Thursday, October 26, 2023

Had A List For Today

Last night I wrote myself a list to make sure I tried to get something done today. 

1. Do certificates

2. Cut backing for Connie

3. Cut backing and batting for 3 quilts

4. Work on getting Smiley's stuff ready.

5. Get the backing washed

6. Send photo of color catchers to Bob

7. Look for fabric for mom

8. Get to work on finishing the quilt top

9. Put labels on 7 quilts

Now that list was on the counter. I had to go walking first.  Ron and I walked for the last time before he leaves for California. I will see him back here in April. I will miss him! Walking went so much better with someone to talk to. 

Patrick got home on my last lap. Then I headed downstairs to work on getting the certificates done for Saturday. I had to get the ink in the printer. But before that, I had to get my computer to work for me. It's a laptop and since they updated it to Windows11 it's been a major hassle. They finally printed. 

I found my quilt top like this. I guess Sophie thought I needed help! NOT! I will have to get this done! First, I have to get the other quilts ready to be quilted. 

While I waited on the last one, I started cutting the backings and battings. I have the backing for Connie's quilt and the other 3 done. I then came up to get them in the wash. 

About that time my mother's cousin called me. She wanted to chat. Told her I would call her back after supper. Which I did. Then it was 45 mins on the phone with her. Good thing I had 2 of the quilt labels on. 

This one is Connie's. 

Victoria Parrott made this one! I love the work she does for us. I had to get 2 of her quilts ready to be quilted. One of them I had to trim the tails of thread on the back. 

This is another one. 

This was Val Gordon's quilt. They are all ready to go to the museum. I thought I had done 5 of them, but I guess I just did 4. I had too much on my plate today. 

I was able to get most of my list done. The part of 7 labels, well that didn't happen. Plus, I didn't get Smiley's stuff ready for him. So, that will have to be done tomorrow. Even though I'm going to be out most of the day. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the last 2 done. My day was BUSY, and none stopped. Phone calls do get in the way, but that's life and I work around them. Today I was working really hard to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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