Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Years Eve - Retirement Style

This morning we were at the grocery store getting groceries. Mostly for tomorrow. Nick and Joann will be here tomorrow. We'll play games and celebrate then.

After we got back, I finished the row on the beads for the Polar Bear. I really had the itch to do some cross stitch, so I took the other piece apart - no I didn't take all the thread out - just put it all away and got it off the frame. I'm not that crazy to take out what I did. Even though I didn't want to do it. I then went and pulled out another kit. I decided to do the cat sampler like the one I have on the wall. This one is "Spring Cat" and I thought I took out the winter cat. Oh, well. Never fails, think I took one and ended up with the other one I was looking at. The bag ripped, but I'm still using it. Then I went and tried to copy it. Actually make it a little bigger. I set the print for 120% then made a copy. Had to reset it, and was looking at the "preview" before copying. Well apparently I took too long doing that, because it came out the exact same size. I had to go back and reset it. Then I copied the wrong side, and had to do it all over again. I finally got the left bottom corner that I wanted.

Once all that was done, I was able to get started. I'm really looking forward to getting this one going.

I was able to get this much done so far. I'm really enjoying this! It feels good to get back to cross stitching. I will work on my beading during the day and then cross stitching at night. The beading has to be done at the table, so I have this to work on during the evenings.

Now it's about 3 hours before the New Year. We are calling it a day. There was a time when I would sit up and watch the celebrations on TV, but the older I get, the less anyone wants to stay up with me. So, I end up playing games at night in bed. Let's see if I actually stay up till midnight. I seem to be staying up late at night and sleeping in later. I almost feel like a teenager all over again, but this is "retirement age" which means things change. It's not like it used to be. lol Life is funny. We keep changes as we get older. Some of us even get more akes (sp) and pains. We can't seem to stand up after sitting for so long. It's so funny!!

So, I'm calling it a day. I wish all of you a very Happy NEW YEAR! May our 2020 year be awesome! Best wishes to all and a Happy New Year! May we all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Piecing (Yes Piecing) And Beading

Today has been interesting. I was thinking about this retirement thing. Since Patrick has been retired, I seem to be sleeping in till 9 am - which I RARELY did when he was working. He would be up at 6:30 am and I would go back to sleep for about an hour. Then I was up, putting clothes in the washer, and getting my day going. NOW, since he retired....He doesn't get up till around 10 am lately. So, I can't do much around the house because he likes to complain at how I make way too much noise for him to sleep. (Poor thing - not!) I have done what I always did, take a shower after I get up. He don't care for that because I make noise with the shower running. I'm dressed and ready to get moving when he finally gets up. It's funny because I remember dad going through that for about a year after he retired too. I'd call him around 9:30 am and he still wasn't up or he was just getting up. Later on, they started getting up around 8 am. So, in the meantime, I'm still getting used to this. I'm not getting as much done as I was when he worked.

I finally was able to move around, and I heated up the stove downstairs. I wanted to try and work on the quilt for Betty Lou's grandson. I'm not real happy with it, but I kinda liked it. Patrick didn't like it till I showed him the stars that go on top and on the bottom. It broke it up a little.

The stars did help it. But I sent a photo to mom and she called back to say she didn't like it. It needs to be "fixed." I was sorta shocked she didn't like it. But then I remembered she doesn't like scrap quilts anymore then I do. She said she had some white.

The white was a thought to break things up. I thought about strips - or Patrick did. He said the stars helped it and would work. Not according to mom. So, I think I will take all this over to her place on Thursday and we will work on it. I'll go ahead and sew the other 5 stars together so I can take it done to her place. Then we can talk about it and fix it while Patrick is bowling on Thursday night.

I gave up.

Then I wanted to do beading but can't bring out my birds to work on because it is usually set up on the dinning room table. I can't leave it there because we are having company on Wednesday. So, I decided to go ahead and start the next small project.

This is 2 1/2 rows. I had 4 rows on it but ended up taking it out because I was short a bead. Not sure where it was because that's the beginning of the project. This is the Polar Bear project. It's a little smaller than the birds. I can do this at my chair at night.

I didn't want to do the cross stitch - I actually thought about it. I really need to pick another project for cross stitching to get me back into it.

At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Beading And Bowling

This morning I slept in. I think I'm still getting over the cold. I keep coughing and blowing my noise at times. So, it felt good to sleep in.

Sharon called this morning to see if I wanted to get some more beads. Told her I would call her back. I wanted to finish my ornament and then go through all my beads to see what I needed for one of my projects.

This was finished - and I FORGOT to take a photo of it when it was done. It's better than mine. I wrapped it up for bowling tonight.

Then I went through all my beads. I gave her an order for beads at Fire Mountain Gems. There were a couple that they don't have, so we have another order to another company in NH. She's going to do that later. We were on the phone for about an hour because she was having trouble placing the order. I was working with her as she was ordering for both of us. She's going to place the order for the other company later.

Now I'm ready to get back to my birds.

It was time to go bowling. The other team didn't show up. I believe they were gone because of the Seahawk's game.  WE WERE SO CLOSE TO WINNING! So my team was taking their time bowling. We were watching the football game on the monitor. I bowled so-so. I bowled a 174, 148 UGH, 184. At least my average didn't drop again. I was hooping to bring it back up, but haven't don that yet. Joanne bowled a 209 - and she has a 145 average. It was awesome!!

