Sunday, May 31, 2020

Staying Home....Is It Enough?

This morning I was up early and went back to bed. Wasn't ready to get up. Tomorrow I will get up early because I'm going to spend the day with mom.

I got laundry going. My washer is dying on me. The white clothes I washed, took forever - was stuck on spin for awhile. Paused it and restarted it. When I put them in the dryer they were soaked. It took me 3 hours to get those dry!! I did sheets next, and they were okay, didn't take so long to dry.

I then went to beading. It's now at 70/170. So, I'm down to my last 100 stitches. I can tell what I'm doing, but it's not as "tight" as I would like - design wise. It's like a sketch. So, when you look at it from a distant, you can tell what it is. Up close, it just looks sketchy. Who knows, I may take it all out and redo it with a bigger design area. I will decide later one.

Then it was time to cross stitch.

I was able to work on this for awhile. I like the way it's coming. I need to get more done, but I'm getting there. Now I can say I'm half way....that's a good thing.

Today was no computers or phones. I did use the computer today to print out Patrick's family genealogy. I have it in a note book. I'm wanting to add more to what I printed off my Family Tree Maker program. I did both the ancestry chart and the pedigree chart. I had 60 pages on one and a good 50 pages for the other.

We stayed home today. We couldn't watch much TV because they had the rallies in Seattle on TV all day. Police have been keeping it from getting out of control - so far. Bellevue Police had riots and more burning there too.

I watched that, and wondered to myself, is it safe? I agree with the rally about the death of George, but I don't agree with destroying property. I don't agree that ALL police officers are that bad. It's called "one bad apple." Is it going to be safe, when I have to travel to MI? I know it's just airport to airport, but how many of them were in the rally and how many of them picked up the virus?? Where do we go from here? God only knows. I pray things will get better, but I think it's going to be a couple weeks before that happens. I also believe we are going to go into the second wave of the virus and pray I'm not going to be one who gets it.

So, in the meantime, I'm going to stay home. I'm going to keep trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

What Have We Become?

This morning I woke to the sound of thunder. I hadn't heard that in a very long time. It was nice to hear. It went on for a couple hours.

Then got laundry going again. Once Patrick was up, he turned the TV on to "Breaking News" in Seattle. My family is from Seattle. It's changed so much that a lot of them moved out. My cousin Cindy is in Tumwater. Anyway, the Rally's that were peaceful ended up with a bunch of others that went into Seattle and started fires, burning 4 police cars and a van - not sure if that was police or not. They couldn't do much because these people were out to get the police and at the same time, destroy West Seattle. Why? Can't people do things peacefully anymore? Whether we agree or disagree, doesn't mean you can destroy someones livelihood and think that's going to help your cause! Why do you think the police do what they do with people like that - no excuse for either one! Burning a city is not going to help your cause! I get sick every time I see that film on a policeman that didn't care what he was doing when he killed his arrested man! All we can do is make the changes ourselves. We have to look at ourselves and ask what we can do to change it, not burn a city down to make people believe you! UGH

Then I got going on my family history stuff. Actually I was working on Patrick's family. Got him back to his 11th great grandfather. But then that is only one out of how many 11th greats?!

I also decided to watch TV with Patrick. So, I got going on my cross stitching.

The good news is that I got the tree done, and I finished the house. Then I got going on the Salem wording. It's about half way done I believe. I have 2 houses in this and one is done, so I guess that means I'm half way. It's a Little House Needleworks piece.

So, today was a day of watching my city of Seattle being trashed. Between not knowing how much longer we have to distance and now it's how long will this be going on? When will this stop?

I'm going to try and move on. I know what I can do to change things, I just hope others can too. In the meantime, I'm going to try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Best Laid Plans....You Know ME

This morning I was up with the sun. I decided to get up and get moving.

I was able to get the laundry going again. It's really a big pile. Just haven't been able to work on it much.

Patrick wanted to go to Home Depot to see about getting a table and chairs to put on our deck - our Christmas gift. We looked but the round ones are really big for our deck. I like the round ones but they are just a little too big. We couldn't find a square one. It was interesting there. A lot of the people there didn't have a mask on. The car that pulled up next to me, didn't have a mask. But others in the parking lot did have masks.

We got back and Phil called asking to borrow some tools. I wanted to get the two masks done for them before he went. I made the big ones.

I was able to use some small pieces of fabric that I had. I do like being able to use up some of my fabrics.

Patrick left to Phil's and I worked on my abs (exercises). I have been doing them from the Youtube channels. I have 3 on "watch later" so I can go back and do them. I really like the gal that is doing them.

Then I had to find a couple things on Amazon, and I'm really bad when it comes to shopping. I have to compare them and see which one will work and is the best. I did that for the ear plugs with WiFi. Trouble with them was that they didn't stay in my ear! I kept dropping them. I returned them within a week of getting them. I hate it when I can't check them out better. I wanted to see if that would work for me, but it didn't. I didn't want to pay a lot more either. So, my Birthday gift was returned and I have no clue what I want for the replacement. UGH.

I need to look for a photo of Orville and his wife. I'm a little behind on finding it for his wife's granddaughter. I will work on it.

