. Once all that was done, I started to work on the presentation dates in NAMS. Trouble was, I put the wrong date on a couple of them. Instead of Oct, I said Nov. When I realized that, the internet went down. It wasn't working. UGH So for the hour it was off, I worked on the label of one of the quilts. 

Sara Bower did this quilt. I really like it. Now the label is on it and it's ready to go to the museum. We will have to pick which quilts go to Saturday's presentation and what we will have for Nov 11th. 

Today I was back on track. I had things to do and I did them. I need to go to PT tomorrow and get some stamps at the post office. Then I can come back home and try to be working on the quilts that need labels. That would make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Things To Do Today

 Today started out with Patrick golfing and telling me it was 8 am. I got up and was out the door by 9 am. I had to stop at Connie's to get her the bags of scraps from that mess we had. I stopped and chatted with her. She then gave me 5 quilts that were done. She even did the binding on them. So, I now have 6 quilts that need labels. I will do that this week. First, I need to do more labels. Then I can get them on the 6 quilts. I will need to order more labels as well. 

I headed over to the grange for our meeting. The only one that showed was Cindy. We both had places to be at 12:30, so we quit at noon. 

I took my beading to work on the angels that I need to get done. I want to work on putting the ornaments together in November. October is almost over, and I still need to do one more set after this. 

I went to Fiddlers in Centralia to meet up with Carol and Diane from QOV. We talked about Carol taking a break from doing the calls to veterans and getting them assigned. I also need to get stamps for Diane when she sends out the Thank you cards. We have a lot of changes happening with QOV and will work that out in December at our potluck. We chatted for about 2 hours. 

Afterwards, I went to moms to get the quilt she had ready. That put it up to 6 quilts and I just realized I have another one I've had for a while. So, that makes 7 quilts that need labels. 

I wasn't in the mood to do much once I got home. I did need to plug my tablet in, so I worked on the bead panel. 

At least I am 2/3 done with this panel. The top of the dress of the angel is actually a light green. It looks yellow in the photo. I should have picked a different color for the top, but really don't want to take it out. 

Today I had a list of "things to do" and did them. Gee, how often does that happen for me?! I have the rest of the week to work on a few things for QOV. Then maybe I can get back to working on my stuff. I can't wait for the break with QOV. 

After all, I was able to finish the "things to do" list for today. That was fun! And I was able to watched TV with Patrick, while I was beading. That made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Today I worked on my genealogy for Bryan. He called yesterday and then sent me a few texts on what he needed information on. I gave him some information, but I didn't have what he has. 

 I worked on the MATHESON family. That is my grandmother's maiden name. It's amazing how much information I have on this family and yet not enough. He has been working on the different branches of the family and filling them in for me. His Uncle Dallas passed away a few months ago. It was a shame since mom was hoping to get in contact with him. They ae all around her age. I think she is the second to the oldest in grandmother's family as for as cousins go. I was hoping he was still around. Wonder what made her think of him. She asked where he lived, and I told her he was in Texas. The funny part of all this is that most of the family all got divorces. Only one brother of grandmothers stayed married to his wife. The rest seemed to have married up to 5 times so far. Makes me think of Irvin Wineland! lol 

I'm finding that the Wineland tree has been moving into the Matheson tree. It's really fun to work on. I love to hear the stories of these people. Amazing what they go through or had to go through to get where we are today. 

Mom called to say she has one more block to do on her quilt. Asked me what I was doing and told her I had been working on the family history. I was going to ask her about someone but forgot who it was. 

So, today wasn't a day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Lazy Saturday For Both Of Us

 This morning we both slept in. I headed out for my 11 am walk with Ron. 

Then came in and pretty much wasted the day away with playing games and watching movies. We watched a Disney movie that was really good. A good Halloween movie. 

I did try to get something done today. lol 

Bryan called (as he does every week), and we chatted about the family history. I told him not to worry about record keeping because I have it and will share what I have. I just can't do it while he's in prison, because I don't know if he can get it all. It's practically a book. 