Today was another good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Getting Closer To Finishing Ornament

Today was one of those days. Patrick worked out in the garage working on my bead holders. They really do look good! He made one for Sandy too. Can't wait till he finishes! It will be a big help when I work on beading work with up to 78 beads. The other one is about 24 bead holds. I'm loving it!

I got back to working on the beads. I'm happy to say I finished the last cat piece. I made a trip to Michael's for the tassel beads. I needed some gold and red beads.

Came home and finished the cat. Then I worked on the top part of the ornament.

Was looking for a ball that worked. We ended up with a small gold one. It fits perfectly. I'm now working on the tassels. I have 2 tassels done. Need 4 more. I have 4 strings to each tassel.

The good news is that it will be done for Kim tomorrow. I'll just text her to make sure she is coming to bowling tomorrow. At least it didn't take 2 weeks to work on this. It only took 5 days. I'm okay with that.

It was a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Working On My Ornament

Today was a good day to relax. I did work on laundry while Patrick was outside in his garage. He was working on a holder for my bead cases. I love what he did for me. He's going to make me a smaller one too. He told me he isn't done yet, he wants to get a nice finish on it. I can't wait! It's better than the one I borrowed from Sharon.

I was working on the ornament. I'm hoping I could get it done by Sunday when we go bowling. I can give it to Kim then.

Last night I had almost half of the second one done.

Today I was able to get the white cat done. Then I started and finished the third cat. I'm now ready to work on the last one in the set. Once that is done I can work on getting the ornament done. I'm hoping I have the red beads I need. If I don't, I'll go to Michaels and see what I can find that will work. It's funny how easy it has been working on these. My word chart seems to be "right." As I haven't found any mistakes that need to be done.

We went out to eat down in Longview and when we came back home, I finished the stripped cat. It has surprised me at how fast they have been going. Maybe I'm picking up on time. I really do want to get back to my birds. They are almost half way.

It turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hope All Had An Awesome Christmas!!

I took yesterday off. I wanted to blog but then got busy. It was an awesome Christmas for us! I hope it was just as great for you!

Yesterday I baked some rolls for supper. It was just mom, Patrick and I. I do miss not being able to spend Christmas with my kids, but they have there world to be in.

I did get some awesome gifts. Phil and Emily gave me a quilter's mat and rotary cutter. They also gave me some potholders that they made!! I love them! It's so cool to get a handmade gift. I'm almost thinking Patrick was wrong about an ornament that I made. I wanted to make one for them but he didn't think they would like that. I may do one for them next year, if they want one - not sure. I also got a ring from mom. That was a shock! Katt gave me some baking stuff - which is awesome! It's for my bread baking! She also gave me some slippers that I love! Been wearing them ever since I got them. Patrick and I are doing a gift together and are still working on what we want.

I baked them in the pan that Kim gave me for Christmas. I love this pan! It's perfect. I should have cut the rolls down, but I didn't want to have extra so made them all in this set of 6. Mom, Patrick and I played games before and after supper. We had an awesome meal. Patrick was disappointed with the Prime Rib that we got from Costco. I was pretty happy with it.

Today we were up and decided to take a drive. We took our new car and headed up to Olympia.

We went to the Tumwater Falls. We wanted to see all that water coming down the falls. We had so much water the last week, that with the overflow, it makes the falls that much more beautiful.

It looks like they are starting a lock gate. It was fun to see all those locks. I may have to think about that next time we go up there.

I made Patrick sit at one of the falls. We were having fun taking photos and enjoying the walk. It's a fun walk to take. There is a lot of history there and it's fun to see what used to be there.

It was cold, but I did sit and get my photo taken. I think it turned out half way decent.

We came back home and I got back to working on Kim's ornament. I finished the white cat and started another one. I had part of the white one done yesterday, so I tried to make up for time. I was able to finish it. I love the way it went! I'm really liking this. It turned out better then mine! I'm getting closer to getting this done!

Patrick was bowling tonight and I was working on the cat. I even had Sophie on my lap for awhile. When she sleeps on my lap, I'm working on the tablet and watching TV.

It's been an awesome 2 days of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas EVE

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate today! It's been a quiet day for us.

We spent most of the day watching Christmas movies - which it new for me this year! We really haven't seen many. It's good to see them!

While we were watching movies, I was working on Kim's gift.

I sent this photo to Kim to let her know I started it. She came back with "Looks complicated." At least she knows I'm working on it.

I was able to finish one and start on another. Once these are done, I can get going with the other 2 cats.


Monday, December 23, 2019

A Quiet Day And A Busy Day

Today was a good day. We were up and relaxing.

I pulled out moms ornament and worked on it. I wanted to have it done today and wrapped for Christmas. That way I could start on Kim's ornament.

I finally finished it. I like the way it came out. I did 3 tassels per piece. I didn't do the 3 white beads around the top.

This one went a lot better than the one I did for myself. It took most of the day to get it done. I really do like how this came out. I wrapped it and put it under the tree. While I was working on this, I made some mini apple pies. They are easy to eat - by hand. Patrick really liked them. I had to use up the apples that were in the garage. They were starting to go bad. I had enough to make the pies. It was really good too.

Then I went and cut the top of mine and reworked it.

This time I did what the pattern called for. It turned out really nice and I was able to put it on a bigger ball. This one is a pretty white one.

It's a silvery white. It worked great with this piece. I gave mom a read ball on hers. It worked out a lot better this time. I really do like the way it came out.

