Sunday, October 8, 2023

Not In The Mood....Yet

 Today I slept in and it felt good. Patrick even slept in longer than me. 

Once I got moving - later in the day. I got to work on the kitchen, kitty litter, and general cleaning. I wasn't in the mood but found the time to do it. Just realized I started laundry and then just left it in the washer. I better move it to the dryer before I call it a night. 

I then wanted to work on genealogy but that didn't happen because Patrick wanted to make plans for December. He called Katt and Sue to make sure they were on board. When he finally got off, I went on for a little bit and worked on the genealogy. I was surprised to find out that both of mom grandparents that divorced had then married sisters. So, the Wineland's and the Matheson's were well aware of each other if not by those marriages. 

Then I went to work on my beading. I really wasn't in the mood, but I have to get things going. 

I have added a couple more rows since I took this. I had to come in and get the skin tone (206) for the faces. I didn't have it in with the rest of the beads. I will get moving on that. I also had to find some color that would work for the hair. I just wasn't smart when I put a few beads away. Looks like I put the wrong beads away and the ones I have with the case needs to be put away. Go figure! UGH!!

Even though I'm not in the mood half the time, I do find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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