Monday, August 23, 2021

Another Double Day

This morning I headed out to the grange. I was early and listened to my audiobook on the way as well as when I got there. Sandy V arrived shortly after I did. I was working on "Farwell to Ruth" by getting the threads ready to work on. 

I like the colors. I did find that I didn't have the greens I needed as well as a couple other flosses. So, I order them from my phone. I have a message saying they are in the mail. 

Then I decided to get to work on the other piece I have. I started with the green and found that I don't like the light green that was picked for it. So, I picked a darker green. 

I like this better. It has a little more to it then this design. I will work on it as I go. I like this pattern and it should be fun to work on while going to doctors appointments. 

Came home and then got to work on my beading. 

Finished the sleeve for one side. I check to make sure the rod fit in it. I worked out great. 

Spent the rest of the evening working on this one. I'm about half way done on this. I will be done soon, as long as I keep it up. 

I need to get batting and backing done for another top as Sharon gave me a top she finished. I will work on getting that done and over to the church. 

Today was an double day of having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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