While I was in the middle of working on mine, Patrick decided he would take me out to check out the lights in town. We took a drive and checked out the lights that were out there. There were more lights out then there had been in the past. A few people really out did themselves. We then went to Safeway to pick up a few things. Now we have Christmas supper all set.

When we got back home I finished my ornament. Then I went through my beads to get the beads I need for the cats. I have all the beads I need to work on it. I wanted to start it tonight but haven't gotten there yet. That's a priority right now.

I am hoping to get it done and get back to the birds and start my quilt. It's looking pretty good that I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Day Behind...Finishing Mom's Gift

Yesterday was one of those days were we weren't home much. I did get more done on mom's ornament. I actually finished the last piece before putting them together. But that took all the time that we were home.

We went to the movie "CATS" and I hate to say, it was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. It was ALL music - which I couldn't understand with the music in the background taking over the song. So, the first 30 mins, both Patrick and I were thinking we should leave. I could not for the life of me, figure out the movie. I have no idea what it was about. Patrick told me that all the cats were dead and they were picking who goes on to another life. I did get the part where she picked a cat to go on to a new life. That was all I got. And that was in the END of the movie. Don't recommend it. There were a couple good parts. Loved the dancing and a couple other things but it really wasn't "entertainment."

Today I was up and waiting on Patrick. Once he was up, we headed to Costco. We went to get the Prime Rib that has become a tradition thanks to dad. It's a tradition we will keep. Once we got the Prime Rib, we headed back home. I was working on laundry and stalling when it came to working on moms ornament.

When I pulled it out, I had one piece missing. I finally found it on the floor under the table. Close to freaking out! I worked one the top of the ornament.

I had this much done before it was time to go bowling. I was having trouble on the size of the ball.

I had to modify the beading at the top. It had too much with the one that came with the pattern, so I changed it. It turned out awesome. I have the top part done and tomorrow I will be spending most of the day working on the tassels to get this done and wrapped for Christmas Day!

We went bowling.....not my better day. We had a potluck. Finding out that potluck and bowling don't work for me. I seem to eat and not bowl with crap! I bowled a 142, 160, 172. At least I improved! UGH We won 2 games. Patrick didn't bowl because he injured himself and didn't want to make it worse. He's bowling on Thursday...if he's feeling better. Kim gave me a gift. I told her I was going to make her gift but I didn't get the chance. So, I told her when I start, I will send a photo so see can see it's started. I'm planning to do her a cat ornament. She lost one of her cats, so I think that will be a good one to do for her. I was going to do her an ornament and just hadn't been able to get started. Plan to get moving on it! lol

With the way things have been going over the last few weeks, I'm happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Day Of Flooding, Partying, And Beading

This morning I was out the door by 8:30 a.m. Arrived early at moms. We got a few things ready for the quilt group.

On my way to moms, I saw Jackson Hwy getting ready to flood. It was about 3 inches from the Hwy. I was able to get passed that and on the freeway (I-5) to get to moms. When I found there were 11 of us at moms for the Christmas party - and meeting - I decided I was going to leave early. I don't get a good place to sit when it's that crowded. There really isn't any room for all those people at once. I'm going to stop going on Fridays to her quilt group. I end up moving out of my chair every time someone new comes in the door. I'm not that crazy about it. We did our sock exchange. It was so much fun! Till Bev took my socks! - Again this year!! She took my gift last year too!! That gal is on my naughty list!! I still got a nice pair of socks. It was funny that Ethel got both of mom's socks. She gave socks to her at their Tuesday quilt group, and she got the other one today. One pair was Santa and the other pair was Snowmen.

I left before lunch and went to get mom's gift certificate. Then I stopped at KFC because I had a coupon for a free sandwich with a purchase of a drink. It actually was really good. Then I picked up some stamps for the water group. I need to get bills out for the water. Just not in the mood to do it right now. I'm enjoying the holidays too much! lol

Came home and almost had to take another route. Jackson Hwy was closed. Rush road was closed. Bishop road was closed on the other side. I did have to go through some water to get home. I bet they were going to close that road shortly after I got passed. Patrick went to the movies and he had to take another route to get home. Said the roads were closed but he knew how to get around it all.

Got home and worked on my baking. I started my sourdough last night and Patrick took it out around 10 am. I had it in the frig over night. It's an Artisan bread. First time I tried it.

It turned out awesome. I changed some of the flour and added some potato flour and brown rice flour. It really did come out awesome!

While I was waiting in-between the turn process, I was beading.

I finished the first of the last 2. I have one more to do. That's the one started on the left. I'll get that done soon I hope. I really do want to get this done. It's coming along I really do love doing the beading This one went great. Didn't have any trouble getting this one done. I actually got my world chart right on this one. lol

Looking forward to finishing this and staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Baking With Mom

This morning I was up and out the door by 9 am. I stopped and got us a Chia Tea but then mom hasn't been drinking her tea any more when I bring it. It goes in the frig instead. So don't think I will be buying her tea anymore.

When I got there, mom's cleaning lady was there. I forgot she was coming and if I had remembered I would have gotten out of going. Since I did go, we worked on the Christmas Cinnamon Star for tomorrow.

She had a pretty black eye from her surgery. Yesterday it wasn't bad at all, today was another story. lol

I came back home around 3:30 pm to be with Patrick before he had to leave for his meeting. I cooked supper and then he was gone. Came back after his meeting and then went bowling.

