Monday, October 30, 2023

Embroidery Day

 This morning Patrick went golfing, and I went to the grange to have embroidery. I arrived early and Gerilyn was already there. We got the place warmed up when Cindy arrived. Sandy said she would be running late so Cindy decided to get the drinks. As it turned out Sandy was only 10 minutes late. So, they both had drinks for us. I was thrilled to get 2 drinks, one hot and one cold. 

I decided to take my beading today. Wasn't in the mood for embroidery. I worked on my panel and finished it just as it was time to leave. Cindy showed the projects she's working on. She decided to try the "rotation" idea. That's when one has 2-6 different projects and rotates them either by weeks or months. Let's say I have 3 projects that I want to work on. I get tired of doing the same one all the time. So, I decide to do the first one for 2 weeks (or say, a month), then I rotate to project #2 and do the same. When I have rotated all three projects, I go back and start over. Eventually, they get done. Depending on how much work each one is. I showed Cindy what they do on Instagram, and she took off from there. She has 5 projects. She was so chatty that she didn't get much done. Sandy worked on her rock and flower project. Can't remember the name of that one, but it's a Debbie Kelley piece. Gerilyn worked on her basket handle and decided how she wanted to decorate it with embroidery. We gave her a couple ideas and she ran with it. Looks great!

After embroidery I stopped at the church to pick up 2 quilts that are done. I need to trim them for the binding to be put on. If there is a panel in there, I may have Debbie sew the binding on and then I will finish it. 

Took my walk when I got home. Patrick arrived as I got started. I listened to my book. It's about eating right. Hard to explain. It's about how ones body works and what it needs and can't function with. It's interesting. I'm just waiting to see what the eating habbits should be. 

Then I decided to get back to the beading. I need to finish this set and start another. Time is running out!

I finished the left panel angel. Then tonight I started the second one. I will try and get it finished as well. Once this is done, I have one more set of 2 to work on. I didn't see the colors in my box. Or maybe I did, there was red in there. I am happy with this. I hope to work on this and get them done. I need to mail a couple of them out. At least beading does keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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