Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Five More Rows Done

 Today I was up early and listening to my book on tape. It was good. I just wish they had the next one in the series. A few series on Libby have some books missing when it comes to audio. I will keep trying back to see what they do have. 

I then vacuumed and got the house cleaned up a little. Once that was done, I beaded. Patrick worked out in the yard and went to the dump twice. So, he was busy. 

I was enjoying the beading today. I was only able to get 5 rows done. But it's coming along. I'm almost to the point of starting the deer. Now I have 339/580 rows completed. I know once I get to the last 100, it will go fast. I'm hoping that will be soon. 

We were checking to see where we need to be tomorrow for our Covid19 vaccines. Our appointment is around 3:45 tomorrow. 

While we watched the "Mask Singer" I worked on the tablecloth. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get some. At this point, every little bit helps. 

As I was working on this, I was "itching" to get started on the Santa Claus cross stitch. I'm thinking I need to get the floss all ready to go. Plus I need to mark the fabric so I know where the middle is. I will probably get started on that this weekend. The next 2 days are busy. 

At least my day turned out better than yesterday and I was very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Not My Day For Beading

This morning Patrick left go to golfing. I had the day to myself - which thrilled me! I decided to do my Flosstube today. It's been 4 months since I've been on, so decided to get moving and do another flosstube. I also did a video of my beading projects. I'm happy with doing both. I know some people don't like to do both. 

Once that was done, and I posted it, I decided to bead on the Snowman. Plus I wanted to watch "Ginger Gerald" on YouTube.  I watched 2 of his posts. It was good to see what he's up to. But he's been a little "off" on his shows. He tries for a joke, but at times I'm just wondering what he's waiting on. I do love his pieces! He has some really good pieces done. Then I watched Angelia Mier since I haven't seen her shows yet. I do like seeing what she's up to. About the time it was over, Patrick came home. 

I beaded while watching the video's. It didn't do me any good! I had to take the row out twice! So, when Patrick got home, I had that row in and called it quits. It doesn't help when I can't get a row in without making a mistake. 

After supper we sat and watched TV. 

I decided to work on the embroidery. If I was done with one of my projects, I would be starting the Santa Claus in the Forest cross stitch. I seriously need to finish something - the BOX! I need to get my rear in gear and finish that! Then I can start on the cross stitching. In the mean time, I am working on this at night. 

I got to the next flower and am going to call it done. Today hasn't been my day to be in the mood to work on anything. I do love doing this, but not today, I guess. So, as much as I love to be happy doing this, I can't say it was a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Busy Beading Snowman

 This morning I got started with laundry - oops, better get back to that! Then I decided to play for a little bit. 

Once that was out of the way, I decided to get some time in on beading. Patrick went to the store, and I watched "The Con" that I recorded. I saw 2 shows. Amazing what people think they can get away with! 

Then I beaded. 

It felt good to bead and listen to my books. I finished one and started another one. I need to borrow a few more to keep me going. This is coming along great.  I love the way it looks! I do think I will have to replace another bead when I'm done. One bead is sticking out and I can feel it as I bead. It won't be hard to do, it just takes time to do it. 

Sophie was taking over my chair! I found her like this after supper. It was comical how she was giving me the eye. 

I worked on this last night after I posted it. I will probably work on it again in a little bit. It's coming along great!

My day was a good day to enough beading. Patrick was outside working and I was beading. "In heaven" when it comes to doing what I really want to do. That's what is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Turned Out To Be Embroidery Today

 Today was a slow starting day. Patrick wanted to go to the movies, so we did. It was a 1 pm movie. I love cartoons. Not sure if this is a cartoon but it's close to one. We saw "Raya and The Last Dragon." It was really, really good. I really loved it. Patrick even liked it. 

We came home and had time to watch TV before supper. Patrick fixed supper. Then I got back to my embroidery. 

I worked on what I could with Sophie in my lap. 

I finished up this area. This is what I had done on Friday. 

Before supper, I had this much more done. I finished the flower, then went up and worked on the leaves. 

I finished the flower from the middle photo. Now I'm heading to the next set of flower and leaves. I'm actually having a lot of fun working on this. 

At least today was a better day for me. It's my father's 88th (would have been) Birthday. I miss him dearly. But at least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

What A Lazy Day!

