Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Virus In WA Has Us Shutting Down Tomorrow

Today I was up early and enjoying the morning. I got laundry started and made breakfast.

After all that, I sat and worked on the beading......but I really didn't get much done. I don't think I even finished a row. Not sure why, but wasn't into it.

Then went and sat down to watch "Downton Abbey" on the DVD. We are in session 2. It's funny, we actually did see session 1 but then saw the last 2 sessions.

While I was watching that - I worked on my cross stitching.

I'm almost done with the left side. Then I'll need to work on the right side and work my way up the sides. It's getting there.

Miss Sophie was trying to get me to play around the time it was time to leave.

Next think I knew it was time to go bowling. We won 3 games and I bowled pretty good. I bowled a 174, 183, 200. I messed up on the 10th frame of the last game.

Just before we started bowling, we had a meeting with the team captions. We all were going to double check with our teams to see if we were going to continue bowling the season. We have 5 weeks to go. It was agreed that those who didn't bowl didn't have to pay. It was up to each team what they wanted to do. We decided we would continue bowling.......TILL the news said our Governor will announce tomorrow that ALL restaurants, bars, and places that gather people. Which means the Bowling Alley is now going to be closed till further notice. UGH. Lewis County doesn't have any positive cases as of yesterday. We are doing good with not getting it, but we have to pull together as a state. Which means we are having to stay home till this gets under control. I don't blame the governor for closing things down. It needs to be done because people around here tend to go to bars and places that gather. So, this is a good thing. We did stop at Walmart and pick up a few things since they were still open. It was pretty bare in the food isles.

Till this is controlled it looks like I'm going to be very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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