Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It Was A Good Day

This morning I was up really early. Couldn't go back to sleep. So, I played for a little bit. Then we were off to Olympia once again. 

This time it was Patrick's doctor's appointment. So while he was in the doctors office, I was working on my embroidery. 

 I finished up the leaves and then started on the flower. I had started it wrong, which meant I needed to take it out. Then I put it back in. This is right, but the pattern calls for 3 petals between each quarter. I ended up with 4 because it didn't look right with 3 or I was doing it too close. Either way, I do like this. 

Came home. We took a walk. Then I went to work on my beading. 

After 3 tries - yes I took it out 3 times. It wasn't coming out right. Then I realized it was an "even" bead stitch and not an odd. Which ticked me off because the pattern doesn't say that. Nor does it tell me how many beads it has. Not that important bead count wise but it would have been nice if she would have told me it was an even count. After 3 tries I realized I needed to do the 3rd row differently. I had tried to go down to 2 rows, but then I messed that up as well. So, after supper I was finally back on track. Now I can work on this without worrying about the count being off. I always hate it when I have a bead looking at me when the rows done. Then I have to figure out what the heck I did wrong. So, when 3 rows had a bead off, I knew I was off. UGH But hey! I got it! This is 5 rows completed. Thank goodness. Now I'm ready to get moving on more. 

So, even when I have a hard time with my stitches, I still call it a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Embroidery Day!

 This morning I was up early and out the door by 9:00 am. It was BE meeting day. 

I was there early, then Georgie came in. We chatted and I gave her her piece that Sandy V gave me last week. Then we chatted about her piece. She thought one of the flowers was done wrong. We worked on the pattern to see how it was supposed to go. Come to find out, she needed to change it a little. It is a beautiful piece. Then Sandy E showed up with Bev coming after. We had a really good meeting. Chatted more than worked on anything though. 

Since my floss came in for this, I worked on it. It's "Ruth's Farwell." I love this because it looks lacey. I started on the leafy area. I need to get some beads to put at the end of the stems. It will be fun to work on this. 

Came back home and we headed up to Olympia for my doctors appointment. While I waited, I worked on my other piece. It's done by the Australian designer, but not sure what the name of this piece is. 

I worked on the leaf on the left - in case you couldn't figure that out. lol I do like working on this. Not sure what I will do with it after it's done. Sandy has a good idea. She's putting her butterfly piece on a bag, that way it will be seen and enjoyed. 

Came home after a stop at moms and then McDonald. I decided to do some stitching again, since I haven't touched my cross stitch in a month. 

I was able to get about 100 stitches in. It's not very far, but it's something. I figure every little bit helps. I had a great day of stitching. It's amazing at how much I can get done in a short amount of time. It does make my day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Setting Up For Another Project

Today was a slow day. I took awhile to get moving. 

Once I did, I pulled out the light box and started marking the back of my block. I decided to do the back basting for the flower as well as change the color. 

 This is the original color I was going for - NOT bright enough. 

This is the color I'm going for now. I will put those on and then put the others on. There is a lot of step on this one. 

Once that was done, I went to get my beading started. YEP - another beading project!

I had to mark both the white box and the beads with the letter. These go by A, B, C, etc to AN. That took a little bit of time. Then I put the first 3 rows together and called it quits. Wasn't really ready to get going on this. It doesn't take long and it will go quick. It's a lot smaller than the Snowman. This one is Parrots. 

Then Patrick and I went for a walk. Afterwards, I decided to just play my game. We didn't have a bowling meeting after all because the bowling alley decided to close due to some of the workers not feeling well. They are closing for about 3 days. No clue when we will have our meeting. Theresa said we have to vote for officers because there is only 1 coming back. 

That pretty much finished up my day. At least I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Stitching!


Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Movie And A Finish!

This morning I was working on the blocks that I was looking at yesterday. I need to figure out what I want to do about my block. 