 This morning I slept in. I didn't feel like getting up and my dream was one I wish I hadn't woke up from. Felt good. lol 

Then I got laundry going. Patrick wanted to go to Safeway to pick up some stuff and also to dropped off my daughter-in-laws Birthday card. So, we headed out before noon. 

Got home and worked more on the laundry - caught up!! Till tomorrow. Anyway, decided to bead some more. I was able to get stitches in. I'm now at 329/580 rows done. I was able to get 3 or 4 rows in before I was falling asleep and decided to nap on the couch. Patrick was already out in his chair. So, I got a good nap. Another good dream (wish I could remember it) that I hated to wake up from. 

We had supper and then all I wanted to do was play games. Not in the mood to even do my exercises. So, it was one heck of a lazy day for me. At least I did get to be (for a short time) Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday At Mom's

 This morning I was up earlier than usual. I needed to go to Sandy's to get some eggs, pick up some tea, and then gas before heading to moms. 

I stopped at the cemetery to see my great grandmother's marker. At first I couldn't find it. I found my great Uncle and his wife but not great grandmothers. It took me about 5 mins to find it. The cemetery has been run down. It's not looking good! I was shocked! But then I haven't been there in a few years. The building that was close to her marker was no longer there, so it was harder to find her. 

 Instead, I found these markers that were not where they should be. It's as if someone didn't care and threw them in a pile. Records have been lost, from what I understand, but letting someone destroy graves is unforgivable. Who knows what they will do with the markers. I guess a few years back the caretaker stole all the money and there isn't any money to run the cemetery. Who knows what they will be doing. I was shocked to see this - broke my heart! I was thankful that my relatives were not among this pile. 

Then I went to moms. I worked on my tablecloth. 

I was able to finish this much. I started on the flower on the left and worked my way right. I was thrilled to get this much done. 

Came home and had to call Sharon after supper. She's still having a hard time figuring out how to do the seam in the boxes. So, I tried to explain it - yet again - over the phone. I think when she had the mini stroke, it messed up her brain that understands what she's supposed to do. Plus I think it messed with her short term memory. She can't seem to remember some things that she could before. 

I worked on the box I'm doing. I am putting the eye on the top of the box in. The fish are coming along great. 

It was a pretty good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Quilts Of Valor Presentation Day

 Today I was moving slowly. I was waiting to go to the museum for presentation day. I was looking forward to getting back to doing presentations. 

Before I left, I received a box of goodies for the Goodie Bags. BE Seminar will be fun with all these goodies. 

Phebie's Needle Art from CA sent this for our Seminar. I love all the color combinations she has for everyone. There are 3 skeins of Ed-Mar floss in each bag, along with the business card. I can't wait to see everyone's response. 

We started at 1 pm. 

First group was Father-in-law and Son-in-law - Mike Aust and Aaron Lyon. Navy vs Army. lol 

Our 2 pm was Ricardo Barrientes

He wear his uniform. It was AWESOME! Mom is the one on the left. Debbie on the right with the quilt. 

Then 3 pm we had -  John Callahan and Jim Stenhouse. 

John Callahan is a brother-in-law to Smiley. It was so much fun to see his sister and his brother show up. Smiley is the shortest of the 3 - and he's really not short! 

Came home and pretty much called it a day when it comes to doing anything. I will do more tomorrow at moms. Just wasn't in the mood after I got home. 

Faye, Debbie and I presented a quilt to Chip Duncan for helping us out. He works with the veterans and is the director of the museum. I had a quilt that got washed too much, and I wanted to give it to him. He would appreciate it. It was a Thank you for what all he has done for us. 

It wasn't a craft day but a presentation day. So not so much Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Listening To Books On Tape AND Beading

 This morning I got moving with cleaning the shower curtain. Patrick did the main job of cleaning the shower. It was getting pretty bad and now it's spotless. He's awesome when it comes to getting things cleaned. 

I baked "Lazy Daisy Cake" for Patrick. It was one of his mother's recipes and really good. He's already had 2 huge pieces. Thinking by this weekend it will be gone. 

Then I sat to bead. I want to keep working on the Snowman for awhile. 

I was able to get another 4-5 rows done. I was trying to figure out when the deer ears show up. I'm getting there. I think it will be another 10 rows or so. It's looking good though. I finished a book on Libby and then started another one. This is really fun to do. 

After supper I decided to work on the box that I wanted to work on yesterday, but didn't. 