While he was gone, I started working on my sourdough bread. I'm doing an artisan bread so it takes a lot longer than usual. I'm waiting now to put it in the frig. I have about 30 more minutes before I can. I'm hoping this turns out good. It will be a wait and see. I'm really interested in getting my sourdough to come out good.

While I was waiting on the bread (had to work it every 30 mins for 2 1/2 hours), I worked on mom's ornament.


I'm about half way. I need one more after this one. So, I'm happy it's coming along and I want to be able to finish this by the weekend. Time will tell....remember - Patrick's retired. 

I'm back over at moms tomorrow for quilting. Haven't been there in 3 months, so it's going to be interesting how many show up since she's added 3 new people. 

At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Getting Closer To Finishing Another Ornament

This morning I really didn't do much. I did listen to my book on tape. Finished that in the afternoon while beading. Patrick worked outside and I worked on laundry. I was able to get some of it done but I have a pile of stuff that needs washed. Patrick is good at cleaning and before I know it, I have a laundry bag dripping on the floor! So, I've been cleaning rugs, show curtains, and regular laundry. 

I went to visit with Cherry. She's looking pretty good considering. I took her gift and card over. I came back with a gift. I spent about an hour and half with her. Came back and worked on my beading some more. 

I finished the second sweater snowman. I'm working on the next one. This will be the last 2 snowman and this set is the one with the broom. It's coming along great. I did fix my "word chart" on the last one. At least this one is done right, the other one had a couple things done that shouldn't have been. Guess I read the numbers wrong in a couple places. This one is snowman #3. I hope to have them done by this weekend. 

We had to leave for bowling early. We were having our party and gift exchange. We had a good turn out! But we stopped at KFC first to get some chicken. It was too funny!! We took the chicken in and there was a huge box of chicken that everyone else brought. They poured all the chicken in a box - that were from Safeway. We had the KFC and that went really fast. I had the Safeway chicken and wish I had done the KFC one instead. Food was good. Not much in way of desserts though. I bowled "OK" but not really good. I didn't get a 500 series, so really not happy with that. But then when you miss easy pins, it's not anyone's fault but my own. I bowled a 146, 170, 157 - so at least my average will stay the same - 166. I was they had me on the board with a 167 average - and I realized they were behind on that, because on Sunday's my average is 170. So, the exchange was one that if we strike we can go get our gifts. I was shocked! I got a strike on the first ball. Last year I was second from last at getting my gift. I received a really nice blanket (feels awesome and it's big). Patrick got a bottle of Crown Royal with some candy. Dennis put $20 in an envelope for both a guy and gal. Fred got some really nice glasses with peanuts, and he didn't like it. I would have liked something like that. Dennis went and pulled out her envelope and took her gift back. I wonder why she even participates. It's so funny to watch her. She's so picky and yet not so picky. Go figure. 

I have things ready for tomorrow. Going to moms to make a Christmas Star Bread for Friday. Patrick has bowling, so I'm hoping - there I go again - to be able to do more beading tomorrow night. We'll see. At least today I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Helping Mom And Beading

This morning I was up and enjoying a few minutes to myself.

I had to go to moms by 12:30 pm. I left a little earlier so I could stop and give Art a Christmas gift. When I got there, he handed me a gift. I gave him a gift and some cookies. While we were visiting mom called to see when I was going to be there. Told her I'd be there in 2 mins.

Arrived at moms. Got ready for her to go to the eye surgeon. While we were driving over there she told me she went to Costco yesterday. She went all the way to Olympia. I almost laughed. We talked about it. She even got gas. Usually she wants me to go with her and she hates to get gas. She had asked me if I would take her up there last week. Told her we were going this weekend. Apparently that wasn't soon enough. Way too funny!

We arrived at the eye clinic and she was the only one in the waiting room. They did the surgery on her eye lids. It went really well. They gave her some meds to take. Her eye wasn't that bad. We then went to Walgreens for her to get some eye patches. Then we went back to the clinic because I forgot my mug. UGH Next was going back to her place. I said goodbye after cleaning up Daisy's mess.

Got home and decided to get moving on mom's ornament.

I was able to finish the first one and get about half way on the second one. If you noticed I did take out all the beads where the point started. I just didn't like the way it was before hand.

You can see in this photo the difference. I took it out and started over. So, I was able to finish it.

Let's hope I get this one done and get going on the next 2 pieces. Then I can put it all together for her. It may take a few days,  but I need to get it done. I keep finding mistakes but I'm leaving them there. Once can't really tell unless they knew the pattern.

I read more of my book on Witchcraft. I'm really into that book! It's amazing what they were thinking in 1692!! To be hung for bring small pot into the community or predicting life. Funny how we repeat ourselves through the generations.

It felt awesome to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 16, 2019

BE Christmas Party

This morning we were up and cleaning. We got the table set for 8 people and we even got a few other things done. There was treats on the table with cheese and crackers.

Then they started arriving. We ended up with 11 of us total, so had to bring down more dishes, silverware (ran out), and mugs. It was so much fun! I couldn't believe how many showed up. It was our whole group! Pat Campbell came from Bellevue with her friend Peggy from another group. They had a blast. We gave out gifts and were luck enough to have enough gifts to give out. We played the "right/left" game with the gifts. It was so much fun! It was funny too. They all enjoyed it and it was over around 2:30 pm. I was so glad that Cherry came! She has a hard time walking but did really good with our stairs.