 I wanted bright. So, I decided to use these colors instead of what I was doing. I took out my work and threw it away. Then I tried to figure out what I wanted. After talking with Patrick, we came up with this. He isn't that crazy about my bright quilt, but think once it's done he will like it. 

Next it was time to go to the movie. We saw "Free Guy" and it was really good. I enjoyed that. It was well worth seeing. I can see why it's popular. It turned out better than I thought. 

Came home and worked on my bread. Then worked on supper. Once all that was done, I wanted to finish up my box. 

I finished the seam and then put the top of the lid together. I was surprised at how well it turned out. I needed to get my legs tighter, but they are working pretty good now. 

I pretty much had to do the lid myself. There wasn't a pattern for it, so I mixed the pattern with this bottom and the sides of the lid from the bee box I made before. It's straighter than it looks in the photo. I took it while it was on my lap. 

Tomorrow I will pull out my light box and mark the back of the block with back basting. Then I will get to work on getting the block done. I also want to get started on my next beading project. 

Tomorrow is another day. We have a bowling meeting at night. So, I'm still hoping it will be a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Applique And A Show At Moms

 This morning mom wasn't having her meeting day because she wasn't feeling well. So, I went over to be with her, since Friday's are our days. 

I showed her all the blocks I have from "My Garden Quilt." I had a hot pink solid to use for the sashing. It didn't go with all the blocks. 

I was working on this piece and realized I did it WRONG! I was putting the loopy pieces on last. I needed to put them on first. So, I'm thinking I will take it out and redo it. I am thinking of changing the colors as well. It's going to be taken out. Once I get this done, I will have all 12 blocks done. We figured out everyone has signed their blocks. I did 3 of them, but I haven't signed them yet. Mom did 2. She had hers finished. I will show them when I put them out. 

I need to finish the QOV quilt on the wall. 

Patrick and I went to Red Lobster for supper this evening. We had a pretty good time. We chatted about different things. We both had crab. 

Then we went over to JC Penny's and bought some clothes. We have been needed to get more clothes as some of our shirts are coming apart. I tend to wear the same thing all the time and they are started to look it. lol

Came home and decided to make bread for tomorrow and cinnamon rolls. I need to get them done now. I didn't work on anything else when I got home. 

At least today was being with mom and being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Trying To Finish The Fish Box

 Today started out quiet. It was nice. I did go down to cut the batting and backing for another quilt (QOV). I will drop it off on my way to moms. We aren't doing any quilting tomorrow since she's still a little under the weather. I will take my "Garden My Way" quilt blocks to see what we have and what I need. It's all the blocks from the group. It's a friendship quilt. If I can get it put together then that will be another project done till it gets quilted. 

After all that, I pulled my box out and started working on it. Patrick was gone golfing today, so I had the time to myself. 

So, I have it to the seam. I'm working on the top that goes on the box. I also went back to my box and tightened up the legs. I may have to add a drop of glue to keep them from getting loose. The blue in the inside is the seam. I only got the bottom and started the second row. I will then go back and stitch the outside to line it up. I finished one audiobook and started another. 

I thought about working on the quilt downstairs, but still a little shy on that right now. I really need to be careful with that one. So, it will be awhile before I get back to it. lol 

That made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Better Photo Of My Finish!

This morning I wanted to do some cleaning up. So, I got laundry going and done. Then I had Patrick help me with a photo of the Snowman. 

 Patrick offered to show it off for me. lol It's done and Patrick put the rod through it. Looks great. 

Then I worked on a Lemon Meringue Pie for dessert. It turned out awesome! And grandma Wineland would be proud!

It was awesome too. Grandma W was the pie maker in the family. If someone said they were bringing a pie, she would bake one to show hers was better. 

After all that, I put the beads away from the snowman. Then I pulled out the beads for my next project. I will get started on that once I get the box done. 