I am to the face and tails now. I want to try and get this done. I hate the thought of having 2 beading thing at once. I want to work on the stars for Katt as well. BUT I need to finish the Snowman first. I'm getting there. I am at least over half way done. This is close to being done as well. I will try and get this off my to-do list. 

It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Day In Olympia - Beading

 This morning Patrick woke me early. He wasn't sleeping very well last night. I got up and got ready to head to Olympia. 

I took my beading with me to work on. I spend the day with Sharon. We worked on a box that she was making from the "Little Beaded Boxes" by Julia Pretl. She was having trouble and it was getting hard to explain what she was doing over the phone. Even when she sends a photo. So, I got her to the point of the hem. It was a busy day of me working on one of her boxes and her doing the other. She would work on one, didn't like it, and started another. She got to the point where she was making mistakes, so she started another one. I took out the mistake and worked on one. Then I took out the mistake of hers and she worked on that one. I was able to get to the hem part before I had to leave. 

This is the one I worked on. I had to go all the way back to this point. It's a short stocky box. I told her she needed to work on a bigger box before tackling this one. What a box to learn on! I'm glad I did the one I did, because I understand how it works. This is so small one doesn't get to work enough rows to understand what one is doing. No wonder she was confused. 

We didn't get to the top. I told her it's like the hem we were doing, just upside down. 

Came home around 4:30 pm. It was a long day, so I didn't bother to work on something else. I called it a day at that point. I wish I had gotten something of mine done, but it wasn't meant to be. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 22, 2021

It's Monday~ Beading

 This morning I was up early. Wanted to get my game done. It was done at 1 pm, so I had to see if I could get all the points. I didn't get the last one. Not worried, will try again next time. lol It's a 3 days part of the game, and I try to get as much as I can. I messed up today or I would have gotten them all. 

Then I decided enough of game playing, it was time to listen to my book and bead. I was able to get another 4 rows in. I have gone back to working on my Snowman. 

It doesn't look like I did a lot, but I did. I didn't end up taking any of it out, so that's a good thing. I then got tired and went to take a nap before fixing supper. I do like the way this is coming along. 

Then Patrick's tablet went out on him. That has been an interesting 2 hours! Frustration, etc. Oh what fun! I have got him back on track with a couple of his apps. He had a lot of stuff on his tablet. I don't because a couple games take a lot of my stuff. 

Tomorrow Patrick is golfing and I'm going to Sharon's to show her what do due with the boxes. She gets lost, so I need to teach her what to do. Funny how that works, since she is the one that taught me how to bead. 

Life is good. I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cleaning & Beading

Today I got moving on cleaning. Had to take a walk with Patrick first. Then came in to clean. Got laundry started. Then I got moving on mopping the floor and vacuuming. Patrick worked on the bathrooms. I love that man! He cleans bathrooms!!

 Then I played a few games. Once I got in the mood, I went to bead. I wanted to get some more beading done. 

I was able to get 3 more rows done. I am getting closer to seeing the scarf. It's coming along pretty good. I had to take the last row back to a 1/4 of the row. I had missed a bead. So, it went out and was put back in. Then I decided I better call it quits. I did finish another good book. 

I wanted to put another row in on the box. I'm really not in a big hurry to finish this. I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do with the lid. I may just make the lid and add the lip so I don't have to put a seam in. It does need a seam for the bottom box though. 

Now I'm watching the Tournaments of Champions on the cooking channel. I love this! That is the way to have a tournament. I'm into this! 

So, between cleaning and beading, it was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Three Different Projects Today

This morning we were up before 7 am. Patrick had an appointment at Les Schwab to get the tires and something else fixed. We dropped off the truck and headed up to Olympia so he could get his blood tests done. Got out of the car - 

And found this mask water logged. LOL - Guess that we all see now with the Covid19 going around. I think I actually saw about 3 of them like this. I was able to get some embroidery done, but then realized I didn't have some scissors in the bag. 

I finished up the stem to the right. I actually like this stem work. I may have to do that more often. I didn't get scissors to cut the back where I ended. So, I didn't keep going. 

Then we came home. I was just getting ready to bead, when Patrick said the truck was ready. We went to pick it up. Came back home. 

Then I decided to bead. I was able to get 1 row done on the Snowman piece. Then because I only had 20 mins, I beaded on the fish box. 

I was able to get a lot done on this. I am working it out to see if I have it right. Not too worried if not. One row isn't going to make that big a deal - I hope. I don't know if I will do a top or not. This is one that didn't come with a lid, so thinking about what I want to do. After taking mom out to supper at the Outback, I worked on the box again. 