The day is over, and all I did was 7 rows of bead....pretty bad! Patrick worked on the Gunderson stuff. Hopefully tomorrow I will try and do more! Today was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Spending The Day Away

 This morning I was up and ready to go to my massage. I asked her to work on my hip and whole body. When she got to work on the hip and leg, man! was that painful. I'm a tight person to begin with but man oh man, that was letting me know I was tight! It really felt good after though!

Got home to find Patrick already home. He wanted to know if I would like to go to the casino. I figured what the heck, sure. We spend most of the afternoon there. Half the casino was closed for some work they are doing. They rearranged the room we were in. Thinking they are going to do the same for the rest of it. 

We stopped at Carl's Jr. for supper and came home. Didn't feel like doing much, so I pretty much played games. Will try tomorrow to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

First Time In A Long Time

Today I was up and working on my exercises. My hip is giving me fits again.  I am beginning to wonder if the massage therapy is really working. I go in tomorrow and will decide then. Sitting doesn't help though. 

I realized today that I actually had the whole week to myself. I didn't bother with QOV. I didn't worry about what I needed to do. I just did what I wanted to do. I didn't try and go crazy about what I had on my list. What ever happened, happened. 

I got a call from Kaiser asking me to go back in for another mammogram. What fun!! I'm not worried. I had to go through this one other time as well. All was good. I'm thinking this will be to. I'm going back in next week. 

I worked on my cross stitching today. It's coming along nicely. 

I am finally back on track. I'm also ready to roll this so I can get to it easier. When it's on the side, it doesn't matter. But I want to get to the middle area to work as well. I'm straightening out my work and then will go back to trying the step method. 

My blue angels are done. I will pick another color for the dress. I'm thinking of a red or green. I think I have them picked out. I was also thinking of orange. Time will tell what I do. I didn't want to start another one, so I played on my tablet. 

Patrick was golfing this morning. So, all week I was able to sleep in. I enjoyed having the morning to myself, but I wish I could have a little more time. lol - He leaves at 7:30 am and is back by 12:30 pm. So, when I sleep in, I don't get a lot of time to myself. Yet there is that issue of walking with Ron at 11. That usually takes a good hour. I guess I shouldn't complain because I am getting out and walking. 

I have really enjoyed this week. I didn't do much that would have me jumpy or wondering what to do. I knew what I wanted and that was to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Working On 2 Things Now

 This morning I was up (earlier than yesterday) and ready to go walking. I called Ron to make sure we were walking since he didn't show up on time. He wasn't sure if we were walking. I can confuse him when we talk about to many days in a row. 

Afterwards I came in. Patrick arrived shortly after. He went to Safeway for stuff for supper. Then he sat down. Said he was going to go out and work in the yard since it was a good day today. Next thing I noticed was he fell asleep. So, I decided not to interrupt his sleep. Ended up playing games for a good 2-3 hours. He needs to sleep at times. I know the cancer is waring him down, so when he wants to sleep, I let him. 

After supper I decided it was time to get back to my cross stitching. 

I ended up taking out all this area where the thread is. It went all the way down to that row. I ended up taking a good 5 rows out. I just couldn't get the count right. I remember having this problem the last time I worked on it. So, today I decided to fix it. 

I was able to get it down to this point. Then I could get started and work on it correctly. 

Once I got to the point to fix it, I got going. I decided to go all the way across and get this lined up before working the steps in. I'm happy to say it worked. 

Then I wanted to work on the beads. I got tired of cross stitching after I had to fix the mistake. So, I decided to work on this piece. I've got more done. I just need to finish it tomorrow. 

Today was spent working on laundry, staying still for Patrick, and getting some stitching done. I'm getting a little at a time. That's all I need, to work on something even if it's a little at a time. That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

It's Time For A "ME" Day

 This morning I slept till 10 am. I took a Zyrtec last night and didn't feel like getting up. It makes me sleep, so I really didn't mind. I haven't been sleeping very well lately. 

Walked with Ron at 11 am. The came in to find Patrick was still golfing. I made a hotdog and then went to get supper out of the freezer when Patrick arrived. So much for the "me" day. I let him do what he does and I worked on my cross stitch today. 