I had put it away because there was a broken bead in there. So, I fixed the bead and worked on the seam. It came out pretty good, but as one can see, the point is rounded at one of the 6 points. I don't know how that happened because the beads line up fine on the outside. I'm not worried, because I will shape it and then put the lid on it. Once the lid is on, no one will know unless they open it. The lid will be that piece to the right of the box. I hope to finish it tomorrow. 

Today on the news, they were talking about getting rid of the word "Mother" on documents and put "Birthing Person." How degrading is that?? I hope history will put me down as "Mother" and not "Birthing Person." I'm insulted at the thought. 

Anyway, today turned out to be a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Finally Finished!!

 This morning we headed up to Olympia for Patrick's blood tests. Then stopped at Costco to pick up a few things. Once we did that, we headed home. First we needed to stop at Safeway to pick a few things up for mom as she is under the weather. She's been couching so much that her chest hurts. She finally went back into the doctors and they did a chest x-ray and gave her medication. We dropped her stuff off and then headed to Phil's to drop off a few things as well. 

Came home and sat out on the deck. I listened to my audio book. I was disappointed to find out the guy who was doing the narration had passed away and a new guy took his place. I loved the first guys voice in this series. 

I was able to finish this sleeve - not without problems. I found when I put that last row on last night, I had a few threads looped around the beads. So, I ended up taking out that next row 3x's before I could get moving again. 

Now it's done. Sorry about the photo - but it's dark in the house. I put it on the floor. 

My carpet is dark and lighting is awful but you get the idea. I will get a better photo tomorrow before I put it away for a little bit. I don't think I want to hang it just yet, but who knows what Patrick will do. He's been keeping an eye on this one. I don't think he will give this one away. 

Even with most of the afternoon gone, I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Another Double Day

This morning I headed out to the grange. I was early and listened to my audiobook on the way as well as when I got there. Sandy V arrived shortly after I did. I was working on "Farwell to Ruth" by getting the threads ready to work on. 

I like the colors. I did find that I didn't have the greens I needed as well as a couple other flosses. So, I order them from my phone. I have a message saying they are in the mail. 

Then I decided to get to work on the other piece I have. I started with the green and found that I don't like the light green that was picked for it. So, I picked a darker green. 

I like this better. It has a little more to it then this design. I will work on it as I go. I like this pattern and it should be fun to work on while going to doctors appointments. 

Came home and then got to work on my beading. 

Finished the sleeve for one side. I check to make sure the rod fit in it. I worked out great. 

Spent the rest of the evening working on this one. I'm about half way done on this. I will be done soon, as long as I keep it up. 

I need to get batting and backing done for another top as Sharon gave me a top she finished. I will work on getting that done and over to the church. 

Today was an double day of having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Last Day At The Fair

Today Patrick headed off to golfing. I worked on my beading for a little bit before leaving. I started seaming the seam to the front. It's like a zipper. 

I headed over to the fair. Ended up in the farthest part of the parking lot. So, I'm taking a bag that isn't that heavy into the fair. Of course that is going to be heaver when I leave! I set up the station for our QOV honors. 

The sign is what Smiley did for us. 

We even had the photo frame going. It went well today. I hung around after to help with closing things up. I help with taking stuff down. Then I collected my stuff. I won a container for floss, which I gave to Patrick since I have that already. He can use it out in the garage. I also got an embroidery pattern, but it's not one I want to do, so will give it to someone who will. I checked my stuff and I got docked for the framing - the embroidery work was all done right. That make me fell good. I will work on the backs a little better next time. 

I packed up all my stuff. Had to make two trips to the car. I took the tub of papers and the easel to the car. Then I moved the car 5 lines in to be closer - yet not that close - to the entrance. I then took the 2 heavy bags back to the car when I left. I have quilts to take to the museum as well as the easel and box of stuff. 

Finally made it home at 8:30 and I'm beat. Bet I sleep really good tonight! It wasn't one of those day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Working On A Top Again

 This morning Patrick was off to his golf tournament. I was going to enjoy the day to myself. I had a hard time trying to decide if I wanted to work on my beading or go downstairs. I know I need to get more tops done, so I headed downstairs. 