I decided after 3 different projects, I could call it done and watch some TV. Unfortunately it's all Patrick's British TV shows. I thought I was in luck when they stopped showing them for a couple month, nope, they are back on. So, now I get to see them AGAIN for the 200th time. Lucky me!

At least my day was being able to work on my crafts with a smile that keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 


Friday, March 19, 2021

Getting Back With Friends

 Today I was up early to put the bread in the oven. I made an Amish Sourdough Cinnamon Bread. It didn't come out like it should, because I messed up. I baked the 2 loaves. I throw one away, because the swirls didn't come out on that one. I took the other one to the group. I also got the quilts from the room to take with me. I needed to get a label on one. 

So, when it was time to head to our meeting, I stopped at the church to drop off a quilt, headed to the post office to mail the thumb drive to Pat K, and then went to Starbucks for my "fix." I got some iced chai tea. That was good! Then on to moms. 

I arrived before everyone. We cut the bread up for everyone. To my surprise they all liked it and eat more than one piece. I was happy. It was so good to visit. We decided to keep this group small. When we get back to the other group, we are going to only do it once a month. I can live with that! They asked for the recipe and I went on to the website to get it for them. Then I got busy putting the label on the one quilt. When I was done with that, I worked on my tablecloth - 

I was able to get this part pretty close to being done. I'm putting the French knots in the center, then I'll move on to the next part. This is the side. I did see one of the flowers that I finished, needs to be redone. It's too loose. 

After leaving moms, I headed over to Copy Depot. I wanted to shrink the pattern mom made. I was able to get a good size. Now I want to work on how I'm going to do the flowers. They are roses, with some "fluff" that will need to be worked in a different way. Then I also got 2 patterns that were enlarged. I asked for 2 copies of the same one. That way if the pattern gets torn or ripped I have another one. It's the Santa Claus by Lavender & Lace. 

Next stop was to drop off the 2 QOV quilts. I was there for a short time and chatted with Sammy, she had surgery on her shoulder. 

Got home and I ended up talking to both Sharon and mom. That took another hour of my time. Patrick wasn't too thrilled. They both needed my help. After that, I decided I was going to play games. My day was used up! At least I was Happy Stitching/HappyQuilting!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Decided On Embroidery

Today started out late. I actually slept in. It was funny because Debbie arrived around 9:30 am and I was still in my robe. She dropped off the quilt to go to the church. 

Finally by 11 am I was feeling normal. I got moving with a few things. Then I decided to sit and do some embroidery! 

I finished this flower this morning. Then I got the stem work done. 

This is where I got yesterday. Today it felt good to get it done. 

I have one corner done and am working on getting the sides done. 

It turned out to be a pretty good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Another Day I Didn't Plan Right

 This morning I was up. Got tired of trying to sleep last night. I woke every hour and took awhile to get back to sleep. 

I relaxed by playing a few games. That didn't last long. Patrick and I went for a walk. After the walk, Patrick left to take the truck in. He had an appointment. I was working on my BDEIG and genealogy. Just as I was about to get lunch, Patrick called to say they told him it would be a couple hours. (What the heck!) So, I went to pick him up. We went to Safeway to get some groceries. I wanted to pick a couple things up for dinner. We took the groceries home and then I dropped him back off at Les Schwab. This new place they built in Chehalis, has ISSUES! They are not a quick as they used to be. They don't seem be able to take people as they come in anymore. They want appointments, and when you make it, they still take forever! I liked the old Chehalis place where they came out to greet us, and were very friendly and helpful. 

So, what I was planning to do, wasn't going to happen. AGAIN how many time do I have to remind myself - DON'T PLAN! Hey, I did go quiet a while without planning! That should be something!

I came back home - now it's 3:30 pm. So, I goofed around for a little bit before getting supper started. 

After supper, I went downstairs to see what I want to do next for a cross stitch pattern. I decided on the Santa Claus that I've been wanting to do for a very long time. 

I really like this pattern. That will be my next cross stitching project. I went on the computer to look for some fabric to stitch on. I went on eBay and found one, but it would cost more than it does on Amazon and I don't have to pay the shipping. So, I got a different color on Amazon and called it good. Still cost $30 to get the fabric. I remember when the fabric was around $18 for the same amount. Like everything else prices are going up. 