I had planned to work on the beading. Then I was planning to work on the cross stitching but so far haven't done either. I'm hoping to get going on it soon. It's hard to say what I'm in the mood to do just yet.

So, best laid plans (of course) didn't work for me today. I did enjoy going to the store - sort of. I am always home, so I can always be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Another Day I Shouldn't Have Planned For!

Today I was up and had a few things I wanted to get done. Laundry was one of them. This week seems to be the week where I get a call in the morning and I've got my day taken care of. 

Cheryl called first and we decided to meet up at 1 pm in her back yard, keeping social distancing. Then mom called and we chatted some more. She wanted me to come over next week to spend time with her. So, now it looks like Tuesday is that day. 

I got 2 loads of laundry in the wash. One was waiting on Patrick to finish his mowing so I could hang it out. Then I put another load in the washer and headed over to Cheryl's - after I watched a couple YouTube videos. I even worked on my abs with the video. 

Then it was time to go to visit with Cheryl. We chatted for a good 2 hours. We haven't seen each other for over 2 months and we just live down the street from each other. It was good to chat. We talked about books and what's going on. It was a good visit. 

Came home and my amazon order came in. It was the "watercolor paletes" for my beads. They didn't cost that much, and they look like it's what I've been looking for. 

So, I put the beads in the little boxes that usually have the water colors in them. It works great. This is a lot smaller and it works a lot better than the egg shell "puff" I was using. Patrick was helping me figure out what I wanted to use. It's a lot better than having 40 different beads on the mat and trying to keep them from mingling. I took the boxes out of the case. I will put them back in at night to keep them from getting messed with by the cat.....not that she has been doing that. 

Plus I can use the bobbin winder. I really like it, it keeps the thread from having to lay on top of my work. Plus it's kept nice and doesn't get messed up - till I mess it up that is. I didn't get much beading done 

Once I got going, I started working on a couple more letters from family members. I added 2 letters from Fred White, who was my great Uncle. Then I ended up finding out we have another request for QOV, and had to update my paperwork. Oh, then I had one of the water people tell me he paid more than I had down for him. So, had to go over all my records to make sure I didn't make a mistake....which I didn't. But felt bad. So, had to call and give him the bad news. Of course, I hate that. Was in the back room and sweating up a storm because it got hot today. I hate it when it gets that hot around here. But then again, over 75 degrees is HOT for me. Has been ever since I left Turkey in my teenage years. 

So, even though I didn't get anything done I wanted to. But at least I can "sort of" say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It's Hump Day!

Today started out with a phone call from my son. I then hurried up and made 3 masks for him. I actually made 6 total - the first 3 were child size! Don't know what I was thinking!! Anyway, had to run and take them to him. In return I got ice cream! Yum!

Came home and finished working on getting the backings washed. I had the all ready for Faye. Then I decided to do some more beading.

Sorry still can't show it. I will later. It's sketchy but one can see it better from a distance. I'm now at 64/107. Getting close to the last 100 rows. It will be fun to get there. The last 100 rows are the fun part, it goes faster!

Then it was time to sit and watch TV with Patrick. We do that after supper - and after my back exercises.

I worked on the house today. It's almost done, I need to finish the window on the right. I'm really liking this piece.

I did order some QOV labels and put a request for donations on Facebook. I had to do another request for donations because we are really low on our account. We also need to get more fabric for the backings. We also are getting ready to have a presentation in September. I have 2 dates ready to present quilts for. We just need to know how many we can do at once depending on how things go.

Today was one busy day and I was thrilled to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!]

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Good Day...I Actually Worked On A Quilt Top!

This morning I was up really early - woken by the phone. No worries because the sun wakes me up as well. I need to get some more eye covers.

We went over to moms and power washed her deck. Patrick got the rest of the area done. I did the power washing. We took the plants over to her as well. Then Patrick took some of the dead pots and put them in the back of the truck. He's been doing all her planting and getting her deck to look nice. He got the water drips working for her pots. Now she should be all set. Hard to say. Next time I go over I will need to check to make sure the water is watering all the pots right.

We then came back home. I had planned to work downstairs to get the quilt top done today. But since Patrick wanted to go to moms and get that done first, I went along. He didn't think it would take long, but it actually took 3 hours. So, I got lunch and then went downstairs.

I finished it up. We put the yellow strip in there so it would go with the eagle's nose. It took me a while to do this. I accidentally put the yellow strip on first and then had to take it off. I then cut the backing and batting for 3 quilts. I'm washing 2 of the backings. Faye is taking them to Olympia on the first.

After all that, I played games. It was a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, May 25, 2020


Today is the day to honor our war heroes.

This is Orville Grant Matheson. He served with McArthur's 3rd Army during WWII. I have been putting his letters on "Letter from the Past."  He didn't want to go into the Army. He was drafted. At 18 years old, he was drafted and enlisted in Bremerton WA instead of CA. He was then sent to Camp Haan, in CA for training. He was overseas and returned at the age of 20 or 21, where he died in Mississippi. He was still in the Army at the time. He came home to find he had a brain tumor. He didn't last 9 months after he returned. May God Bless him and may he RIP.

We have other veterans in our family. Orville is my great Uncle. He was so close to my great grandmother.

