Monday, March 30, 2020

Changing Things Up Today - WooHoo!

Can you tell I lived near Washington State University??! The WooHoo! came from there.

Today we got moving. I put in some laundry that I just realized I forgot about. So, I need to move it to the dryer here when I get done.

I went and worked on my beading. Got a row in when we decided to head out to moms and drop off some newspapers (2 weeks worth), and a few other things. She had said yesterday she wanted to work on a puzzle, so I went down and got 2 puzzles for her.

We went to Safeway, and it was weird. No one talked to anyone. No one wanted to be anywhere near anyone else. There were a lot of people out, but and about. Took the stuff to moms, then came back home.

Governor Inslee was on the TV. He's not happy to see people out and about. The police chief, sheriff and attorney general were on the news as well.

I decided I wanted to figure out how to make a plastic bag with the plastic grocery bags. I understand they are not as good as as the old plastic bags, but decided I would try and crochet a bag. I cut the bags that we brought home.

I have 2 or 3 bags cut, and the pile there is the ball I was making with the strips. I have more to do, but I can do this. I did throw out the ones that were ripped or damaged. I figure I can do this. It's going to be interesting to see if the bags last very long since the plastic isn't as strong as it used to be. Plus now they are trying to get rid of plastic bags. So, not sure if I can make very many or not. Time will tell.

Then I went and finished another row of beading.

I'm now at 415/446. Not bad. Coming along great. Talked with Sharon and she was about row 200 with the bridge pattern I gave her. I really want to do that one as well. But the Snowman will be first. I am running out of beads, so will have to see if I need to order more. I'll check it out tomorrow to see who close I'm getting and what I need to order - if I need to order.

I then worked on a Shutterfly book that I got for "free." I did pay shipping and handling, but I'm okay with that. I wanted to do a book because we never see our photos in the thumb drive. I had to chat to get what I wanted. It worked out great. They are very friendly.

I wasn't as busy as I would have liked but I did mix things up! It's a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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