Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Another Waiting Day....In Olympia

This morning I headed to moms. We had to be in Olympia at St. Pete's hospital for her tests. It was a 1 pm appointment but they told her 12:30 pm. So, we were early. That is the worst place to try and find a parking lot. We went to the back of the hospital and parked in the garage. That meant we needed to walk around to the front of the hospital. Mom did pretty good but we did have to stop on the way to the ER room - which is the only entrance anyone can use. Once there we signed her in. Then waited. Once they called her name she had to register. Once that was done, we headed to the next waiting area. 

 I took my embroidery and was able to get a few more leaves done. I am happy with the way it's coming along. BUT there are 200 leaves, so this will take awhile. I just enjoy working on the leaves. They are relaxing compared to the bowl. I need to get back to the bowl, but I'll do that eventually. 

We were back by 2:30 pm. I stopped at McD's for mom. I got an iced tea for me. Then took mom home so I could come home. First I had to stop at the store for tortilla's. Came home and just wanted to relax. So, I got busy on finishing the puzzle. 

I finished the puzzle. Then realized I was 1 puzzle piece short!! I hate it when there is a piece missing. This was one of the puzzles mom gave me. Not to thrilled.

Just what I needed! So, since I couldn't finish this one, I started on another one!

I always find when a piece is missing that I'm not happy. I didn't get to complete what I started. So, now I opened a new puzzle that I bought at the thrift store yesterday. It's a Christmas time one, but I'm okay with that. 

Tomorrow I will be spending most of the day with mom. We will be working on her Hawaiian quilt. She's got half of it done, and we need to baste the other half. I have PT at 2 pm. I'm hoping we can get a lot done. If not I will have to go back and work on the rest later. Really don't want to do that. 

Today I was actually enjoying myself while I waited on mom. It's fun to be in the mood of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 30, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Day

This morning I had a long list of stuff to do before getting to our meeting. Of course, I was stopped by the train on my way there. I was listening to my book while waiting. It was a good 20 min wait. At least I was enjoying my book, cause I wasn't enjoying waiting. Remember I'm one of those that isn't that patient. People call me patient, but they don't realize I hate crowds or waiting in line. Not my joy in life. 

We had a good visit. There was 3 of us this time. Cindy couldn't make it but both Sandy's were there. I enjoyed the chatter today. We talked about all kinds of things. Checking out Sandy V's project for her next class. She's getting it ready. It will be fun to work on. We were picking the colors to do next, which are really pretty. Figured out one of the colors we picked didn't work in that area. So, she's going to check on getting a gold-rust color. 

I was able to work on my leaves. I got the area on the top left done. I've also added the leaves on the right side. I pulled another green out of the box that we have for the group. I like to have more greens in this. The more the easier it is and the prettier it looks. 

Came home and stopped by the thrift shop to see if I could find the embroidery piece that Sandy said was there. Looked like someone already got it. It wasn't there - or I could find it. I checked out the puzzles and found 3 of them that hadn't been opened. So, I am hopping there aren't any pieces missing. I think the one I'm doing has a piece missing and I HATE that. 

Not working on too much tonight. Decided to just enjoy sitting with Patrick and playing on my tablet. Tomorrow I will be waiting on mom at the hospital in Olympia. Then Wednesday I'll be working with her on the Hawaiian quilt she is working on. 

I'm thing today was another day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, January 29, 2023

A Little Of Everything

 This morning both Patrick and I slept in. Really didn't want to get up. I'm almost thinking he's sleeping in more because of the medications, but not going there. He's been having bumps on his face. Might be a reaction. Hard to say. 

I got laundry going, but didn't get far. I went downstairs and forgot. I worked on the quilt I had on the wall. 

I got the two rows attached to the panel. I'm okay with it. I think it's a little on the light side but the dark blue might help it a bit. 

I cut the boards. The first cut was too short.....yep, I cut it wrong! Then I cut the other two. Once I got them on I decided to call it quits! I have to do the top and bottom, which SHOULDN'T be hard to do. I didn't want to take the chance! So, I called it done. I will go down this week and finish the last two boarder pieces. 

Sophie found the plastic bag and started playing IN it. I had to get her out. She went all over that bag! What is it about plastic bags that cats like?!

I came upstairs and worked on the puzzle. It's coming along great. I have the house almost finished. I will try to finish that as well. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled a 171, 176, 171. I was okay with that. We only won one game. We lost the totals by 6 pins. All three of us (not Joanne) opened in the tenth. That didn't help! UGH

My day was fun but not quiet Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

QOV Presentation Day

 Because we have over 100 nominations to get quilts out, we are doing presentations every 2 weeks. I had to schedule more presentations till Aug. So, today was another presentation day. Since I didn't get photos, I'm not able to show who we honored. 

