Friday, March 6, 2020

Getting Half Way On My Spring Cat

Today I was enjoying the day. It was one of my quiet days. Patrick was working on his jars. He pulled out his jars from a box that was in the garage. He collected the "Ball" jars for years. He has a couple of them from the 1800's. So, he's been enjoying his "find" again.

I got laundry going. Then I worked on my cross stitching.

I got more outlining done. I also worked on the flowers to the left and in the middle. I really did enjoy working on this.

Then I got on the computer for a couple hours and worked on my family genealogy. It's really funny how I tend to find everyone else's family tree and not my own. I did work on Patrick's also. I also ended up working on my tree, but it was distant cousins of my ancestors. In other-words, not much on my actually family. I worked on the Brumbaugh family tree. We have relatives from that tree, but not direct.

Figured I better get back to working on the cross stitching. I am right at the half way line. I am very close to being at half way. I need to do more outlining before I can roll this to work on the next half. It's really looking good. I like the flower colors that are coming out. It makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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