Then I decided to get back to the table cloth. 

This is what I had done last night. I was so happy to get more done on this. So, I went back to working on it tonight. 

Then I got this much done tonight. I want to try and finish this flower. If I do, then I can do the stem which will have the first corner done. That would be awesome. I will see how much I get done tonight. It's getting there. 

That's what make things Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A Quiet Day...A Good Day

 This morning I slept longer than normal. This time change has messed me up pretty bad! I stay up later, and I sleep in longer. UGH

I got laundry going today. I wanted to get the basket down from Sunday. I then played a few games for awhile. Patrick left to meet a friend for lunch. While he was gone, I just putted around. 

I did get some more letters done today for BDEIG. I have too much going on! I did get a donation yesterday. That always makes me feel like I did something right. I've gotten 7 letter back, but I sent out close to a hundred. I emailed 2 more today. I really don't like the email part, but at least I get some responses back at times. 

After lunch, I sat down to work on the box. I really should do the Snowman since I'm really close to being over half way. I really do need to finish that. 

I got quite a bit done. I was where the eye is. Now I'm getting to the point of getting the fins going on the fish head. I have a couple more rows then will start working in for the fins. I actually like the colors I picked. At first I thought I was crazy but then I look at it now and really like the colors. The body of the fish is shinny and does look like scales. 

I was trying to order some shampoo - Redkin - because I really like the feel of it. Would you believe I found it to be priced at $38 per bottle?!? I had to check around for the shampoo and conditioner.....and was lucky to find it at $48 for both at Walmart. Anywhere else and it was at least $33 per bottle. I ordered it!! Amazon didn't have what I ordered before, so I had to get creative to find it. 

OH!! I used to want to buy a Circut machine. Patrick showed me yesterday that they are now wanting to charge for subscription fees. So, if you bought the machine and get patterns on line - it will now cost you. They are going to allow only 20 patterns before one has to buy the $10 monthly fee or $200 yearly fee. I was so glad I didn't buy that cutter! I am so tired of being charged monthly fees for everything. Ancestry charges fees as well. I always wait for sales. I refuse to pay monthly fees. If everything gets to that point, I will go back to being without electronics. It's like the Word documents. When I bought this new computer - I bought the Word document so I wouldn't be charged for monthly fees. The program I bought is good enough for what I do. I wouldn't use it enough to pay $10 a month for it. It was just easier to pay $120 for the program. UGH

It turned out to be a quiet day. AND that's always a Good Day! I'm planning on working on some embroidery tonight. I may work on the table cloth. Haven't decided yet. It depends on how the evening goes. Not sure what's on TV. If I don't like what Patrick watches then I will just go bead. It will be interesting to see what I actually do. That's what makes life exciting and keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 15, 2021

From Not Interested to Busy

 This morning I wanted to play my game that was expiring at noon. But I had to get ready to go to our meeting. 

I also had to get the cinnamon rolls in the oven. So, while they were cooking I was getting ready to go. Before I even got there, I had 2 texts and 2 phone calls. Patrick called to tell me his dad and brother are coming in the end of April. I had a text telling me some blocks were dropped off at Sisters. I had another text telling me something else and mom called. Not important, so we chatted. 

Got to the Grange and Sandy was already there. Someone else was there, but they weren't supposed to be there till tomorrow. The gal got the information wrong - found out after the meeting was over. Chatted with Alice before I let. 

While I was there, I found out from Sandy II that they want the video editing soon. I called Phil and chatted with him on what I needed. We ended up talking for a half hour. I decided I'm not going to try and do this, and send the stuff back to Pat K. I don't have the time to figure it out nor do I have the time to do it. So, I'm going to send everything back. 

Then I went back to work on my embroidery. 

I worked on the stems. I wanted to get the stems and stuff done before I work more on the flowers. Stems come before flowers anyway! I do like the look of this. It's a couple stem stitches next to each other - as close as I can get! It's really looking pretty good. 

Then on the way home I was going to stop at Sister for the blocks, but Faye texted she was going into town. So, she did that. I got home and Patrick told me Rose called. Then Sharon called. I told her I'd call her back since I needed to get batting and backing cut for Debbie. Then I decided to call Rose first since we haven't talked in over a year. I filled her in on Patrick. That was another hour long call Then Debbie stopped by to get the backing and batting.  Then I called Sharon and walked her through the box again. She sent her photos for me to help her out with. Step by step. We were on the phone another hour and then some. I told Patrick both of them like to chat and it's an hour long call each time with them. Then it was time for supper. 