Why is it, when we are having so much fun, no one thinks to bring out a camera?! Not even the phones. Guess you can say us old ladies don't think about pictures!

After they left, I got caught up on a couple games. Then I started working on my genealogy. I added quite a few names. I have even been getting back to the late 1500's. The 1600's are still in the USA. Most from the Marshfield, MA area. Patrick's family is in that area too. So, I've been working on Marshfield and Plymouth areas. I may even wind up with a few more names in the witch hunt at this rate. I think I have connections to a couple of them but haven't gotten back far enough to see. The one gal that was hung for killing her twins is the sister to the gal that scalped Indians. I think I had a connection to that family as well.

So, it turned out to be a fun day, but not a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Getting Ready For A Party

This morning was a day to enjoy the extra time to sleep in....but that wasn't for me. I was up and playing on my tablet

After Patrick was up, we started cleaning up and getting ready for the party tomorrow. The embroidery group is meeting here for a Christmas Party. So, we cleared the table, and cleaned it up. Then we got the table cloth on. Next we headed downstairs to see what dishes I could use. Pulled them upstairs and then set them aside till I could get the dishwasher clean to put them in it and clean them up. Two loads later, we have clean dishes and a well set table.

We then went downstairs and pulled out a lot of gifts. We wrapped and have them ready for door prizes. I need to look for a game to do the exchange with. I'll work on that by tomorrow. Will vacuum first thing tomorrow.

After all that, we took a break. I played games and watched TV. Then finally pulled out my genealogy to work on the family history. The letter I was reading said they thought there was American Indian in the tree, but according to mom and my DNA, there is no American Indian in the family. It would have come from her side of the family.

Off to bowling. I did okay. We did win 4 games and Patrick beat me 2 of the 3 games. I bowled a 198, 171, and 158. I did go up one pin on my average. Trouble tonight was my coughing! The cold is gone but the coughing is constant! I hate it!! I have such a deep cough that I feel it all the way through my body. At least I could bowl and not worry too much about it.

Not a day for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Enjoying Saturday

This morning I actually slept in later than I have in a long time. Poor Patrick went to sleep on the couch because of my snoring. Poor guy.

After breakfast and just sitting around, I decided to go downstairs and try to get some more work done on the quilt top for my friends grandson. I have a hard time sometimes working with scraps. I do try not to get the same print next to each other. So far, it seems to work. Then after a couple of hours working on it, I started to "over think" it.

Don't look at the stars - those are in the back of the piece I'm working on. The applique stars go to the panel. The stripes and the 3 blocks that are bordered are what I'm working on. The fabric that falls over the block in the lower right, is just strips right now. I will sew them up and then trim them so I can sew the block on. It's a bit busy, but I think it will work. I will have 5 stars like the one in the top right corner, on top and bottom of the stripes when I'm done. I'm not sure which stars I'll use, but if I remember right Goergie said she made 6 of each, so I'll have a couple left over to do something else with. It's a work in progress. The strips on the left are already sewn and about the length I want them to be.Called it quits when I started to over think the strips. I was trying not to have too much blue at the top, then I didn't want too much red where the border blue meet up. I was moving strips around and then decided to call it done and go back tomorrow. The left side is all sewn together to the point of the flying geese block. I'll do more tomorrow or later this week. We'll see when I feel like sewing again.

We then went and picked mom up and took her to the theater. We saw the play "Scrooge, the Musical" at the Evergreen Playhouse in Centralia. It was different from last year but really good. I really did enjoy it. There were a couple things I think they could have done differently but overall it was a really good play. Love the characters.

Came home and called it a day. It was a day I can say I was finally Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Sewing And A Movie

Okay, I know I posted earlier about retirement. I know I'm still working on it. If he knew I was posting about his retirement he would probably have a cow. Oh, well.

After he finally got up, he left for work. He was helping the new guy with the monthly reports. While he was gone, I went downstairs to work on a QOV quilt for a friends grandson. I really don't have a set plan, so I'm just sewing and going from there. A lot of the strips are the same color. I will work on getting more strips of other fabrics. It's kinda fun to sew them together.

It's the flag block with the strips and the flying geese block. The rest of it is my working on the panel behind it. I need to fix the bottom part where there is a gap. I'm thinking I might put an applique star there. Not sure if I will though. May make another block of strips there. There is no rhyme or reason to this quilt. I will just keep thinking about it. I have strips to sew together and get moving on finishing this. I have star blocks on the top and bottom. So, I need to figure out the size. I don't measure as I go. It's going to be interesting how this comes together. After about an hour or two of working on this, Patrick came home. Told me I had till about 1:30 pm. Then we were off to the movies.

We went to "Jemanji" movie. It was awesome. I enjoyed the movie so much! It was so good! It kept me going! Well worth seeing. They ended it with a possibility of another show. Came home and I worked on my family tree. I got a lot of names added to my tree. I'm trying to get back far enough to see how many of my family and Patrick's family are part of the Witch Hunt in 1696. I know of Mary Perkins Bradford that is on my side, and Samuel Wardwell on Patrick's side. I'm wondering how many more there are. I'll finish reading the book and then I'll work on the history again. It may have some history for me to work with.

It was fun to at least get a few things going today. It can actually be said to be a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Old Routine VS New Routine in Retirement

Okay, I usually don't post this early in the morning on my blog. But this just couldn't be helped. I'm trying to deal with retirement (his) better but right now it's not working.