 I was able to get a lot done. I worked on the dove and then in the bottom area. I also worked in the area I was working on yesterday. The bottom area was off, so I have to take 2 rows out to get it back on track. I'm happy with it right now. I will get the bottom to line up with the "step" next to the dove. Then I will try to get back to my stepping routine. I'm happy with it so far. I would love to get the bottom done. I'm not sure where I'm going to start when I get to the half way point. 

After working on that all day and having to take a row out, I decided to try working on my beading. 

I was able to get half of the top done. I had the first half done already. I just added a couple more rows. That's all. I'm trying to finish a few things, but I have at least 4 things that need to be finished. I'm not doing so good with that. I guess I should be thankful for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Hello Monday

 This morning I slept till 8:35 am and woke up saying, "Oh, Shit!" because I needed to leave by 9:15 am. Patrick got up but went back to bed because it was raining. I didn't know he decided not to go golfing, so I went back to sleep. I ended up doing a quick job of exercises and then out the door. 

I stopped at McD's to get coffee and ice tea. Once that was done, I headed to the grange. Gerilyn brought her wool quilt she is working on and said she wanted to do the BE on it. She didn't want to do the flowers she was learning with. We told her that was fine. Each of us have things we want to do, and things we don't. So, we talked about how she could use BE in her wool quilt. She had a basket that was being worked on. She wanted to add some BE flowers to it as she went along. I told her of some ideas I had. She's game. Once she gets the basket done (took out the handle because she didn't like it), she said she was going to do a braided handle. That is what Sandy was talking about that would work. I think we still have her coming. She's not going to make it next week though. 

I was able to get some of the butterfly done. I didn't work really hard at trying to get it finished. We finished up early and I headed home. I had to stop and drop off my Sunday Nite Mixed bank statement with the new secretary. There was an accident on my way home, so it took a little longer than I would have expected. 

I went through the scraps bags downstairs. I was tired of seeing all this! It's scraps that needed to be thrown out. I finally decided to just throughout the material that was given to us. I got what I needed out of some of the bags. The fabric had as smell to it and somewhere soiled. I found big pet hairs in there along with dirt. So, it wasn't worth my time to see what we could get out of it. I had a small bag going to good will. 

I kept this for Connie. When I texted her, she told me that it came from a smoker's house. That made sense because my allergies were acting up while I was working on the piles. I am thankful for getting the fabrics - can't look a gift horse in the mouth - so to speak. But I wish we would have gotten bigger pieces. I think someone picked out what they wanted and put all the scraps in bags for us to go through. They should have been thrown out when they did that. 

After making up my mind to get rid of it all, I decided to come upstairs and play games. 

I decided instead to work on my cross stitching. I was able to add more to the blue in the middle. I wish the crosses would cross over the fabric better, but it's hard to do sometimes. I think the DMC floss is a lot thinner than it used to be. I may have to change my floss to something else. I will try to get more done on this piece, as it's over a year old now. I need to finish this so I can start another. lol Isn't that what it's all about to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

A Trip To The Evergreen Playhouse

 This morning I didn't want to get up. I finally did around 9:30 am. I would have slept till noon if I wanted to. I just decided to get my butt out of bed. 

I was out walking at 11 am with Ron. We had a good walk, it didn't rain. We were hoping we could get the walk in before it started up again. He's going to be going to CA in a couple of weeks. I have enjoyed walking with him. I had to come in halfway through and then again when we were done. No fun when my stomach is telling me to get home fast! 

We waited about 30 mins and then headed out to pick mom and Nancy up. We got to moms early and Patrick just wanted to sit for a few mins. Then we went to get Nancy. The play today was "Murder on the   Orient Express." They did an awesome job! I really enjoyed the play! Mom fell asleep around the end of the show. She missed out on a few things. I was shocked she could go to sleep! But then she went to church and then out to eat with Nancy just before we picked them up. Nancy really enjoyed the play as well. 

Came home and got supper made. I didn't want to work on anything today. So, I decided to play my games. I will work on my quilt this week. Time will tell. This is three days of not feeling up to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Working On Genealogy

 This morning I enjoyed sleeping in a little. I was ready to go walking with Ron. Had to call him because he wasn't out there. He was chatting with his son and didn't think I was going to walk today. He kept thinking it was Friday. At 94 years old, who can blame him. 

Today is my nephew's birthday. What fun. He's the same age as Phil. 