I arrived around 11:30 am. Debbie was already there and we were working on getting everyone fixed. Mom and Kristi were not there, so Connie had to take over the presentation part. We honored 8 veterans today. I was hoping we could get 9 but 8 is good too. I'm approved for the new program, so our group won't get behind. We found a few quilts that haven't been given out that were about a year old. Two of them were quilts that Bill Tate quilted. One of the veterans that received his quilt was thrilled. I had told them in the introduction that we had 2 quilts that were quilted from Bill, who recently passed. So, when the veterans got one, he was thrilled. 

Veterans Memorial Museum had their annual meeting today. So Debbie and I thought we would stay and see what they had. We were surprised that they didn't mention our group. We have been bringing in the veterans and families. They mentioned a few other things but we weren't included. The meeting went on. At 4:30 pm Debbie and I left. We weren't the only ones. lol 

Came home and cooked supper. Today was way to long. So, I've been playing on my tablet. Now I'm watching British TV with Patrick. 

I worked on the puzzle for awhile before the shows came on. He was watching "As Time Goes By"' and I have seen that 100 times if not more!! So, I decided to work on the puzzle instead. 

Tomorrow I need to cut the backing and batting for the church. I'm sending 2 quilts to them on Monday. That will keep them on our list. We don't want to loose them with quilting. Still looking for a quilt machine for Debbie. She's been looking and we haven't found one that she wants yet. We'll just keep looking. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe that's when I will get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 27, 2023

Quick Trip To Olympia And Back

 This morning Debbie came over so we could head to Olympia. We stopped and picked up Connie. Connie was going with to help Debbie decide on the quilt machine. We went to see Sharon as she had Bill's quilt machine up for sale. After checking it out and talking with Sharon, they decided not to get it. Partly because of all the wires for the camera and computerized system. Debbie isn't computer "savy" so I could see her having trouble with the machine. Plus I think Bill did some modifications that would be hard to fix. We came back by 12:30 pm. 

I worked on my jigsaw puzzle for awhile. 

It's going quick. I don't know if it will be quick when I get to the trees. lol 

Then I decided to put another label on another quilt. I have 8 quilts to take to the presentation tomorrow. It will be interesting because we will be a little shy on members. I'm hoping we have enough to do the presentation. Shouldn't be a problem. 

Debbie's quilt is now done. I added the label and it's on the way to the museum tomorrow. I have one more to put the label on and 2 to do the binding on. I did contact the church to see if they could do a quilt. I'll ask her tomorrow if they can do 2 instead of 1. 

Then I wanted to watch TV with Patrick and I pulled out the beading. No, not Sophie, but the Angel. 

I was able to add another third of the piece. I don't have too much more to go. It will be fun. I'm just surprised I have this much done. Usually I won't have it done till around November! I'm surprised at how much I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Nice To Get 2 Days In A Row

 Today is Thursday (in case you didn't know). And it a day were Patrick goes golfing and bowling. 

I had the morning to myself again. I slept in because I didn't get a good night sleep. So, when I did get up, I had to decide what I wanted to get done today - forgetting Patrick was bowling tonight. 

When I finally decided, I headed downstairs. 


I needed to border the panel. It's a bit big, but I needed it to be big so I would have too much more work to do. Remember I try to get stuff done easily. I added a 4" strip between the "barn doors" and found they were too big. So, I cut them in half after I sewed them down. It made it easier to add the 4 bottom ones that were not stripped. It actually worked out. then I realized they were not wide enough. I trimmed the side border a bit but that didn't work either. So, I decided to add the strip to the end of the barn doors. 

I added the the strip to the end. That's when Patrick arrived. I decided earlier that when he got home I would call it quits. I have the 3 strips ready to add when I decide to go down and finish it. Patrick picked the outer boarder (blue) and I will have to cut that as well. At least I finally went back down there to get another top done. I need to get back into making more tops. 

Came upstairs and worked on my puzzle. I got a lot done (sorry no photo). It's relaxing and I'm just thrilled it's going as fast as it is. 

Patrick headed out to bowling. I played on my tablet and watch the ancestry shows (2) before I decided to bead. I was trying to decide if I wanted to work on Sophie or the Angel. 

Sophie won out. Then I accidently got my beads messed up in the boxes. So, I had to spend a lot of time getting the beads back in the right boxes. I tipped 3 of the into 3 others, so it was a big mess! Once that was done, I got another row in. I was only able to get 2 rows done. UGH I will work on it later this weekend if I can. I have a list of things I need to do. Plus we have a presentation on Saturday to do, so my weekend is shot!

All in all, I'm happy to say I'm back to working on the quilt tops. It doesn't quiet count as being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Patrick's Birthday!

Today is Patrick's Birthday. I didn't get him anything. I should have made a cake but didn't do that either. Wasn't sure what he would want. I bought him some golf club covers a couple weeks ago and he got that early. I will do a cake or cupcakes tomorrow. In all honesty I forget it was today. I thought I had a couple days. 

He went golfing today. I cleaned up a little this morning. Then I went to the computer and did my "homework" for the new QOV data base. I will know before too much longer if I passed. Then I worked on my jigsaw puzzle till Patrick got home around 12:30 pm. 