So, today, I wanted to post his photo. My father served 26 years in the military and is now buried at Tahoma National Cemetery. My mother will join him when the time comes. There are more family members that served the Civil War, WWI & WWII.

I was not working on my crafts today. We enjoyed the day with friends (2). Played games and had a good time visiting with each other.

May we all honor our Veterans with respect and reflect how lucky we are to have them. Tomorrow I will think about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

No Electronics Day...Sort Of

Today is Sunday, which means no computers or electronic devices. Except I can do my blog!

So, this morning I decided to work on my beading.

I've gotten to 59/170. I really like some of it. I'm enjoying doing the beading, but it's not coming out the way I would like. I'm hoping it gets better. lol

In between working on this, I made Date Bars.

They turned out really good. Showed Phil. Asked if he's made them and he said it would be to sweet for him. I thought about that, and agreed. We have a "sweet" family. Patrick has to have his dessert at night, and he has to have his sweets. That doesn't help me. I have more sugar around this house then I need. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't have so much sweets. I worked on that in between doing the beading. 

Then it was time to sit and watch TV.  I pulled out my cross stitching. I'm really enjoying this piece!

It's pretty close to half way. I believe I'm at 1/3 done now. It's fun. I'm working on the house right now. I then worked on the boarder parts. I'm going to try and finish the tree as well before moving on. 

It's awesome to be able to say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ok, Ir'a Saturday, Yet Again

I was up and ready to go.....think I've been saying that since we started this "stay at home" thing. I believe I need to figure out another opening.

We enjoyed the morning. Sitting and watching the news and then chatting about some of the stuff going on. Before I knew it, Patrick was ready to finish up his ceiling painting. It's now done! Both sides look great and you can't tell at one time there was a leak. It's nice and white. I'm thrilled he finally fixed that, because those marks have been there for a VERY long time, if not 10 years or more. Can't tell now. I then vacuumed where he was working and then did the rest of the house. Then I had this bright idea to get ready to figure out what I wanted to take with me on our trip.

Of course I have 3 boxes - one for embroidery, quilting, and "stuff." The stuff is odds and ends that I "need" to work on all my projects. So, as you can see, I made a mess. I throw out a lot of stuff in the box, and then repacked it. I also put a few things in the buckets they belonged in. I pulled out the bird and a piece that the group is working on. I will take them both with. 

Then I pulled out the applique that I need to finish. I found 3 different ones that needed to be worked on. 

Decided this one needs to get finished. It's the last one, and then I can put it together. The milti-color in the middle, was the one piece I was missing. So, I had to cut another piece out and put it with this. Next I need to get the thread that goes with it. 

I did cross stitch for awhile. I wanted to get more done. 

I enjoyed watching TV and getting more stitches in. 

Once all that was done, I went and worked on a row of beading. I got my earphones in today and I listened to my book on it. It's awesome. I just need to figure out how to use the "touch" part of it. I had it a couple times but then I didn't. It's a work in progress when it comes to me! I'll figure it out. 

After beading, I decided I wanted to spend time cross stitching again. I really am enjoying this piece, even though it's out of my comfort zone. 

I was able to get a lot done! I was thrilled. I did move it closer to the bar. I still have more to add to the tree, but will do that as I go. I'm really happy with this piece. 

Now, I'm going to call it a night and go play games! Plus listen to the book. I won't be able to play games tomorrow because it's our "no electronic" day. I can listen to my book, but I can't play games. It's a day where Patrick and I do stuff other then spend time on the electronics. Funny thing is I always come up with ideas that are on the computer! Oh, well......At least it's a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Thinking Day!

This morning we were woken by the phone ring at 8 am. He never did tell me who called, but then he's getting crank calls lately.

I played for a while. Got laundry going (never ending!) and cleaned the cat litter (oh what fun!). Once all that was done, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do. I moved my station for beading to the other side of the table and not at the end of the table. Partly because the lighting isn't any good at the end where it faces the living room. We really do have a small living/dining room area.

Patrick brought me some egg shell padding from the garage. I was telling him what I needed for beading when I have a ton of colors. I put this together today. We were talking about it, and I like this. I told him I needed something that I wouldn't get get my Tweezers don't get caught in. So, he was looking on line and found a water color palette cups. So, I order 48 of them. We'll see if that works. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than $100 for a padded board.  

I worked up to 49/107 rows. I wish I could show it. I'm not real happy with it, but Patrick likes it. I wanted more detail, but it's "sketchy" for me. I know better next time. 

I've been thinking about all this stuff going on. I'm getting emotional all over again. I'm not sure I feel safe going to MI soon, but I need to go. It's dad's 80th Birthday! I really need to go. I'm not sure if I'm thinking about my dad and that's got me emotional or if I have those weird feelings that something isn't right, and something is going to happen. Time will tell. 

Now I have to think of what I'm going to take with me to work on. I figured I will need to take some applique with me. That would be easier to work with. I may even take the bird to work on in embroidery. I should take 2 things in case I change my mind or decide I want to do one over the other. I will have to get that ready. May try and do that this weekend - oh, yeah, that's tomorrow! UGH. I need to decide what applique work I want to do. I need to make sure I have needles, thread, and scissors. I always forget one thing I need when I'm doing embroidery or applique. I have been known to show up without the piece to work on or even the fabric to cut the design out of. I really need to pay attention when I'm doing it. 

