Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Time To Get Back To Volunteer Work Today

 This morning I woke to find my batting and backing arrived today. It was awesome. I cut some blue fabric and batting for Debbie. She came and picked it up. It worked out great because she was wanting blue and I didn't have any till it arrived. 

After that, I received a text that the letter for our Brazilian Embroidery group. I tweaked it, had Patrick check it out and help with cutting it down. Then I started going through the websites to find places that would donate to our group for the Seminar. Once I had a few addresses, I decided to get them ready to mail. So, I printed, printed envelopes, and put stamps on them. I was able to get 18 letters ready to go. I found our donation group on our website and will send their letters out this week as well. I need to go get stamps as I used all we had. I will do that on Friday and then get their letters out in the mail this weekend. 

With all that done, I got moving on getting a reimbursement from QOV. Then I found I needed to get a letter out to one of our recipients to see if he can make it in February. I had to send directions as well. Next I need to get ahold of more veterans to see if they will come for their presentation as well. I'm hoping we can do this. Our area doesn't have a lot of covid issues, and if it works out, we may be able to get groups of 10 together. I'm going to work on 3 different presentations for February. It's going to be interesting. I seriously need someone else to help me with all the QOV stuff I do. 

Once all that was done....and that took all afternoon. I finally got to sit and cross stitch. 

  I was able to get more shadowing done. Then I decided to get moving on the outlining. Once I got that going, I found a couple stitches that didn't get put in, and I filled them in. Then got going again with the outlining. That's one thing about outlining, one finds where they missed a spot. 

The weather is rainy again. We are going through another wind storm as well as rain. Our area is on flood warning. We won't flood because we are up a ways from the flooding area. The golf course may flood, but it would have to be really flooding for the houses to get hit. There is a creek that goes through the area. 

I do enjoy being home so I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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