Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Day Of Being On My Own

 This morning Patrick was up before me. I slept in. I needed it, I think I've been on anxiety for the past week. It felt good to sleep in. 

Patrick went golfing at noon. So, I was on my own. I had about 4 different phone calls. I called my brothers and updated them on Patrick's cancer. Then I got a call from friends. One was Sherry from Olympia asking if I could go to Judy's house and put the bolts of fabric in the car port. Sherry is in Olympia and would take over an hour of her time to do it. I live about 10 mins away, so had no problem doing it for her. Told her we are "sisters" and can help each other. They have donated a lot to us, for QOV. So, I was honored to help them out for all they have done for us. 

Then I got back home to finish working on the beading. I really wanted to get a lot done, but only got about 2 or 3 rows done. 

As you can tell, I didn't get very far. But I was able to get a couple rows in. 

I then played games. lol 

Mom "mother-daughter day" with mom is now at 5 people. Mom asked Hildi to join us because she felt sorry for her. She was in tears with mom, and so she invited her to join us. I told her she needs to stop inviting people because it was only supposed to be the 3 of us. I called and talked to Nancy about it. I was ticked, but mom doesn't seem to care. She told me we could do another day of the week and I told her "no, I have Friday's already picked." Later she called to tell me we will be wearing masks, just for me. I told her that's fine. She said she doesn't want me to bring the virus back to Patrick - shame she didn't think about that a couple weeks ago, because she's known for a couple weeks now. I just don't know what to do. I can pick another day of the week, but it would end up the same - she'd ask someone else to join us. Can't win this one. Not sure why she wants to do a mother-daughter day since she always has someone else there. 

Anyway, today was not what I had hoped it would be, but at least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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