Now I'm going to do my exercises and then go work on my cross stitching. I'll show my work on that tomorrow. Or you can see it on Instagram. That will keep me in line to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Amazing How Time Flies

Today I was up and ready to get moving. I got on the computer to look for some things for beading. I wanted a mat that would work for my beading. Trouble was, it's $100 for the bead board I wanted. NOPE, not paying that. I will work it out. I need to really think about what I want, and then figure out how I can do it without paying an arm and a leg for it.

Then after a couple hours flew by, I started working on my family history. I was able to add more to my MERRILL family tree, then headed off to branches off that. NOT my branches. So, then I got off on TUTTLE family, and then moved over to Patrick's family. I was on the BANTA and NILSSON families. His side of the family didn't get much done. My side got about 200 names added to the tree. I'm getting a lot of relatives. Like Patrick said, we are supposed to all be related back to Adam and Eve. I haven't gotten back that far. I have gotten back to the 1500's though. I'm finding out that Patrick and my family are related to King Edward I or II. Need more to do on that though.

So, by the time I was calling it quits, it was 8:30 pm. A long day of genealogy. It felt good to get some stuff done!

Maybe tomorrow I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I'm Getting Going On My Work

This morning I didn't want to get up, but I did.

I had to get the secretary work done for the water group. I had to send out bills. So, that took a little bit. When I was done, we went to get gas, visit mom and drop off at Phil's. Patrick picked up the plants that Phil had for him. I'm getting my herbs. Patrick has a really nice garden by Katt's bedroom window. I'm thrilled! He also got a few more plants too.

This is Patrick's pile to get put out. The ones in the box will be planted. The ones in the pots will go to mom and us. He's working on where to put them. Some will stay on the deck.

This is the plant mom gave me for Mother's day. I really love the roses. I took a photo, because I'm thinking of doing a pattern with beads. Not sure if I will do it, but would like to know how it turns out.

Speaking of beads, I had to put them away for a little bit so I could move it to the end of the table. Patrick is working on the ceiling behind where I bead. So, in order to move it, I had to put the beads away. I was thinking of how I want something that I can use to put my beads in while I bead. I found "bead counter" but they didn't have the size I was looking for. I took a good hour trying to find what I'm looking for. I found some really nice wood pieces but those wanted $13 for shipping. That's ridiculous! I don't mind paying $5 but not $10 or more for shipping when I know it doesn't cost that much to mail them. I'll keep looking. I may get Patrick to make me something or I may make something that will work. I saw draws that had what I wanted but I couldn't find them today. I will keep looking. 

After all that, I really wasn't in the mood to do much. So I played games. That didn't last long, because I decided to work on my cross stitch after supper and watch TV.

I was able to get more done. I'm really enjoying this piece. I'm having to work on it from the side, because I put it on the frame wrong. I'm okay with that. This one will look like a right handed person did it because of the direction I am having to work on it. I was laughing when I saw that. It will be one that will have people questioning that, if they know me. It will be fun though. I like the colors that I'm using so far. The tree is variegated but you can't really tell. It may start showing up when I work the top of the piece.

This is fun, and I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Still Staying Home

Today I was up and ready to go. I played games - guess that really not "ready to go." But I spent a while playing games. I wasn't ready to go and work on something.

After games, I went and beaded. I'm now at 32/170. I wish I could show it, but I can't. It's a little different than I thought it would be. Chatted with Sharon, and think I should have made it a little bigger so that the colors would have grouped together better. I can't show it for awhile.

After all that, I took a time off and worked on my genealogy. I wanted to get more information on the Elder family of my tree. I was able to add another 59 people to the list. I then worked on my Overholser family, and added more there too. I still need to find a few more of each. Plus I need to work a little farther back and not so close to now.

I did take a break and order another frame set of my Quantum frames. I placed the order and as expensive as they are, they are worth it. Now I have plenty. I really do need to order the standing frame. They were out of stock on that. Guess I will have to wait.

Now I'm watching the "Mask Singer" and can't wait to see who won.

Even though I took 2 rows out and put them back in, I was still able to be very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Happy Birthday, To Me!

This morning I slept in. The phone actually woke me up! It felt good to sleep in.

Today is my Birthday! The news was reminding me of 40 years today since the mountain blew. I turned 21 on that day. Dad gave me a camera for my Birthday and I went over to the other side of our hill to take photos of the mountain blowing. We had a good view. I had worried that dad was going to the mountain that day to work. Thankfully he stayed away. He could have been in the mess. He did work for the state then, and they had him go and do the figures on damage to the properties.

Now we are to 40 years later. My dad isn't around, but I think of him often. Mom called to say Happy Birthday. We had a good chat.

Patrick wanted to know what I wanted to do today. I had no idea. I thought we could ride the bikes around the neighborhood but it was chilly this morning. So, he worked out in the yard for a couple hours. When he came in, I decided not to ride the bikes. We went for a ride instead. We checked out the cemetery in Centralia to see if they cleaned up grandma's plot. It looked good. We didn't get out. Patrick just kept driving. We drove over to see Sandy and chatted with her while in the car. It felt so good to see her!! I missed not seeing her for awhile! I can't wait to get back to seeing my friends.