My old routine was when he would get up and go to work before 7:15 am. He was up at 6:30 am, showered, and out the door by 7:15 am. I would sleep a little while longer or just get up after he left. Most days I was up by 8 am - like this morning. No worries. I could sit and have breakfast, get laundry started and play a few games. Easy-peasy. Then my afternoons were usually working on projects or cleaning up around the house. Some days I was off to moms, quilting, or even embroidery. I enjoyed my days when I could "sorta" plan them. - Remember I quit planning after planning didn't work. That was nice. On weekends I would get up, go to the living room and sit in my chair waiting for Patrick to get up. He said he couldn't sleep in when I was doing stuff around the house because he hears everything (light sleeper). So, I resigned to just letting the weekend plan itself or knowing what Patrick planned for the day. He would sleep anywhere from 8-11 am on weekends. Not my favorite part of the weekends. He would shower and then I would wait to shower about 15-30 mins because the hot water needs to feel up. (He takes HOT showers).

Fast forward to Retirement. I was in weekend mode for about 2 weeks. My mornings were shot~! When he'd get up, and I'd get moving to get caught up for my day, half the day was gone. He told me over the years that I could still do what I wanted in the mornings and not worry about him sleeping....when I did....I'd hear this, "Couldn't get back to sleep with all the noise," bit. I TRIED to be quiet - nope. I TRIED to take my time picking things up so it wouldn't make noise - nope. So, I gave in. No noise was sitting in my chair waiting and playing.

So, after 3 weeks of weekend duty, I got up and showered. Then went to my chair to play. Didn't start laundry because he's not up yet. He gets up around 10:30 am and asked, "Why were you up so early? You usually don't shower when you get up," Yep, I do, just not when your around. I told him that was my routine. "Oh."

Today, I'm up, showered and now trying to be quiet. I decided on boiled eggs this morning, so I had to be careful on picking out a pan. He's still asleep. - OH! But I'm supposed to wake him around 9 am because he's going into work around 10 am to help with reports!

We talked about him going in to do that last night. Then he said, "how about we go to the movies when I get back in the afternoon." Ok. There goes that "plan" of - While he's gone I was going to work on the QOV quilt for a friends grandson.....nope. Going to try though.

Still not sure I'm going to like this retirement. I get maybe 2 hours of creative juices going and in the past it was 6-8 hours. Now what?! At least I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Rainy, Busy Day

This morning Patrick was up and out the door way before me. He went to work on his CEU's for his certificate. They had a meeting in Olympia. That lasted all day Of course the road to and back from Olympia was awful and pouring rain.

I got up later, and was out the door by 9 am. First I headed to the post office to get the quilt out in the mail. It's ready to be awarded to Lester Dingus. I wanted to make sure he got a quilt, and that's the least we could do. Then it was to the bank because I had a lot of coins. Once that was done, I went to Starbucks for hot chocolate, and headed to Sharon's. I should have sipped it before I left the shop, but I didn't. It was COFFEE. I HATE COFFEE. I love the smell - hate the drink! Called them when I was in Centralia and was told I could get a replacement for it there. I went in and they were sweet enough to fix it for me. I brought the coffee back home for Patrick. He can heat it up or drink it cold. I don't care, as long as I don't have to drink it. Back on my way to Sharon's. She lives in Tumwater, just outside of Olympia.

I arrived around 10:30 am. We got busy with all the beads. I got my order in yesterday and called to see if she wanted to go over them today. We went through "who bought what" and then she paid me for her part of the beads. I had a lot of beads. Part of her cost was the thread. They have really upped the cost and now we pay tax and shipping from Fire Mountain Gems. They used to give me free shipping and I didn't have to pay tax. BUT then WA state got busy and they have been going after other states for not collecting WA state tax. I collected another quilt for QOV from Bill. Then I worked with Sharon on some of the beading stuff. She found another site with patterns for beading. I'm not too crazy about them though.

Came home after stopping at Safeway to get milk. I was getting caught up on my shows when Patrick came in. After supper, I got a lot of Christmas Cards done and ready to mail. I'm a little behind but I was waiting on Patrick to correct my letter. Then I couldn't find the Christmas cards so he bought me more yesterday. Now it's done. They will go out in the mail tomorrow.

Patrick went bowling and I finished up on the cards. Then I pulled out my beads and tried to organize it. I got my new beads numbered and ready.

I've got labels in them to let me know which pattern the beads go to. This is the snowman one. I still need 12 more beads, but I'm getting there.

Since it's a big pattern, it takes a lot of beads.

I have even got the different beads in different boxes. I got these from another company. They were harder to find. I have 2 companies that I buy beads from. All of these are the delica 11's. I have all I need for the polar bear pattern. That one is smaller than the one I'm doing with the birds. The snowman is a lot bigger than the birds. So, we'll see how that goes.

Now I'm done. I won't be bring out the birds beads out for awhile. I have the BE group coming on Monday. So, my table is to be cleared for them. I will probably work on the ornaments instead. Or I may even go back down and work on a couple quilts to get them done as I really need to finish the one for a friends grandson. I will see how things go tomorrow. Patrick will be at work because they asked for his help. He's not retired till Dec 25th, so he can be called back to work. It's up to him if he wants to go in. Guess they have been screwing things up already. I hope the new guy makes it.

