Saturday, January 23, 2021

Visited With Friends - Not Much Got Done

 Today we had the morning to ourselves. Patrick worked on some things, and I started laundry - didn't get far. 

I decided to do some beading before going. It wasn't that easy. I needed to get some bills paid for Gunderson Water and then I went back to my beading. I was only able to get 1 row in. Was hoping for more. 

This is the old photo, but you'll get the idea. Where the eye is, it's starting to finish up. It's going into the face. I will add more rows tomorrow and you will see it better. 

While I had about 45 mins before we left for Nick and Joanne's, I decided to work on the "" for genealogy. I thought I would see what was in the paper for Patrick, just for fun. Instead I found Kerry Wiltzius from Spokane was killed while biking. She was hit by a truck in June last year. I went into shock. She and I have been writing to each other over the family history. Plus we met them when both our kids were young. I think Phil was about 6 and Katt 2. We had lunch with them half way between Spokane and Pullman - when we lived in Pullman. We kept in touch over the years. Now, I find she'd be killed by a truck. She was 65. 

I can't seem to do anything anymore before finding out someone I knew or was related to, has died or is very ill. Diane McCoy has liver cancer. And it goes on. UGH Patrick has his kidney cancer and things are moving along. We hope to know by this week when he will have surgery. 

We went to Nick and Joanne's. It was a fun night of games. I ate too much - and I'm TRYING to lose the fat around the waist. So, eating like I did today won't help! Too funny! Guess I'm not overly worried about it. That's life! Enjoy it while we can! The good thing is I was able to be - for a short time - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Terri said...

Diane McCoy?? I used to live next door to a Diane (and Charlie) McCoy in Indiana. I heard they were out west somewhere. Maybe ask if they are from Indiana?

6th Generation Quiilter, Crafter said...

No, this is Diane & Mike McCoy. He was in the military. Could be family though. lol

Lazy Day - All Day

This morning, I was on the tablet playing a war game. Then I pretty much did that all day. Not just a war game but some others. I wasn't...