Friday, January 8, 2021

My Usual Fridays At Moms

 This morning I was running late. Had to make a trip to the bank, then got a Chai tea before heading to moms. I arrived to find Nancy at the post boxes, so went around the corner. Stopped to see what she was doing and she couldn't get her packages because the key wasn't working. I got it to work, and she had 2 boxes. We both then headed to moms. I arrived to find that Carmen was already there, but delivering food across the street. 

We all pretty much arrived at the same time. I took the block that I am working on for Nona. 

I worked on the arm. I had to cut the piece a couple times before I was happy with it. It's the fleece (or something like it) fabric. Once I had it appliqued on, then I cut a piece of pink to go above the arm. I cut a piece of pink fabric, folded it in half, right sides together. Hand stitch the the 2 sides closed. Then turned it inside out and ironed it. Once that was done, I took the basting thread and brought the needle up at the beginning point. Then I did a basting stitch across the ironed piece and put the needle down at the end area. I tightened it so that it would ruffle. Next I basted the sleeve onto the piece. Next step was to applique that piece over the ruffle. It went well. I like how it came out. Next is the hat. I put the light blue on for the inside of the hat. Now, I need to applique the pink hat on, then add the band on the hat. Once that is done, I want to find a ribbon that will go with this. I will then stitch it on, make it into a bow, and then put a bead in the middle of the bow. I may add a bead on the end of the ribbon. I will think about it when I get the ribbon. 

Before I left, mom gave me a couple things to take to Phil. I did and told him I don't care what he does with them. She had a Santa as well, and I really don't need it. So, I will figure out who wants it. I also brought her 2 paper threaders for the dump. Patrick told me to dump it in their dumpster, but I forgot and ended up bringing them home. Patrick said he will take care of them. Mom had dad's phone, and I dropped that off with Phil to see if he can get the photos off the phone. It needs cleaned up. 

I fixed the 2 spots that I missed on the cross stitch. Once that was done, I cleaned up the frames. Put them away. Then I throw away the threads and patterns. I didn't want to mess with trying to find someone that wanted them. The truth is, I have enough stuff and I need to cut back. The less I have the better. 

After supper, I pulled my embroidery out and worked on it. 

 I worked on the leaves. I wanted to use the variegated thread for leaves. I think it makes it look more natural that way. I was able to get 4 of the leaves done in about 45 mins. I will work on the others later. It just felt good to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

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