I was tired of seeing this on the wall. I decided to go down and get to work on it. 

Of course there are those days when things go wrong. At least this was the only thing that went wrong so far! I sewed the two square together twice. So, it was a roll and not two squares to make the border. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has fun doing stuff like this!

Talked to Nancy and we decided to go to the museum at 1 pm. Neither one of us realized that we were going when they had a car show.....so we had to go around and find a parking spot. Luckily it was just starting so we were able to park in the grass area by the train station. We then went through the quilts to see what we had and put labels for the quilts so that they didn't get mixed up. It was a quick trip and I came back the back way home. If I would have taken the freeway it would have been a pain. The traffic today was awful! I had to stop and go just to get to my exit for the museum. So, to be safe, I took the back roads. 

Then I went back downstairs to work on my quilt! I really wanted to have it done today, but I'm not going to rush it and mess it up like I did with the scrap quilt. Told Nancy just cut the last border off. 

Patrick got home just as I was putting the blue border on in the center. I need to add the borders, then I will add another blue border. I need to cut another 1" off the border though. It won't fit right now. I may take 1/2" and see if that will work. I want them to line up. I cut the border to the size I measured. I wanted to make sure I didn't do what I did on the last border. (Please excuse the chorine bottles and Pepsi cans - It's all next to the refrigerator down there. I really do need another area for my working wall. I'm happy with it so far. The scrap boarder is sewn together, so I know where I need to be to get the border added. Then I need to measure the sides and add the blue to that. 

I came upstairs to be with Patrick - little did I know we would be watching Seahawks preseason game. I'm really not into the preseason! So, we are sitting here watching that. 

I have been working on my sleeve on the back. I was able to get half of this done the other day. 

I added a few more rows. I was playing games at the same time so didn't get very far. After this row is done then I need two more. Then I will seam it together. Hopefully it will work out good. I'm still not sure I have a big enough opening. We will see in a day or two. Patrick will be golfing again tomorrow and I will be working at the fair. Plus I will be helping with closing down. Should be interesting. I may try to do some work tomorrow morning before I go. 

At least I had the best of both worlds. I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Spending My Day With My Hubby

 Today we were up and being lazy. We then left about 11 am to go to the fair. We walked around the fair grounds looking at the animals. We were surprised that there really wasn't very many out there. The fair had more stalls with junk for sale. I remember a time when the fair was full of people and the stuff they sold was high quality at good prices. Even the food was good then at about $4. Now it's like going to a restaurant by paying $13 and up. Patrick and I shared a elephant ear. That cost us $10. And it wasn't like what they used to be. 

When we were done there, we headed to moms. Picked up some corn and bird feeders. Brought that back home and cleaned it up. I now have 2 humming bird feeders. I put the other one down below on the landing. 

Patrick took me out to Carl's Jr's for supper. It was cheaper than eating at the fair. Not that we were being cheap, but the food there was all greasy. 

Got home and cleaned up my beads. I put them in the computer and then put them in my storage. I need to go through them for the next project. I will do that tomorrow. Now that I've got that cleaned up. 

I entered all the QOV nomination forms that I had. Waiting on one more person. Need more information. 

Now I'm going to sit here and put some more beads on the sleeve of the Snowman. I need to get that done, so will work on it now. That may make up for me not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Busy Day Of Cleaning Up And Fair

 This morning I was getting my beads organized. I wanted to put away the beads that I wasn't using anymore. I didn't get them all put away but I was getting them close. 

Then it was time to head to the fair to work on QOV stuff. We had 2 people fill out the paperwork and hand it back. Then I had 2 others that took them to fill out. I told the 2 active duty Navy to fill them out and either mail them in or drop them off. They are stationed in Lacey. It would be an honor to do them. 