I pretty much spend the afternoon between tomato sauce and genealogy. 

This is the last of the tomatoes for the year. Patrick took out the plant because they were dying or splitting the tomatoes. We got enough for 5 bags of sauce. We don't eat a lot of sauce, so it's just enough for the year. 

I was working on my MATHESON family tree. I ended up going off the direct line. I'm trying to get all the information that Bryan has sent me. It's taking some time. That on top of the information that I already have that needs to go in the tree. I'll get there. 

I wasn't trying very hard to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Another Trip To Olympia

 This morning I headed over to Connie's to drop off some of the scraps that we got. I showed her I had more to go through. She gave me a few blocks that she had done and I'm going to work them into a quilt. They are log cabins. She's doing better but can't stand on her feet too long. So, trying to quilt right now isn't going to be easy. She's going to do a little at a time. 

After stopping at her place, I headed to moms. I worked on my butterfly while everyone was working on their quilt projects. 

It's like paint by numbers. I am embroidering the black areas. I was getting a lot done today. I finished the left side and started working on the right. My right side doesn't look as good as the left. Wondered about that. They went to get lunch around noon. I didn't want to stay for lunch, so I came home. I ended up waiting a good hour or more before we had to go back to Olympia. 

I had my mammogram today. Thank goodness it's the 3D machine so I only go pinched 4 times compared to before. The gal asked about getting shots in the last 3 days and I told her I got the flu shot but it's a little red around the area. She looked at it and said it looks like I have a reaction to the flu shot. It does hurt but we'll see. I didn't have the Band-Aid on very long, so I don't think it was that. After getting pinched I headed to get my blood drawn. I had 3 tubes. It will be interesting to see what my doctor says. I forgot to ask her if she wanted me to go back on my Crestor pills. All that took about 30 mins. 

We headed back home but stopped at the Sausage and Deli (Dick's Brewery) to eat. It was good. They were getting crowded as we left. It took us 25 mins to get from Dick's Brewery to the on ramp for I-5 in Centralia. That normally takes us 5-8 mins on a normal day! We also stopped at Safeway to pick up a few things. 

Once all that was done, I was done. I played games. At least this morning I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Crashed Today

 This morning I couldn't get my butt up. I finally got up around 9:30 am, know I needed to go walking around 11. Ron called to see if we were still one. Told him we were. It wasn't raining like it was all week. So, we took our walk. Halfway through the walk Patrick came home. I finished my walk to find Patrick in his chair not so happy. Said he had a bad night sleep, and it went into the golf game. Plus he hasn't been feeling well the last few days. He decided to go take a nap. I worked on laundry and cleaned up the kitchen before I sat down to play games. It wasn't a half hour since he went to take a nap, that I was falling asleep myself. I ended up napping for 2 hours and still didn't want to get up. We had a "light" supper and then. 

I went downstairs to get 2 quilt tops ready for Connie. She said 1 but I want to get some out of the house. I will be dropping off some of the scraps that I went through yesterday. I didn't touch the pile today. 

I am down to this much. It's depressing to see. I hate having to go through all this. I would rather have some really nice fabrics that were washed or even kept clean. I will have to work on it. I am sending 3 bags to Connie tomorrow. 

I have these three bags ready to go to Connie. I had to wash the backings. I'm on my last backing and then I can fold it up and put it in the bag as well. She wanted some backing and batting for one of her quilts. There are 2 quilts ready to be quilted and one that she wanted and will have ready. She's going to do a little at a time. I don't want to push her. I'm actually getting more tops in and need to get them out to be quilted. It's going slow but I know in a month or show it will pick up. 

I'm still not all there. I have a mammogram tomorrow - YEAH! - not. Plus I have to go to moms for our meeting. I will be leaving early. Not sure I really want to go, but will go so mom doesn't get upset with me for not coming over. Maybe this weekend I can get all this stuff done and get back to my normal part of making tops. Hard to say. But today was the day I crashed from all this stuff going on in my life. Which means I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time Was Spent In Olympia Today

 This morning we were up early and on the way to Olympia. Since our doctors are up there, that were we go. Of course, today was my "physical" and we all know what that means. At least us women do! I was told if all goes well, I won't have to have the "Paps" done again. Like a graduation! I liked that idea. Fingers crossed I will graduate!