I'm getting closer to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Day Of Cooking

This morning I was getting ready for mom to come over. We planned on making Christmas goodies. Mom picked up a few things before coming over. I even put all my beading away. I'm not sure when I will pull it back out because I have the BE group coming over on Monday.

We started out making fudge. Then we got going on peanut brittle. We kept busy all day long. We did one thing after another. We made sugar cookies and that was the only cookie that didn't have chocolate in them. We made 2 batches of fudge. One for mom and one for us

This is the brittle and the snowball cookies. We tried out some new recipes and I think they all passed mustard. We will keep the recipes for another time. I really liked the sugar cookies that were made into little cups. They had a mouse chocolate in the center. Only made 24 of those, but should have made more.

Patrick picked up chicken for supper and then after mom left we headed to bowling. We didn't have a team to bowl against because the other teams teammates were in FL and his wife couldn't bowl because she hurt her knee. So, we bowled on our own. I did really good tonight. I beat Patrick all three games. I bowled a 196, 172, 198. Not bad considering how I've been bowling. I'm just thrilled I'm getting back up there. I did move my average to a 166. I had it at 169 but then couldn't bowl worth anything. Now, I'm doing a lot better.

Today didn't end up being a day of crafting but I was Happy Baking. Tomorrow is another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Not Sure About This Retirement Thing

This morning I slept in. Needed it. This cold isn't the kind that makes me feel like "shit" but has me feeling the head issues like blowing my noise, ears bubbling everytime I swollow and eyes feeling swollen. Otherwise I feel fine.

Patrick seems to be over his cold. So today I was working on laundry and he was watching TV. I sat and watched some of it aith him. They were taped shows. I pulled out my quilting - another UFO. I seriously need to finish it. Anyway he was in the shower so I turned it to "who do you think you are" and he decided to decided he wanted to go to the store while I watched my show. I was able to watch 2 of them out of 18 on my recorded list. He doesn't luke to watch them. He came back and the channel was then changed to one of his shows. I went in the kitchen and started my sugar cookies for tomorrow.  Did 2 different ones. Then I called it done and beaded while he watched more of his scifi shows. He's been taking up the TV a lot lately and really wasn't expecting that. The weather isn't good so he's in front of the TV instead. Ugh.

At least I have my beading. I was able to added a couple rows.  209/446. I am half way on 209.

So I worked on the cookie dough, the it was supper time. Cooked supper and cleaned up again. No help. He usually will help me but not this time. So, after supper I washed the dishes and said, "all yours." He got to wipe down the counters. He's better at it. I need to get his help more if he's going to be ho e 24/7. It's going to take time but I'm going to figure tjis out! I have to to keep sain!

At least part of tje day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Day With A Cold.....And Decorating

This morning I was up early. Didn't have a very good night. I don't FEEL bad, just have a runny nose and cough. Three people mentioned that I've been sick a lot lately, but I didn't think I had been this year. Maybe I was. I'm really getting tired of it though.

We pulled out the decorations for Christmas. It was time to put the decoration out to enjoy the holidays. The table arrived a day early so we were able to put the tree up. We went simple because of the cat.

We used pine cones from the yard and some apple ornaments we had from a few years back. It turned out a lot better than I thought. That way if Sophie decides to play, she won't hurt anything.

Patrick did an awesome job of decorating the cabinet.

Turned out really good. This will work for the party next week.

I decided to work on my beading....later in the evening. I really do like the way it's coming alone. I'm now at 207/446. It's coming along great. I'm happy with it. I was listening to my book but then my ear was getting sore.

All in all it was a good day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

WWII Dinner At The Museum

This morning I slept in. I do believe I got Patrick's cold. I'm not doing really bad, but I do feel it. My voice is going. My noise is running but other than that, I'm good.

I worked on my beading and was able to get a few more rows done before I left for the WWII Dinner at the museum.

It's usually packed, but it wasn't as packed as in the past. More of our WWII veterans have passed on. We did have a good turn out though. This is the line for dinner.

This is the few WWII veterans that did come to the dinner. The women in the photo are "revitor (sp?) woman" that worked on the planes, tanks and other vehicles for the war. We honored all of them (except the woman) with quilts. Today we honor 2 that we hadn't honored yet.

Gilbert Proske and Robert Gerard were honored today at the dinner. We were thrilled to give them a quilt and they were thrilled to receive them.

Came home and then it was off to bowling. I bowled pretty good considering. Patrick, not so much. We won 3 games. I bowled a 178, 169, and 165. I'm working on getting better. I was quiet throughout bowling. I hated watching the Seahawks game because we really didn't do good at all. I don't know what their problem was, but not good. At least we bowled better than the Seahawks played football.

It was a day where I could be - for a short time - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Still Working On HIS Retirement

This morning I was up early. I decided to treat today like I usually do for a Saturday.

Patrick has been sick all week. He's got a cold. So, he's napping from time to time. He retired 3 weeks ago. I'm still trying to figure out when I can get my time with the TV. I used to work on cleaning in the morning and either work on my beading or sit in front of the TV to work on quilting/cross stitching/crocheting. WELL, that ain't happening. I haven't been able to see any of my taped shows for 3 weeks. I try to sit and work on my beading and he wants to watch a movie. Today he was watching some history stuff. I watched a couple of them, then gave up and went to work on my beading. Of course, that's when he wanted to know if I wanted to go get my ornaments for my beads. So, we went to Kiaya's for the "yearly" ornament. From there we went to Walmart to get the ball ornaments. They really didn't have very many glass balls, and these look a little bigger than the ones I really need. I'll work with them. Not a big deal. Then we headed back home. I thought we went to 3 places, but maybe not. We got back home and he sat in his chair, fell asleep with the TV on History Channel. I then went to the table and worked on my beading with my ear phones listening to a book. I'm happy!