It was a long day. Not really busy but tiring. Mom and I got back home around 6:30. We did have lunch at the fair and then we took a sandwich for supper. We at the sandwich at the table before it was time to leave. 

I tried to enter the information that mom gave me. Trouble was, they didn't double check to make sure all the information was filled out. I have to send out 4 emails to ask for more information. I entered 3 of the 15 that came home. I need to finish entering but will do that tomorrow. I need to do my exercises first. 

It was not a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Almost There! Little More Work To Do

 This morning started out pretty good. We had breakfast then I played for a little bit. Patrick went outside to work in the yard. When he did that, I went to the table and worked on my beading. 

I'm done! At least with the front part. This is it. I was thrilled to see this done. I still need to repair the bird tail that has a broken bead to replace. 

So, then started to add the seam. I want to have a seam for a rod to go through. I was able to get about 5 rows done on this part of the seam. I have 7" to do on both sides. That will leave a 1" area in the middle so it can be supported when hung. Patrick brought me the rod, so I was able to figure out where to start the seam. I will need to figure out where I started this side and balance with the other side. It really isn't taking long. I am using the same 3 beads that were in the background, so it's blending in pretty good. I did put away some of my beads that I wouldn't be using. I will need to add them back into my "list" of beads. I like the way it's coming along. 

Tomorrow is another day at the Fair. I will work it tomorrow and again on Sunday. Hopefully I can get this done in the meantime. It does make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Working At The Fair

This morning Patrick was off to golfing. I got up and made a Blueberry Buckle. Once that was in the oven, I then mopped the floor and vacuumed. Got my laundry back on track as well. I was able to sit and work 1 row on the beads. 

When I finally had the chance to sit down and play games, Patrick got back home. We waited about 15 mins and headed out. We stopped and picked up a quilt at the church. Then it was off to the fair. Patrick dropped me off at the Senior Center where I could walk to the entrance. I had the box and my big bag with the stuff to use at the fair. 

I was there with Hildi. We set everything up and then I went looking for my stuff. My embroidery all got blue ribbons. My Wild birds got a blue and so did the ornament with the snowman. Before I found those, I was told to go to the front display and look around. I did, there were quilts among other things. THEN I saw my Santa's Flight there with the blue ribbon, Best of Class ribbon, and the Champion ribbon. WOW!

Right under Susy's quilt. 

I was so surprised. I didn't expect that to win! Patrick picked out the right one to take. lol I'm so thrilled. I don't usually get the overall ribbon. 

Came home and watched TV with Patrick. Didn't get to work on anything. So, even one row counts as being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 16, 2021

Trying To Finish

 Today started out with going to the grange to do Brazilian Embroidery. I didn't have anything ready to work on. I went through my stuff and pulled a couple things out, but I didn't take my box of floss. So, I didn't do anything other than a leaf on my doodle cloth. I enjoyed chatting with Sandy and Bev. 

Came home by way of Safeway. The shop called to say we could pick up the van. So, I got home grabbed a cheese stick and headed out the door. We picked the van up and headed back home. 

Then I sat to work on my beading. I really want to get this done, but it is going to take time. 

Three rows later, and I'm at this point. Next I need to finish 6 or 7 more rows. I'm hoping to do that this week. Unfortunately I will be at the fair tomorrow. 

Lewis County Commissioner Board called a special meeting today at 4 pm. They wanted to close the fair down. It starts tomorrow! So, the meeting took one and a half hours, but they decided to keep it going and post recommendations for everyone to mask up. They also needed to recommend all doors and windows in a building be open to circulate air. It's going to be interesting. Even though the board wanted to close the fair, 100 people showed up to stop them from closing it. It would cost the county a lot of money if they shut it down. I think they did it to save themselves from law suits. They tend to get a lot of those. Most unfounded. This way they are covering their rears. So, the fair goes on. I will get to see how I did with my embroidery and beading. 

I do enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Beading

 Today I got some laundry started. Need to get that in the dryer. lol 

Then I wanted to get back to my beading. 

