Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Movie And A Finish!

This morning I was working on the blocks that I was looking at yesterday. I need to figure out what I want to do about my block. 

 I wanted bright. So, I decided to use these colors instead of what I was doing. I took out my work and threw it away. Then I tried to figure out what I wanted. After talking with Patrick, we came up with this. He isn't that crazy about my bright quilt, but think once it's done he will like it. 

Next it was time to go to the movie. We saw "Free Guy" and it was really good. I enjoyed that. It was well worth seeing. I can see why it's popular. It turned out better than I thought. 

Came home and worked on my bread. Then worked on supper. Once all that was done, I wanted to finish up my box. 

I finished the seam and then put the top of the lid together. I was surprised at how well it turned out. I needed to get my legs tighter, but they are working pretty good now. 

I pretty much had to do the lid myself. There wasn't a pattern for it, so I mixed the pattern with this bottom and the sides of the lid from the bee box I made before. It's straighter than it looks in the photo. I took it while it was on my lap. 

Tomorrow I will pull out my light box and mark the back of the block with back basting. Then I will get to work on getting the block done. I also want to get started on my next beading project. 

Tomorrow is another day. We have a bowling meeting at night. So, I'm still hoping it will be a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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