We then went KFC for supper and took it to the park. We ate there and enjoyed the view. I was surprised at how the park had teenagers without masks and without social distancing. After that, we went to Safeway and picked up my cake. Yum! I got an ice cream cake.

Came home and I worked on the beads.

It's coming along pretty good. Not real sure about the colors thou. Patrick said to wait till I get more done and it will come along fine. I'm getting there. I like working on it.

Then I decided to join Patrick and watch TV.

I got working on my Salem piece. I had to take out the tree stump that I did yesterday. Then I finished putting it back in. I was able to get about 100 stitches in, if not more. I am enjoying this piece. It's getting me back to cross stitching. That precious moments piece has been bugging me. I'll work on this and then I'll do the precious moments again. Think that one needs to be between pieces.

Today was a good day, even though I didn't have family around me. It was nice to get out and enjoy the weather. All in all, it was a very enjoyable day! That and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Wasn't Talking Much Today

Today started out good....then again, maybe not. I got ticked off at Patrick, so I didn't talk to him much all day. He knew I was ticked.

I got laundry going and then I went to work on getting the beading going. First I had to take out 2 more rows. Once I had that out, I was ready to go. I am paying a little better attention to the "satin" beads, as they are the ones that break. I know that now, and will not order any more of those! I will substitute them in the future.

I covered the center because I can't show this till after I give it away. UGH. So, I was able to get past 20 rows. I am not real thrilled with the colors and I hope it turns out better than it's looking. Time will tell on that. I will work on it more tomorrow.

Then I decided I would get my cross stitch piece ready to take with me to MI.....but before I knew it, I was working on it.

I decided I'm having too much fun. It's a lot more fun working on this one then the precious moments piece. I noticed the colors that they have in the pattern are not the colors they used on the pattern. So, I started it with "similar"  colors with the floss I'm using. Then I noticed it has some variegated floss colors. So, I went downstairs to see if I had some variegated colors. I did.

So, I took out what I had done, and reworked the variegated floss. I like this one better. It's also going into the tree, so I need to do sections at a time. There is another variegated floss on the roof of the houses, so I may change those too. I will wait and see when I get to them. There are things I want to think about. It doesn't have to be the exact same as the photo, but I want it to look as nice as the photo does. So, I want to keep things looking good and not slap happy.

My brother called me to wish me a Happy Birthday and I laughed at him. He was a day early. We laughed and then he said he was calling me back tomorrow. lol

Of course, because my 21st Birthday was when the mountain blew, I get reminded at how long it's been very 10 years. So, now they are celebrating the 40th year. Gee, thanks. It also makes it hard for me, because my dad gave me a camera on my 21st Birthday and I remember that so much! We went and took photos of the mountain blowing with my new camera.

Deep breath, all's good. I can at least say it was another great day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's Saturday And The Days Run Together Anymore

I had to think about what day it was this morning. I have to take more thyroid meds on Saturdays. So, I really had to think about what day it was. They all seem to run together anymore.

Then I decided I wanted to make English muffins today. But wasn't really ready to do that just yet. So, I played games and more games. Mom called and I still hadn't moved or finished playing. I just wasn't in the mood to do anything till about 1 pm today. I did get the English muffins going around noon. Then I decided to go to my beading.

Of course I got a couple rows in and then I picked up a corner of my mat and had a big mess to clean up.

So, that took about an hour to fix. Then I was doing really well.....till a bead broke.....and I tried to fix it. I thought I had but then I noticed on the next row that I really didn't. I ended up taking out 4 rows, and I still have 2 more rows to take out - only got 2 of the 4 taken out. Gave up, called it quits. Not my day.

Between beading I was cooking the English muffins.

Then it was time to watch a John Wayne movie. I then decided to try and work on the cross stitching!

I was able to get the blue done on this. Then I got tired of working on it.

Now I have to think of a couple things to take with me to MI for dad's 80th Birthday. I get teary eyed every time we talk about going to MI. I don't know why. It's almost as if I know something will go wrong. I can't say. I've done that before, and that was when my grandmother passed. I'm thinking it might be because it's Patrick's dad and not mine. Who knows. So, I need to get thinking on what I want to take with me. I need something to work on. I may just take my BE and cross stitch. Not this one, but the smaller one I showed on my Flosstube channel.

Patrick had an email saying they changed our flight and we would leave at 6 am. But he didn't pay a lot of attention to it till yesterday. The flight to MN was changed but the flight to Green Bay wasn't there. There aren't any flights into Green Bay. So, he had to cancel the flight and then got on Southwest Airlines. We are now going to Denver and then Milwaukee. We'll be driving 4 hours to get up to the family. We get in at midnight, so it's going to be a night in a hotel before we can drive up to the family. Should be interesting and I'm going to check the internet for shops along the way! lol Not sure Patrick will go for that, but I would like to check the area out. At one time we were going to move there. Now it's just visiting.

All in all, the days keep blending together, but I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Figuring Things Out....