Finally a break. I had been running all day. At least I can say today was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

My List Of Not Interested

 This morning I woke with a headache. I started out with getting a coke and drinking coke all day to help kill the headache. It works for me. I usually don't drink coke unless we go out to eat. 

So, here's my list - 

Did I want to work on my beading? - No not interested. 

Did I want to work on my quilt? - No not interested.

Did I want to play on the computer for a new beading pattern? - Nope, not interested.

Did I want to clean house? - Nope not even. 

Did I want to go downstairs and sew? - Heck no. 

Did I want to put the label on the QOV quilt? - Yeah, no. 

Did I want to cook? - No, not really. 

How about working on the table cloth?? - Nope

What about my Brazilian embroidery?.....Maybe....Yeah no. 

Okay, then what the heck did I want to do? I actually sat and played games all day long. Not a good think but just couldn't get moving. I have a long list of things to do - but nope, not interested. I didn't do much of anything! I didn't even get out of my chair other than to get laundry moving. Oh, I did do the laundry - so I guess that is something! 

Tomorrow is embroidery day. Looking forward to seeing everyone. It will be fun. That will wake me up and get me back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Working On Another Box

 This morning I was playing a few games before getting moving. 

When I did get moving, Patrick wanted to go for a walk to the golf course. I joined him. We chatted along the way. It was a nice walk. I've started to walk with him when I can. Yesterday he went walking while I was at moms. 

I worked on my new computer after Patrick got it all set up for me. He's organized my files, and I like it. I didn't like have duplicate stuff. This way all my documents are on a file on the desktop. I'm okay with that. It doesn't muddle up my computer. I don't care for a lot of icons all over the desktop. Once he did that, I got my ancestry files into my FTM and then I worked on my Bead Tool program. I had to ask for a password. Funny thing - when I got the password with a lot of other information, I couldn't find it. I asked for another one, and he came back with, "try reading your email." I did, and it was there. (embarrassing!) I sent him a "Too Funny! I read it and missed it." I was so surprised at how fast he answers my emails. So, now I have everything on the computer that I need. Including way too many photos that need to be deleted. 

Then I sat to work on my beading. 

I was able to get a few rows in. Then Sharon called and I was on the phone with her for about an hour and a half telling her how to work the bottom. She would send me a photo and I would tell her what she needed to do next. We did that for about 6 rows. It was interesting but at least she was doing the work. She really wants me to come up there to show her. I think this way works and I don't have to run up there asap. She's not one to wait any more than mom is. At least the fish eye is done. 

Then I went to the store for supper. I wanted to make some Mexican food. We hadn't had it for awhile. 

Once supper was over, I decided to sit and play. We watched some TV that was on our recorder. 

It was a beautiful day - we could see Mt. St. Helens from the road. We can't see it from the house because of the hill we have in the neighborhood. 

Even Mt. Rainier made an appearance. Patrick worked out in the yard today but not for long. He can only do so much. 

I'm just glad I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Quilting Day

 This morning I was off to Starbucks for a tea and then to moms. I took the quilts that needed labels put on them for QOV. I figured that would give me a reason for getting them done. I took Hildi's quilts to her to do the binding. 

I arrived before everyone else. Had a few minutes with mom. We chatted about Patrick and the tears came. Wasn't planning on it, but they do tend to come when I don't expect it. We then changed the subject. Mom needed me to show her how to get books on "Libby" which is the library link. She was getting books to read and she wanted the audio books. Got her set up. About that time, the others started to show up. They all have had the vaccine with 2 getting the first one. I haven't been able to get the shot yet, but Phil said I should be in the next month's list. Since they seem to be changing things, who knows, I may get it sooner then later. Patrick has to check with his doctor to see if he can get it since he has one more surgery to go. 

I put 2 labels on 2 quilts. I have 1 more quilt to add the label to. I will try and do that before the next presentation on April 1st. There may be another one in-between. 

Had a good time with 6 of us today. We had a salad and soup. By did that fill me up. Trouble was, I had a headache and the more the day went on the worse it got. Got home and had to drink some coke. That helped a little, but not enough because I couldn't eat supper. It was starting to get my stomach. So, I finally took an Excedrin Migraine and started to get back to normal. Not sure what has been setting it off lately. 