Listened to 2 audiobooks and beading all afternoon. I did play a game at the same time. lol I wanted to get as much as I could today on this. I was able to get 6 rows done. I'm thrilled. It's coming along great. I hope I can use up some of the beads. I have a couple beads that are getting low and I hope I can make it to the last of them. I'm sure I can. This is getting more exciting the more I get done. I know I need to do a few rows for the sleeve, but hopefully that won't take too long. I will figure out how much room I need and then I will start the sleeve on the back. 

Today was cooler but still hot for me. The rest of the week it's supposed to be cooler and I'm hoping that is the case. I will be at the fair at least 3 times this week. 

So far I'm still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Getting Ready For Bowling Again

 This morning I got moving on the laundry. Needed to get some clothes washed. Decided I needed to get some cleaning done. Once that was done, I went to bead and listen to my books. 

I was having fun beading today. 

I was able to get 5 more rows done. I'm happy to say, I only have 15 more rows to go! It's getting there. I can't wait to get this done. Then I can fix the missing bead and add the sleeve. So, it really won't be done till the sleeve is on the back. 

Then it was time to get ready and meet Nick and Joanne at the bowling alley. We only bowled 2 games. Bowling was a little rough, but I did okay. I bowled a 139 and 146. Patrick didn't do as good as I did. My finger did okay. I didn't feel it too much. I do know if I bowl 2 x's a week, then I will be in more pain. This way I have a week between bowling that will be easier on my finger. After bowling we went ahead and eat there. Food was okay. Nick and Joanne didn't want to eat there, so they went on home. 

Came home and watched a movie. I'm trying to finish my game. It's the weekend challenges. Next week I won't be so lucky since I have to work the fair on Sunday. That's okay, because life isn't all about playing games. It's about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Meeting Day

 This morning I got stuff ready to go. I needed to take the QOV quilt to the museum. (Realizing at this moment - it's still in the car!)

I headed to moms. I had my applique work to take with me. I also took the quilt and something else. I arrived early and we were getting ready for everyone. I worked on my crackers and then worked on a dip for everyone. Once that was done I was watching Daisy in the yard. She ticked me off because she didn't want to come back in. It was already getting hot. Mom had 7 boxes of books delivered to her house that were quilt book. The AAUWA was selling books, and since quilt books don't really sell very well, they heard of mom and dropped them off. Quilters can look and buy the books at $2 hardback and a $1 for the paperbacks. I bought 2 books and paid $4. I thought they were worth it, since they are practically new. Then it was time to work on my piece. 

I was able to place this down and start attaching it to the fabric. There are some areas that don't need to be appliqued because the flower buds are going in there. The 2 that are on here, I put on before. It's already attached to the background flower. 

I need to iron it again before I do any more. 

Then it was time to leave. I headed to the museum where I picked up some business cards and magnets. I also dropped off tickets to the fair for Smiley. After that, headed to Faye's and dropped off her tickets to the fair. Gave her Debbie's as well. We chatted for a little bit and then I came home. 

It was still too hot, so we came downstairs after supper. We were going to the music at the park, but the heat was too much for me. Patrick said it was still too hot even for him, so we decided to stay home. 

I played games and enjoyed having Sophie on my lap. Wasn't in the mood to do much else. It was still a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Judging At The Fair

 This morning I headed over to moms. We then picked up Nancy and headed to the fair grounds. We arrived in time to get started. We were judging quilts by 9 am. There were quiet a few. 

This was my first time judging quilting. I found it went pretty good. I didn't have many that were "perfect" but at least 3 or 4 each division. Mom was lucky to get the hand quilted quilts to judge. I would have loved to have had those. I found a couple that were red ribbons but most I gave a blue. I found it fun to do. I enjoyed it. There were some really good quilts. Some had trouble with the binding, but most did an awesome job on the binding. I can tell David was part of that. It's a shame David is no longer with us. I did miss him today. I did learn a few things while watching mom. I did ask her help a couple times. She agreed with my judgement which made me feel good because she's been doing this for over 50 years now. 

