Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Trip To Tacoma And Back

 Today we were up by 7 and off to Tacoma at 8. We arrived about 45 mins early. When we went up to the scanning area at Kaiser, we were told I had to wait in the car. So, I ended up waiting for Patrick a half hour. Once he had the shot, we went down to the water front for lunch. We had 3 hours to kill before he had to be back at the radiology. 

We took a walk down the lane. It was a nice walk, but cold. The wind was coming pretty good. At the end of the dock, there were fishermen out. It was fun to watch. Didn't see anyone catch anything. 

This was interesting to see. Something different. 

While I was chatting with Patrick and enjoying the view, I worked on my embroidery. I had a hard time in the garage where the car was. The garage was darker than I like, but then it was light enough to walk around and get to the cars. I did turn the light on for awhile, but didn't want to run the battery out. 

We went back at 1 pm for Patrick to get his scan done. It didn't take long for that. I went up to the floor he was on to hit the bathroom, and when I came back to the car, he was there looking for me. 

Headed back home and stopped to see Sharon and Bill. I got the quilt he quilted for me. Patrick paid for it. Then I got the box of fabric that was donated to our group. 

Really good fabrics and they are big pieces. Patrick was pulling out the fabrics to show me. They are awesome for out group. 

Came home and had my phone conference with my doctor. Then I decided to work on the areas of my embroidery that I was having trouble with while in the garage. 

I finished the leaf while waiting for Patrick the first time. Then I worked on the flower with the center done. When I got home, I finished working on the top flower and started working on the left flower. That one is not done, I have more pistol stitches to put in there. I do like the colors and it's looking good. Tomorrow I can finish that up and start on the roses. That will be the next step. It's coming along great. 

Even though we have been going from on appointment to another, I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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