This morning was up and ready to go. Then again, maybe not. Played a few games. Tried to decide what I wanted to do today.....that got me no where.

I finally decided to start on my gift. I was able to get a few rows done before supper.

Then we decided to take a walk. So, we did. Came back home and I worked on some more beading before sitting to watch TV with Patrick.

Have 8 rows done. Once can't tell what it is just yet, so I can show it, till it looks like it can be figured out. It's not very big, but it will do for what I want to do. If this comes out good, then I can't wait to see what else I can do with beading.

It was time to watch TV with Patrick.

I got to work on the right side of the piece. Then worked on the left side. This part is pretty close to having the page done. The black haired little girl still looks bad.

I was able to get more done on the left side as well. As I was working on it, I realized this is a piece that I really don't like. I thought I did, but the more I work it, the more I don't care for it. I should have just throw it away. But I'm determined to finish this.

It wasn't the best day I've had in working on my stuff. It was more a day of wondering what I wanted to do. Did I want to cook, clean, work on my crafts, or do nothing?! What in the world was my problem?! I seem to be lost at times. It was like when I told Patrick we needed to put the trash out and he looked at me funny, saying, "Wow, you really are loosing it, today is Friday not Sunday." What can I say to that, nothing but laugh. Guess I can still laugh!

So, today was a pretty good day, at least I think it was. I got to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Finish!

Today I was up early. I then did a few things around the house and decided to get moving on the beading. I started it around 11 am and finished it around 4 pm. 

I was thrilled to get this done! Now Katt has a polar bear she can frame. 

After that, I cleaned up the dinning room table. I got Patrick to polish the table while we went out to deliver Dan's Birthday gift. I made an afghan awhile back and gave it to him. It was the right colors and almost the right size. He's over 6 ft, so it was more for someone less tall. We stopped and got gas. Then we went up to drop off his gift. We chatted (6 ft away) and he was saying he was busier now then they were the last month. "It's picked up the last week." He works at the hospital in Olympia. He's the pharmacists assistance. Told him to be careful. Just wish I could have given him a hug rather than talk outside his place. 

Then we headed to Arby's for supper. Once that was over, we headed to the bowling alley to pick up the winnings from Wednesday night's bowling. I couldn't believe it. Even though they all were outside by their cars, no one but Patrick had a mask on. I stayed in the car. Then the secretary came over to the car, without a mask and within 6 ft. She was explaining why so many envelopes. Now we finally got our winnings and that night has paid. Thursday night still hasn't paid. 

Came home and I got the beads ready for the next project. I had the table re-covered and then set up my station as well as my beads. 

I'm ready to start Phil's gift. That will get started tomorrow. 

I didn't get a chance to cross stitch. I may cross stitch tomorrow and wait on the beads. We'll see how I do. At least today was a very good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Quick Report

Our internet is down so, I have to do this from my phone.  Which means it will take a lot of one letter typing. This is going to be a quick report for today.

I worked on my beading today. Since Patrick is fixing the ceiling I couldn't use my light to see my cross stitch.

I found out there are 204 rows not 206. I am now at 191/204. Need to do 13 more rows then done! I am getting excited about this!

More happened today but typing one letter at a time is way too slow. 😁

Okay, now I've got a connection. So, I can tell about how the day went. 

I baked sourdough bread today for Scott's 50th Birthday! I had him stop by and pick it up. When he got here, we were talking - at a distance because he works. It was so funny! He put a hole in the bread, then before he left, he had half the bread eaten! He loved taking the chunks out of the bread. I laughed so hard, because poor Teri wasn't getting much bread after all that. 

Patrick has been working on the ceiling and will finally paint it tomorrow. Then that should be the end of the fix. I'm hoping, but he will have to do the other side of the ceiling. 

I put the flee medication on Sophie and she got mad at me! She wouldn't come near me till later in the evening. 

We were watching our Netflix cartoon when the internet went down. Broke my heart! I wanted to see what was going to happen. Now I have to wait till tomorrow. 

Now it's time to call it a night. Internet was out for 2 hours. UGH. I can't do without the internet! lol 

At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

It's A Good Week So Far

Today we were up early. Not that we needed to be. Patrick got up before me. I was okay with that. I just had to make the bed. lol

I got laundry going, and really did get most of it done. I have one more load to do, and will do it tomorrow. Cleaned up the kitchen a little. Not much to clean.

Patrick worked on getting the ceiling fixed. It had the leak stains, that's been driving us crazy for years. So, he pulled out the ladder and got started with putting the stain cover on it. He still has more work to do, but at least he's getting started. We have another one on the other side were the dinning room is. He'll do that after this one. We may end up painting the ceiling. If we do that, we will probably paint the inside of the house. Not sure what color we will put on next. Time will tell. Not sure Patrick's ready to do all that work just yet. Would be nice though, then I can take down the photos in the hall and put up my embroidery work.

I chatted with mom and did a few things to do before I sat and beaded. I did call Sharon as well. She was doing her beading as well. Once I got all those things done, I went and beaded.

I was able to get 10 more rows done. 179/206. It's really coming along great. I really know Katt will love this.

OH! I did do my Youtube this afternoon. That took some time. Patrick walked in on me while I was doing it. Then he left and I redid it.