I asked Rita how I did in my embroidery and she said "good." They wouldn't show me! lol - So, I will have to find them on Tuesday to see what I did. I did see that I got best of class on my beaded ornament. Not sure how I did on the Winter birds or the embroidery. That will have to wait. I think they are in two different categories. What fun!

After it was all over, I went home with mom and then came home. Mom called while I was getting supper at Safeway. She told me Nana has cancer. It's not good. She has a small part of her kidney working. It doesn't sound good at all. As I was telling Patrick, it sucks because we are around people and friends that have or had cancer. He's in the stack as well. 

When I got home, I decided to play a few games for a little bit. I enjoyed looking at my new book that arrived today. It's "Creative Stitching" by Sue Spargo. REALLY good book! I will use this more than the book I have for Brazilian embroidery. 

So, today was a good day! I enjoyed judging and hope to do it again next year. That makes it Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

August 11th

Yesterday was one busy day. Ended badly for me, but a busy day. 

The temperature around here is going back up. When that happens, I'm in a bad state. I started out the day with waiting on Patrick to get back from he's old work. When he got home we headed out to the fair to drop off my things. Patrick had gone to Micheals before hand and picked up another round frame for the Wild Orchards piece. Then I framed it, and we were off. Dropped the stuff off and was glad I did the work online and not having to wait in line to fill out all the paperwork. Once that was done, we headed over to moms to drop off her papers for the roof. She wasn't home. Think her and Nancy went to Costco. 

We then headed up to Olympia for my blood tests. That was a quick trip because there was only one other person in front of me. I had a really nice gal who was a kick. She and I joked the whole time. 

Headed back home. But first had to go to Safeway. Needed stuff for supper. Once that was done, we finally got back home. Realized after that I should have made a deposit at the bank. We had supper and the heat was killing me. 

For some reason my stomach was rolling. As it rolled the heat was adding to it. I was so bad that I laid down on the floor in the bathroom and Patrick was asking if he needed to call the ambulance. Told him no, just needed water. Once I got back up, I went downstairs. It was a lot cooler down there. After about an hour or more, I was getting tired. So, I called it a night. Slept pretty good all night. I seriously need to drink more water when the weather goes up. Since I came back from Turkey as a teenager, I haven't been able to deal with the heat when it gets past 85 degrees. 

Today, I'm judging quilts!

Life is good, I'm doing fine. I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

An Interesting Day - Crafts Too

This morning I was up after Patrick. He went golfing early today. I then got laundry done, worked on putting dishes away, and picking up a little. 

For some reason, I was jittery. So, I called the shop in Lewiston to order my "Leader" name tag for QOV. Then I called Katt to see if she would pick it up for me. We made arrangements and I called them back to tell them she would be by to pick it up. 

I got a message on my phone that one of the quilts was done. There was a note. I was worried, so I went to get the quilt. It turned out, we didn't do a very good job on the top! There were things that we needed to do that wasn't done. It's a learning process with machine quilter. They said it was a "learning experience" for one of the others. I felt really bad about it. I just hope the other 2 aren't so bad. 

Then I headed downstairs to work on my embroidery piece. I wanted to get it frame to be ready for the fair. I have to take them in tomorrow. 

It wasn't big enough for the frame, so I think we will go get a round one tomorrow and see if that will work better. Not sure, but hoping it will. I wasn't happy with the way I had to add the backing to the top and the bottom of this. If it doesn't work, I may not enter this tomorrow. We'll see. I'm glad the washing worked. I was able to set the flower pieces in the directions I wanted them to be in. 

I then came up and watched more of the "Vera" shows that I had on DVR. While I was getting caught up, I worked on my cross stitching! - Yep, you heard right! I worked on my cross stitching. 