We then went to get meds for my Grand doggie! After that we had one more stop. I was told to come back in 30 mins, so Patrick took me to Teriyaki for my "supper." I order and have to wait. He sat out in the car. Then we headed back. It was done and then I had to stop at Phil's to give him the dog meds. I was getting hungry by then. 

Arriving at home, I got going on my "lunch/supper" because it smelled so good! It wasn't hot but it was good! I was thrilled to get Japanese food after all this time. Patrick doesn't care for food that isn't steak and potatoes. 

After that I went downstairs to work on that pile of scraps. I had a fill bag I throw away. Way too many 1" strips that where not folded and didn't smell the best. There was some white fabric in yardage, so I washed those. They did have some yellowish stains and I figured I better wash it out. Don't want to make a quilt with stains on it. I think we even have some of that same fabric. There were from what I did today, a few blocks already done. I'm giving Connie all the scraps that I think are worth it, plus the blocks. She can use them for something or give them to the church. The church where they quilt for us, only want 2 yards or more. Haven't found any of that yet. I did get about 4 bags done. I am taking my time working on that stash. I am throwing away the really small stuff. I hate doing it, but since they were scraps, they need to go. 

I came back up and baked cookies. The good ones! White Chocolate with Macadamia nuts! Yum! But the batch was a small batch. Not even 2 dozen! So, I'm going to double it next time. They were really good!!

Then it was time to work on my next set of ornaments. I was able to finish this one and start the next one. These are the first pair. I figured between what I did and where I ended up, I pretty much did one whole panel. Not bad for just sitting and watching TV with Patrick. 

I have another trip to Olympia on Friday. As we all know - women that is - how much we hate getting our boobs pinched - it's that time for me to be checked. Oh, what fun! Till then I'm going to try and keep busy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

What A Day! Making Up For Yesterday!

 This morning I was enjoying sleeping in. Patrick did to. I finally got up after he's shower. Then I went down my list of what I needed to do. Donna was coming over at 11 am to drop off scraps of material. I got a call about 10:30 am saying she couldn't make it at 11 but could make it after I get back from my running around. 

I got a text from Colleen telling me she finished the quilt top and could she come over. I told her I would be home around 3 pm and she could come then. 

Next, I headed out to the church to drop off a quilt top. Then I headed over to Alli's place to drop off some panels and fabric. Once that was done we chatted about how we could make money for the group. She's got awesome ideas and I'm letting her go for it. She's going to set up a website for us and when she does, I will drop the Facebook page. From there I stopped and got coffee and tea for Patrick and I. Then headed to the museum to pick up some tops. Victoria from Ocean Shores dropped off 4 tops. 

I'm going to show them as I opened them up. I love the work she does!!

I sent her some fabrics and some panels. She did an amazing job on all of them. 

Finding the right colors for this isn't easy and she did great!

This one is a hard one to figure out what to do. She's given me some ideas, and now maybe I can do a couple of these. 

I didn't look at the one Colleen added to. I will do that later. Just after Colleen left, Donna arrived. 

She dropped all this off! I have to go through it and figure out what we can use and what I need to do with the rest. I may end up taking it to Connie for her own quilts. Hard to say. One of those bags I saw was nothing but very small scraps. It's going to take time to go through them. The church doesn't want them unless they are 2 yards worth. So, I'm really going to have to work on that as well. I don't know if there is any of it, we can use. It's hard to say just looking at it like this. I will work on it a little at a time. I need to do 1 bag at a time. Not sure that will count towards being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Talk About Changing Plans!

 This morning I woke early to get stuff ready to go to my BE meeting. As I'm getting the QOV stuff ready for Allie, I received a text. Cindy said she wasn't coming today. I then contacted Sandy V to see if she was coming and she said she texted Sandy E last night. Sandy E is in Canada. I contacted Gerlyn to let her know it would be the 2 of us, and I was cancelling. 