I'm now on row 199!! I'm so close to the 200!! I was looking at this and realized I thought the branch on the right was the tail.....it's actually in the middle. I'm slowly getting the bird body coming. I'm working on the head right now. It's really working. I may have to find another place to put the work to take a photo of it.

I even got some laundry going. Then dinner. Once dinner was over, he cleaned up and I wrapped some of my photos in the living room. At least that is decorated for now. Still waiting for the table he ordered so we can put our tree up. So, right now, wrapped photos is it.

I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with this retirement. I'm not able to do what I really want to. He comes up with ideas, or he's taking over the living room. What to do, what to do.

At least it was a half way day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 6, 2019

More Beads

This morning I was up and out the door by 8:30 am. I went up to Olympia to pick Sharon up. Then it was off to the doctors.

Good news from the doctor. My breasts are fine. lol - Good news. She thinks the pains I may have have to do with mussels or heart. Will keep tracks for that and see what comes next.

Then it was off to Shipwrecked Beads. Sharon and I bought some beads for the ornaments. I've got enough to do a couple more ornaments. I'm looking forward to get another one or two done.

Dropped Sharon off and then visited with her and Bill. The tapestries she finished were there for me to see. They were from the patterns I have. I do get frustrated when people take my patterns or buy the same pattern to get it done way before I do. UGH.

Came home and then I worked on my Birds. I didn't get a row done, but I was able to get some done. I really haven't had the chance to work on it as much as I wanted to.

Patrick wanted to get some gifts done, so we did that. I ordered more beads - not cheap!! Then I worked with Patrick to get some gifts done.

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Still Keeping Busy

This morning was going strong. It's funny how things work out.

I met my son at Copy Depot at noon, then went to the Centralia Library to meet Sue, then was off to Safeway to pick a few things up.

Came back home and did laundry. I also ironed the batting for the QOV quilt. I've got everything ready to go for tomorrow. I have my doctors appointment at 10 am. So, I need to get moving early. Want to get to Sharon's by a quarter after 9 since it takes 30 mins to get to Kaiser in Olympia.

I worked on some beading today. I'm now at 198/446.

So close to 200!! I wanted to show where the second bird is coming to life. I really am excited to see more of the bird.

I decided to go see mom tonight. So, I took my crocheting and finished another potholder. It's a bit bigger than the others. I need to fix the ends, then I'll take a photo of it.

Mom had her light outs. They look really good. After spending time with mom, I went to pick Patrick up at the bowling alley. I would have liked to have had a day to myself, but it was nice to spend time with mom. We talked about what we will be doing next week for cookies and candies.

It was a day of having a small amount of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Picking Up After Yesterday

This morning I was enjoying my games when Sharon called. She asked me about the group from Tacoma. Apparently a group in Tacoma has asked Bill to quilt for them. I told her as far as I know there isn't a group in Tacoma. The website didn't have a group in Tacoma listed either. I just hope someone isn't taking advantage of Bill.

Patrick and I went downstairs and went through the stuff we decided to keep. I put a few of my Santa Claus' in one box. I pulled out all the stuff I wanted for this year. We put all the stuff back under the stairs. We can now walk into the room down there. It's amazing how much we got rid of. I helped Patrick load the truck up with the other stuff going to Good Will. We then went and did our rounds. We hit the library first (returned an audio book), quilt shop for quilting thread, then gas, got pizza at Papa Murphy's, then to the museum to collect the quilt top that is done, and then to Safeway. Once all that was done, we came back home.

I worked on getting the backing and batting for the quilt. Then I came up and put another row in on the Wild Birds. I also got the finished ornament put on the hook I bought.

I really like the way it turned out.

I'm hoping to get at least one more done. I need to buy some blue and green balls for my ornaments. I will probably do that on Friday. I have a doctors appointment in Olympia at 10 am. I need to stop at moms and then pick Sharon up to get to my appointment. So, I'm having to leave early to get there on time. I'll go see mom around 8 am, and make sure I leave by 8:30 to pick Sharon up around 9:15 to get to my appointment on time.

I'm ready to work on the white on white quilt at night when I want to watch TV. I'll do my beading during the day. I was able to get the beads from a necklace that no one would wear. I was trying to take apart another one, but it's be woven together and is a lot harder to get the beads.

It was bowling night! I did pretty good till the last game. I bowled a 183, 177, 143. I was trying to work on my form on the last game and lost it. I should have just bowled. Oh, well. We did win 3 games. Patrick bowled better on his last game which had him beating me by 30 pins. I was ahead till I mucked up on the last game. Fred and Dennis were there, so it went really well. My thumb and second finger were hurting when we started bowling. She asked me if I thought about arthritis, and I told her it wouldn't surprise me. I said something to Patrick and he agreed. That's possible and if it is, I may have to decide if I want to keep bowling or my handwork. I'm thinking handwork. But I'll check with my doctor and see what she things. Right now it's just those 2 "fingers" that are the issue. Dad had it really bad in his fingers. He had a hard time picking things up. I hope that doesn't happen to me.

It was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...