It's been awhile since I worked on this. So, I ended up ripping out some of what I put in. I did get a good 200 stitches in though. I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I did wrong. Ended up taking it out and putting it back in. I did that a couple times. Once I got going and knew where I was, it went easier. I'm betting I took out about 100 stitches (not counting what I have put in). I was thrilled to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, August 9, 2021

Embroidery Day

 Today I finished up my game on time (this time). I was heading out to the Grange. 

I arrived about 45 mins before the others. It was only Bev and Sandy. I knew Sandy was running late, but lately Bev shows up around an hour after we start. I was about ready to go home. 

I worked on this piece. The good news is that it's done. I finished it tonight. But I worked on the beads at home. I don't want to do the bug. I'll wash it and then I'll try to frame it. That's work for tomorrow. 

I headed over to moms around noon. She had to get an estimate for her roof. She needed to go to Olympia with Nancy for her surgery stuff. Arrived and the guy was already there for the estimate. He was working on it when mom left. Then one of gals from the area came over to get the box of the scrap box that has the straps ready to make into squares. I was able to give that to someone else to work on. 

Came home and worked on my beading. 

I did 2 more rows. I didn't get very far, but I didn't work on it for very long. 

Today turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Another Quiet Sunday

Today we just relaxed. I started out with baking some chocolate bars for Patrick to have dessert. I also worked on my cucumbers. Got all that done. Cleaned up the kitchen. 

Then went to work on my beading. 

 I am now at 560/580. I have 21 more rows to go and then it's done. At least the front part. I will have to add the sleeve to it and then call it done. I live how it's coming and can't wait to finish. I need to get a few things done for the fair, but I really to want to get this done soon. 

I've also been listening to my books and playing games when I can. So, today was a quiet and relaxing day. I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Not A Day For Crafts

 Today I was up and working on laundry, vacuuming and cleaning up.

Then at 11 we left to drop off my old sewing machine to Phil and Emily. Once that was done, we headed to the movies. We watched "Jungle Cruise" which was worth it! If you get the chance, go see it. Big screen is worth it!

After that we came back home. I played my games and got back to laundry. Folding and putting away as well as doing another load. 

Then we headed out to eat. Went to a high end restaurant in town. Wasn't unhappy but not really happy with it. They have a limit of what they have to eat. I wish they had a couple other things on their list, but I was able to find something good to eat. Turned out to be an awesome time. Patrick and I talked about all kinds of things. Things we remembered, things we did, and things that didn't make sense. 

Came home and now I'm ready to call it a night. It didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Quilt Meeting Day

 Today I was up and getting ready to go to moms. I needed to get a few things together and then head out. All went well. 

I worked on the label for the QOV quilt that I've had in the other room for 3 months. I'm happy to say, it was done. Then I pulled out my "My Own Garden" block and got to work on that. 

I was able to finish the right leaf and put the stem on. As one can see, I'm putting the left leaf on now. Then I can work on the flower and get it on as well. I like the way it's coming along. 

After the meeting, I had to go to the shop with the van. Check Engine light was back on. So, at 2:30 I was waiting to see what came up on the sensor. We had just got the van back yesterday, so I wasn't too thrill to have to take it back. When I got there, it took a half hour and the owner came out to say something else showed up on the sensor. He told me I could bring it back later. I told him, if Patrick was home, I would leave it. Patrick talked to the owner and then told me he was on his way. Another 20 mins later, he showed up. So, while I waited, I walked and listened to my audiobook. I went around the parking lost 4 times. Not a big one. Then I remembered I had my QOV quilt in the van, so I asked if I could get it out of the van. They took me to the van and I pulled it out with my handwork. 

By the time I got home it was time to eat. Then I wanted to play a few games. While I played games I listed to this audio book!! I'm hooked and wanted to finish it. I just go it done when it went into an interview with the writer. I'm now going to bed to listen to that part. Then start the next book. Just too addictive! lol 

At least my day turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...