Monday, August 9, 2021

Embroidery Day

 Today I finished up my game on time (this time). I was heading out to the Grange. 

I arrived about 45 mins before the others. It was only Bev and Sandy. I knew Sandy was running late, but lately Bev shows up around an hour after we start. I was about ready to go home. 

I worked on this piece. The good news is that it's done. I finished it tonight. But I worked on the beads at home. I don't want to do the bug. I'll wash it and then I'll try to frame it. That's work for tomorrow. 

I headed over to moms around noon. She had to get an estimate for her roof. She needed to go to Olympia with Nancy for her surgery stuff. Arrived and the guy was already there for the estimate. He was working on it when mom left. Then one of gals from the area came over to get the box of the scrap box that has the straps ready to make into squares. I was able to give that to someone else to work on. 

Came home and worked on my beading. 

I did 2 more rows. I didn't get very far, but I didn't work on it for very long. 

Today turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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