We still laugh and we still enjoy each others company. That's a good thing in this time of having to stay home every day. We find things to do, and we work hard at finding things to do. So, with the end of the day, even though I played games half of it, I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Day After Mother's Day

Funny how holidays don't seem to make things any different. Other than gifts. lol

This morning I was awakened by the door bell. Apparently Patrick forgot the fireplace guy was coming to work on the fireplace. So, he put his PJ bottoms on and went to answer the door. Come to find out, there were some problems with the fireplace. So, it's going to cast a couple hundred to get it fixed, but at least we can get it fixed now instead of later.

I took a shower and got moving. It felt good to get up. We waited to see what the "news" would be. Then I went and got started on the beading.

I was able to get a few more stitches in when Patrick decided he wanted to watch a movie with me. I told him to give me till 1 p.m.

At 1 pm, I sat down to watch an old western movie. While I was watching it, I worked on my cross stitching. After the movie went back to the beading.

I got a few more beads in. I'm now at 169/206 rows done. It's getting done pretty quick. I do like the way this is coming along.

After supper I went back to working on my cross stitching.

I got a few more stitches in for this. I added another black haired angel. I will add one more red head and then will be happy with the angels. I was surprised at how much I have got done.

At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Being a mom, I thought I was entitled to sleep in. So I did! I slept till 10 am this morning. That is rare for me. I think the latest I have slept in these days is 9 am. I just couldn't get my eye to open up and call it a day to get going.

When I got up, I had a message from Phil looking for me. He wanted to call and chat. We chatted awhile. It was great. I enjoy talking to my son from time to time. Patrick was trying to tell me to tell him it's better to call then text. But I will take it either way! Texting is good too! Katt texted me. She had sent a really cool card earlier. Phil asked if I got the gift card he placed for me. I hadn't so he's checking on it. Chances are I'll get it tomorrow.

We went over to moms. We gave her a flower pot and Patrick cleared out the pots on the deck. He brought them home so he can fill them in and take them back. Plus he tried to get the watering system to work but he didn't have the 9-Volt batteries. So, we'll take the batteries next time we go and get it working for her. She's talking about having Patrick move the bird feeder to the front of the house. He told her he will do that next time. He put the embroidery piece I made up on the wall for her. It's in the living room. I was surprised, but I'm glad it's up on the wall.

We came back home. Then I finished getting my Ciabatta bread ready for baking.

I decided to work on my cross stitch today instead of the beading. I do want to get my beading done, but I also didn't want to rush myself.

I've got more done! I really did get more stitching in then I have in a long time. This thing is huge. I am really surprised at how big this is. It's coming along. I'll keep working on it.

After supper, I decided to make some Cowboy Cookies! Since it's a "no electric" day, I had to keep busy. I wasn't able to do my games. So, I cooked. I baked Ciabatta bread and baked cookies. Not that I needed to do either one! At this rate, I'm gaining weight! But I do love to cook, and because I love to cook, I also love to eat! I was doing good but lately, it's not that easy.

I had Patrick size the cookies! I couldn't see making such big cookies. He was going huge! But we still got 30 cookies out of it and it was supposed to be 24. Wow! He was a sweetheart and helped with clean up! I had the kitchen cleaned while we were baking the cookies, and he washed the dishes afterward. I was so surprised. I usually do the dishes and he wipes down.

It was a lovely day. I was able to visit mom and hear from my kids. I really can't wait for us to be able to get out again. When Patrick got some stuff from one of his worker - he wore the mask! I was so proud! At first I don't think she knew who he was.

Each day goes by, each day I wonder how much longer this will be. It's like I said before, "groundhogs day." At least today, I was doing other things that I haven't done for awhile. It's hard each day to figure out what I want for supper. We need to know and take something out. I keep feeling like "same old, same old." Groundhogs Day! I'm getting myself to go look for better recipes and try different things. I tried some Chinese food, but the crust was awful! I'm getting back to putting recipes on my recipes blog. Didn't realize it's been 6 years since I posted on there. Where does the time go?! I have been adding to my letters blog though. My binders are growing! At least I can keep posting here, because I'm always Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Day Of Beading - May Have Another Finish Soon

Today I was up early. The sun was driving me nuts. lol 

I got working on laundry and then beading. 

I got to 156/206. A lot farther than I figured I could get at. It's coming along great. I can't wait to get started on the gift project. I'm a little concerned though, because it's all "dull" colors. I also did a pattern of Sophie, and that one has better colors. I'm actually having fun making patterns. Don't know if I will ever make them all but it will be fun making the patterns. I still want to do the Snowman piece. 

While I was doing the laundry, I took the towel outside. While I was out there, 

I found these flowers blooming! It's so pretty! I was thrilled to find these. 

It was weird today, though. I was thinking about all of us who do crafts. If I were to go to a fair or craft show, what I make would only go for about 25 cents to MAYBE $200. Yet, a football player, basket ball player, or sports figure would make over a million dollars. If we put in the time (like my beads taking about 1 hour per row), and the cost of what I paid to make it, then it SHOULD be several hundred dollars. Yet, very few people would pay that price. So, tell me, what is wrong with this picture. I spend more time working on my craft, while sport figures take less time than I do to play a game. Where have we come in life, if a game is worth more than someones creativity?! To think, I should have played basketball or something! 

