Monday, October 23, 2023

Things To Do Today

 Today started out with Patrick golfing and telling me it was 8 am. I got up and was out the door by 9 am. I had to stop at Connie's to get her the bags of scraps from that mess we had. I stopped and chatted with her. She then gave me 5 quilts that were done. She even did the binding on them. So, I now have 6 quilts that need labels. I will do that this week. First, I need to do more labels. Then I can get them on the 6 quilts. I will need to order more labels as well. 

I headed over to the grange for our meeting. The only one that showed was Cindy. We both had places to be at 12:30, so we quit at noon. 

I took my beading to work on the angels that I need to get done. I want to work on putting the ornaments together in November. October is almost over, and I still need to do one more set after this. 

I went to Fiddlers in Centralia to meet up with Carol and Diane from QOV. We talked about Carol taking a break from doing the calls to veterans and getting them assigned. I also need to get stamps for Diane when she sends out the Thank you cards. We have a lot of changes happening with QOV and will work that out in December at our potluck. We chatted for about 2 hours. 

Afterwards, I went to moms to get the quilt she had ready. That put it up to 6 quilts and I just realized I have another one I've had for a while. So, that makes 7 quilts that need labels. 

I wasn't in the mood to do much once I got home. I did need to plug my tablet in, so I worked on the bead panel. 

At least I am 2/3 done with this panel. The top of the dress of the angel is actually a light green. It looks yellow in the photo. I should have picked a different color for the top, but really don't want to take it out. 

Today I had a list of "things to do" and did them. Gee, how often does that happen for me?! I have the rest of the week to work on a few things for QOV. Then maybe I can get back to working on my stuff. I can't wait for the break with QOV. 

After all, I was able to finish the "things to do" list for today. That was fun! And I was able to watched TV with Patrick, while I was beading. That made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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