It wasn't 5 mins after I cancelled that I got a call from one of the new gals who quilts. We chatted about what was expected on both parts. She said she would take the 2 quilts that I have ready to quilt. She would be here around 2 pm. I had to send Alli a message to let her know I wouldn't be out today since our meeting was cancelled. I decided to give her the 2 quilts that I was going to take to the church. I have another top that needs the batting and backing. So, I need to get the done today. When, I wasn't sure. 

Patrick came home and was surprised I was home. I was in the middle of making changes for today. I will be going out tomorrow. At least it's that way for now. 

Debbie called and needed some help. She came over to figure out how to sew a corner with the full piece. We worked it out and she was able to do it. Poor Debbie. She was upset and told me about a WSP (Washington State Parole Officer) was on his last legs of life. He's 42 years old and served in Iraq 2 terms. That is what put his health in the condition he's in. Tumors that can't be stopped. He still works for WSP, but they haven't put a guard at his hospital door. Chances are he will pass in the next day or two. 

Once Debbie left, I kept going with laundry - yep! I remembered I started that today. I even have it all folded and put away! 

After supper I headed downstairs to get the batting and backing done. I have the backing in the wash now. I'm hoping I don't have to wash it one more time. Patrick is watching the football game. So, I'm going to get my headphones and play games. I've been nonstop all day. From one thing to another. I sent off the $15 for my Goldfinch class that Loretta will be starting the first week in November. I also sent off the money to the ARES group in Centralia from our QOV group for a memorial. Now I have a couple bills to pay for Gunderson Water and then MAYBE I can sit down. 

This is where I finished last night. Shame I couldn't find time today to add more to it. UGH!!

MAYBE tomorrow will bring me better luck for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Not In The Mood....Yet

 Today I slept in and it felt good. Patrick even slept in longer than me. 

Once I got moving - later in the day. I got to work on the kitchen, kitty litter, and general cleaning. I wasn't in the mood but found the time to do it. Just realized I started laundry and then just left it in the washer. I better move it to the dryer before I call it a night. 

I then wanted to work on genealogy but that didn't happen because Patrick wanted to make plans for December. He called Katt and Sue to make sure they were on board. When he finally got off, I went on for a little bit and worked on the genealogy. I was surprised to find out that both of mom grandparents that divorced had then married sisters. So, the Wineland's and the Matheson's were well aware of each other if not by those marriages. 

Then I went to work on my beading. I really wasn't in the mood, but I have to get things going. 

I have added a couple more rows since I took this. I had to come in and get the skin tone (206) for the faces. I didn't have it in with the rest of the beads. I will get moving on that. I also had to find some color that would work for the hair. I just wasn't smart when I put a few beads away. Looks like I put the wrong beads away and the ones I have with the case needs to be put away. Go figure! UGH!!

Even though I'm not in the mood half the time, I do find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Here And Gone

This morning I enjoyed knowing I could sleep in. I also enjoyed taking my time till I realized I had 30 minutes to show and get outside to meet Ron for walking. We won't be walking together for a couple days, so I will be able to walk when I feel like it. 

Patrick worked outside. I did a couple things around the house, but decided to just enjoy playing games. 

Around 2 pm we headed out to Olympia were Patrick has to get his CAT scan and MRI done. We arrived early and luckily he got in early. 

 I finished the work on the flowers. This is done except for the butterflies. I need to keep working on them. 

I would have had more done, but I stitched over the yellow on the bottom left side. I ended up cutting out the satin stitches and rework it right. I have the bottom part of the left wing done and working on the top part. I do like the way it's coming along. It will take time and I will need to be in the mood. The longer I waited on Patrick, the less I wanted to work on this. 

We were finally done around 6 pm. Headed to Walmart to get cat litter. Since they didn't have the Scoop Away that I like, we bought the Arm & Hammer cat litter. I found it to be cheaper at 40 lbs for $19.96. When I looked online for both brands, they reached as high as $55. I couldn't believe it. Scoop Away is out of stock everywhere. Even Walmart was low on their litter. UGH

Next Patrick took me to Carl's Jr. for supper. He knows I love my burgers! I ate the whole thing! Oh, well. Now I have to behave and stay up for the next 3 hours before laying down in bed. It's only 8:30 pm right now. Oh, well. My luck when I eat later. 

At least with all the stuff we have been doing, I was having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...