I stopped at the museum to drop off the 2 quilts and the pillow cases. I marked the quilt for Art. So, if I don't show up, they have the quilt. I chatted with Chip too. 

My computer and wallet arrived today. I started getting my new computer set up. I still have more to do, so I'm getting Patrick to help me out. I like the new computer and the fun part is that the keyboard lights up. This computer has some of the keys missing the letters - guess I used them up. I didn't think I did that much typing! lol 

 I've been doing pretty good with my exercises. I've been at it for at least 4 months now. NO - it's not shrinking the belly, but my abs seem to be doing better. I'm not having the back pains I was having, so I guess it's helping. I am starting to lose some weight, but that may be because I'm drinking more water too. lol - I CAN DREAM! 

So, at least today was partly Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

What Is It About Getting Old?!

 Today was another doctor appointment - this time for me. I had to find the new place. Had the appointment with my gastrologist. Everything went well. We arrived on time, and I was in the doctors office within 5 mins of arriving. That was a shocker! Then he showed up in the office within 5 mins of the nurse leaving. What are the odds to that?! I was back in the car where Patrick was waiting, before an hour was up. Nice! I didn't even get to get a few stitches on my embroidery. I was lucky if I got 5 stitches in. 

We came home and I decided I didn't want to go to the QOV presentation. I just wasn't in the mood. Patrick went out and worked in the garage. I sat and worked on my beading. 

I had this in - at this point - and took it out to the bottom of the fish. Then I put it all back in. It was off and the more I got off the more it was getting in the way. 

So, what is it about getting old?! At 50, the back pains come, the memory starts slipping, and we get lazy. At 60, all heck breaks loose. One minute you feel wonderful the next you can't get out of bed! The legs start swelling. The back lets you know it doesn't like the way you walk. The knees decide now is the time to show me it's had enough! Like today, I was cooking - nothing hard there. Standing - not jumping, running or even bending! Then out of the blue a pain goes through my knee. I more - even worse! I start to walk and it comes and goes. Then it wants to fold on me. What the crap did I do? Tick my knee off?! What the crap! Sat down to see if it would go away. Yep, got back up and it was gone. Go figure! Here we are....getting old and my body is telling me it doesn't like it. Even when I take the time to exercise 30 mins a day! UGH

While I am trying to write my block, Sophie decided she needed to help me. It gets interesting to type past a cat. 

At least I was able to enjoy the afternoon working on my beading. I need to get out of my slump and get back to life. I will go to moms tomorrow for quilting. I am hoping to take the 3 quilts I have and get the labels on them. Once that is done, I can take them to the museum to have them ready. One is for Art and I want to have it at the museum before he gets it. He won't let us take photos. So, we will be without photos for one of our veterans. 

Love being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A Relaxing Day

 This morning I was up early. Listened to my audio book while Patrick slept. I finished it later on while I beaded. I had to start laundry before I started beading. 

I was able to get about 5 rows done. I didn't actually count, so I really can't say how many rows. I do know I was having fun working on this. While I was beading (and listening), Patrick was outside working in the yard. Sharon called and took an hour of my time when I was hoping to bead. She's wanting me to tell her how to make the box that I made. She's really starting to drive me crazy because she wants it "right now!" and I live 30 mins south of her place. So, I really can't drop everything to go up there to teach her. And she's the one that taught me how to bead. lol 

I wanted to clean up the table, and realized I can't till I get the other box done and clean up that "chair" place. 

I got a row done and then decided I needed to put the legs on it. So, I went through my stuff and found some cute beads that works great. 

The colors work out great. I like this one. I need to figure out what I'm going to do with the lid. This is a pattern by another beader so I can't ask the one who designed the beehive. This pattern is just like the beehive but no lid was added. 

It was a relaxing day as well as a good beading day. I'm hoping to keep being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Shopping Day

 Today we went up to Costco for shopping. I was looking at the computers they had. We had the list of what to look for from my son. I found 2 I liked. One was a brand I didn't know. The other was an HP that was cheaper. It had a little more than what was on the list. So, we decided to get it. This computer seems to be working okay right now. But it is time for another computer. We got up to the counter and gave the paper for the computer. They went to get it, and came back saying the only one left is the one on display. Asked if we wanted it, and Patrick said, "Not at that price." So, they Voided my purchase. I then went on the phone to see if I could find another one like it. HP had a different one that had as much, but was $200 more. So, I went on Costco's site and ordered the one I saw today. It will be here on Friday. I also bought the Microsoft Word package (just home and student version). That will help too. 