Anyway, just a thought. Life is good, I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 8, 2020

What Is It About Fridays?

Okay, it's what. At least that's what I have been asking myself lately We've been on "shut down" for a good 3 months now. Started in the end of Feb and it's May now. We didn't get to celebrate moms Birthday, but then we aren't the only ones. Now it's Mother Day weekend, and again we can't celebrate with her. Next week is Dan and my Birthday, and again, we can't celebrate. It's starting to get old. 

I slept in again. Wanted to just stay in bed all morning. Patrick got up about 10 mins before me. I told him I didn't want to get up. He replied, "Then you should have stayed in bed. What difference would it make? No place to go." Which is so true now. Maybe next time I'll just sleep the whole morning. 

I did get laundry going. I was able to get 2 loads done with the 3rd still in the dryer. I will take care of that later. 

Patrick went outside to work on the garden and a few things around the house. The yard looks awesome and it's all his work. He's got plants to plant. He took photos and put them on Instagram. I didn't go out even though it was a really nice 80 degrees. Patrick's brother, Dennis, sent him a video of the snow coming down pretty good up there in the UP of MI. I was glad we were here. As Patrick said, doesn't look like we will be in swimming suits when we go for dad's 80 Birthday. 

I beaded pretty much all afternoon and evening. I find it relaxing and I really enjoy listening to my audio books. 

I'm now at 144/206 rows done. I guess I was on a roll. It's looking pretty good right now. I think it's getting to the water at his feet. It really does look like a polar bear. 

I did get my beads I ordered from High Street Beading Co. in TX?. Now I have all the beads for my gift. I just can't show my work. I will figure something out so I can show some of it. 

Okay, I guess Fridays have changed. Not sure I look forward to them like I used to. But it's Friday and I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

An Almost Normal Day

This morning I slept in later than I have in a long time. It felt good for the first time in awhile.

I played for awhile. Then Patrick wanted to go to DeGautie's (sp) for flower pots. So, we took a trip out that direction. We came back with 5 hanging pots. They were really pretty. Came home and Patrick worked on getting them set up on the deck. It looks great out on the deck. He put the watering system going.

While Patrick was doing that, I was beading.

I'm now at 135/207 rows. It's coming along nicely. I love the way it's coming. I was listening to one of my audio books and decided I didn't want to listen to it anymore. So, I went and got another one because the ones on hold where not ready yet. I may have to get another one tomorrow if I finish this one soon.

We then went out to Dairy Queen to get some chicken strips. We eat at the park. It turned out pretty good. I ordered through the app but we still had to wait on the food. Not sure I like the app part of ordering.

Came home after stopping at the store for some milk and a few things. We got a couple things free, but then 2 of the "free" stuff didn't come up on the receipt so we ended up paying for those. Got that -.01 .01 balance on the receipt. Didn't see it till we were one the way home.

When we got home, I wanted to try crocheting the bag I was thinking about doing.

So, I got part of the bottom done. It's all recycled bags. I was working on them and was wondering if it would work like they said. So, I worked on it, and was surprised at how easy it was. I'm still working on it. I'm not sure if I have enough to do the whole bag, but I can used up what I have and then go from there. It was quick and easy getting that much done. It's curling on me, but I'm slowly getting extra stitches in on the bottom.

I decided I didn't want to do much, so I played games tonight. It was a quiet and quick night. At least I can say it was almost normal today. It made it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wow! Changes Going On!

As I open up my blog, I found there are changes that I'm going to have to figure out. I'm not sure how I'm going to find the "new post" tag to add to my blog. I went to post and got an interesting set of blocks with the blog posts I posted. It's so different! This is going to be another learning tool!

This morning I was enjoying the sleeping in part. I did get up early, then decided to go back to bed. It felt good to sleep in. Sophie was waiting on me. She was something else at 2 am! She wanted attention and meowed at me while I was "on the pot." So, I petted here. Apparently it wasn't enough because she jumped up on the bed and climbed on me. I was on my side. The next thing I knew was a paw was stretching out on my cheek. I petted her, then put my arm back down. Another paw came up across my face and toughed my arm. I couldn't get her to leave me alone. So, I finally petted her more Then Patrick rolled over and she took off.

I decided to get the house picked up a little. Vacuumed and swept the floor. After that worked on our bank statement. Got all that taken care of. Then I was ready to go bead!

I'm getting there. I reached 126/206 rows. I just kept going today. I also finished an audio book and started another one. It's really enjoyable beading. It relaxes me. I tend to forget time and just keep working on it.

After I decided to give it a break and come back to join Patrick watching TV, I got moving to cross stitching.

I was able to do the bottom area blue. I also outlined the boy. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get more done. I am getting this done, little bit by little bit. I think it's because it is frustrating at times, so I'm not in a big hurry to get it done. Plus I don't know who's name is going to go on the bottom of the tree. Either way, I'll have to get the names from my genealogy.

Now I just need to check out the changes going on with my blog information. Once I figure that out, I'll be back on track. I'll keep trying to figure it out and get back on track.

In the meantime, I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...