Friday, January 22, 2021

At Moms Once Again

 This morning I was off to moms. My niece was coming to chat with Patrick before she headed to moms. I got to moms about 9:15 am and scared the crap out of her. She had the door open so figured she would be paying attention to someone coming in. Guess not. 

I told mom about our visit to UW regarding Patrick's surgery. I think it's promising, but he has his ups and downs. I just try to be there. Surgery will come very soon. I won't be able to stay with him. We will have to drop off and then go back and pick up. He has to go back on Tuesday for more lab work to see if he will be in the research group. We will see. If not, she'll have him in surgery asap. 

There were 4 quilts waiting for me. Hildi brought 2 quilt tops. So, QOV is going strong. 

While I was there, I decided I wanted to do embroidery and not applique. 

I put the "calyx's" on the rose buds. Then I double checked the instructions because I thought 2 calyx's were a bit much. Sure enough, I got the instructions messed up - thank you dyslexia! So, I took the calyx's out and reworked them. 

I fixed it and when I got home, I added some buds and more calyx's. I do like the way it's coming along. I did make a few mistakes and took them out. This is getting closer to being done! I'm enjoying this!

My day ended up being very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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