We got home and unloaded. I brought all the heavy stuff in the house. I didn't want Patrick to worry about the lifting. Guess my ab workouts help because it wasn't so hard to lift them as it used to be. I'm at 3 months of exercises for my abs. Not showing right now, but I think it's "caving" in! lol 

When all that was over, I worked on the computer. I wanted to work on some family history. I added more on WikiTree. There are a few mistakes on that site, but will question the mistakes as I go. I wanted to add some sources to it, so I scanned a few things to add. I also scanned a few things into my Family Tree. 

I found a "drawing" that mom did of a bunch of roses. I want to shrink it down and do it with embroidery. I may get mom to draw a few more patterns for me. Then I can actually teach a class. If I do, I can get my Seminar free or close to it. lol Since I'm not stitching - I can at least think or dream about something I could do!

It's amazing how much time genealogy takes. I did clean up my pile in the computer room. I found a couple books I need to read, like the Taylor book. It has Zachery Taylor's brother and all the other Taylor's. Maybe if I really look at it, I might find out if our Taylor is in there. Hard to say. 

Today wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Dental Appointment - UGH

 This morning I was up and ready to head to the dentist. I'm one that hates going to the dentist. That comes from when I was a kid and had braces. They didn't tell me in the 4 years I had braces, that I had to see a dentist. When I finally did, it was 5 cavities later. One so bad that it was the problem I've had with the bridge and now it's a false tooth. UGH 

At least it wasn't a long time at the dentist and my teeth are clean. I do have a sore around the false tooth, but thinking that because of the cleaning. I was able to get a few more stitches in on the Wild Orchard piece I'm embroidering. I filled in a few stitches on the stem. It has a ways to go.  

After that, I headed over to Phil's and dropped off some stuff for him. I had a bag full of stuff that I had been putting off on the side. When I a pile gets big then I take it to him. Actually it's books and small things. If I find something from his childhood, I put it in the pile. 

Then I came home - realized I forgot to pay for the dentist and forgot to deposit a check. So, I got back in the car. Then paid my bill and went to the bank. All done, then home. 

Once I was home, I took out the last row I did with the beads. 

I got the row out, then I put it back in with the 2 missing beads. I was able to get another 2 rows in. I also finished a book and started another one. The face of my Snowman is done now. It's getting close the deer. My cardinal is looking good. I'm loving this. Funny though, today I just wasn't into working on it. Once I got the 3rd row in, I was ready to call it quits. 

Baked a sourdough bread today. I got carried away with caraway seeds, but it turned out really good. I had 4 seeds in this one. I will do a regular loaf in a day or two. I like to freeze the slices and then have them for breakfast or a sandwich at night. I had a sandwich with it tonight which was really good. I think I need to wait for it to cool down before making a sandwich! lol - Still good. 

I did have a chance to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday's Here Again

 Here we are at the beginning of another week. Another Sunday arrived. 

I got laundry going. Then I played a few games. Once I was over that, I decided to bead and listen to my books. 

I got another 7 or 8 rows done. I'm now at 311/580. I was working the last row when I figured I had a bead I missed. So, I started taking out the rows. I ended up going back to where the thread is. I will put the rest of the beads back on when I'm done with this. It's coming along so nicely! 

Tomorrow is the dentist and dropping stuff off at my sons. So, I may or may not be working on my beading. It will be one of those days to see what all is going on. 

I asked mom about this box. I didn't think we picked it up when we lived in Japan. She told me it was a gift from her Uncle when she was 10 or 11. That makes it over 70 years old. She also said she wondered where it was. I told her she gave it to me with the genealogy stuff. She said she had some of her treasures in it. I told her there was only letters. Then she said if I didn't want it, she'd have it. It's funny because Patrick cleaned it up and fixed the latch. It was broken and the piece wasn't attached. There was even paint on it. Patrick said he cleaned it up for me. I told him if I give it back to her, I may never see it again. I like it and I will use it. I'm still thinking about it. If she keep on me about it, I may give it back to her. I should say I will give it to her when she gives me dad's ring. lol 

Patrick cooked today. Then I went back to beading. I'm just thrilled I was able to get as much done as I did. It doesn't look like a lot, but to me it was. That's being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...