 I have been getting a lot done on this. It's fun! I forgot how much I like working on jigsaw puzzles. 

Then we sat down. Patrick fell asleep and I worked on my beading while watching the ancestry show. I was really into it. One of them was related to the accuser of Patrick's great (9 x's) grandfather, who was hung in the Salem witch trials. I was shocked! I didn't think I would see that. I was hoping he was related to one of our ancestors that was accused, but instead, he accused them. 

I reworked my word chart and reprinted them so I have the right ones. I'm about half done with this one. I will have 2 angels done before too much longer. I really need to work on Sophie's bead work. I will try to do that soon. I also have to do a quilt top before too much longer. I really do need to make another quilt top for veterans. 

I'm at it again. I have about 5 things I NEED to work on, and yet I can't seem to work on them. The squirrels are out and running, and my mind is running along side each one. I have been trying really hard not to start a new project. But then again, if I didn't, I wouldn't be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

In Training Today

 This morning Patrick was out the door before 8 am for golfing. He usually goes at 9 but they decided to do 8 am - when it's cold outside. I went back to sleep!

I played on my jigsaw puzzle. I was waiting for Debbie to arrive at 11:15 am. We got her set up in the computer room. We both signed in at 11:45 am. There were 19 of us learning how to use the new program for QOV. They are getting ready to do the turn out in February. We have to be trained before we can use the program. I have some "homework" on the data base that I need to do in a week. I will do it tomorrow to get it over with. It was fun and poor Debbie, she hadn't done zoom in a long time. So, she was getting a little training on that too. lol 

We were done by 3 pm. I went back to the jigsaw puzzle. 

I got a few more pieces in my puzzle. I'm having fun working on this. I'm listening to my books at the same time. It's actually relaxing. I'm surprised at how much I've got done so far and not working on it a lot. 

We watched the "Worst Cooks" and I worked on my Angel. 

This one is done. I have the first green one done. I do like it. I had to fix a couple lines on my word chart. Now I need to reprint them. I'm also going to have to fix the other two as well, since it's the same pattern just different dress colors. I will work on that tomorrow as well. Maybe I can get something done tomorrow. It's hard to say. I'm just glad that I could work on my stuff after that long class! I get burned out. Today I wasn't burned out, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Bread Baking Today

This morning I had to add a few more things to my box. I was getting more ideas of what I forgot to put in the box for baking bread. Then I was out the door. I stopped and got some tea on the way. 

Arrived at the grange and got started right away. Needed to get the yeast going. I took the fast rising yeast so that Cindy could bake her bread before we left. 

 She was enjoying the learning process. She was showing off to Sandy in this pic. We did have fun! I was teaching her how to be careful with the dough. Getting rough wasn't helping the dough. lol 

I was helping her out here. Sandy even did a short video of us. I was showing the kneading process. Funny little video. 

We baked some hot dog buns for her and then we baked her first loaf of bread. She sent me a photo of the 3rd loaf she made. We braided it. 

Looks really good. She did a great job. I'm hoping she learned a lot and will make more homemade bread. She was trying to do that with other doughs, but said it wasn't coming out. Told her not to add the salt to the yeast because that kills the yeast. Guess that's what she was doing. lol 

Came home with my bread. 

I baked it after I got home. I added the agave that we bought in Mexico. It made the bread turn a little yellow. It was good. I forgot to add the "secret ingredience."  (sp)  It still turned out good. 

Came home and decided I didn't want to do much. I did work on my embroidery while we waited for the bread to rise. 

I have one more butterfly to do and then work on the wings. Once the wings are done, this is done. I will have another finish - and I need one! I can't wait, but I'm not going to rush it. When I do, then everything goes wrong. 

I had to watch a video for our virtual class tomorrow for QOV. I also had to do some fake nominations. I'm good to go I hope. 

While I was letting Patrick watch the news, I decided to work on my puzzle. 

I worked on the bottom part. I almost have the flowers done. Next is 2 quilts. I started on them, but may change my direction and try something else. I'm just enjoying working on it. Plus I listen to my books. I'm back to another series that I really like. At least I spent time today to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Embroidery, Beading And Bowling

 Today was one of those days I didn't know what I wanted to do. When I got up, I worked on my puzzle. The frame is done and I have more added to the frame. It's going along nicely. Then after that, I worked on laundry and didn't go back to the puzzle. I was in "la la land" trying to decide what to do. 

So, I played games. Then I picked up my beading and got to work on the angel. 

I have a few things to fix on my word chart, but I was able to get a few more rows done. At least till it was time to go on the computer for our virtual group meeting. It's hard to get much done with 45 mins into it, Patrick brings me some food to eat. 

I worked on the butterflies while we were at the meetings. I had to figure out what to do with the double cast on stitches, as I couldn't remember how to start it. We chatted about it. The book says one way and we talked about another way. I have 2 1/2 butterfly done out of 5. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I started out good....then went down hill. Better than last week though! I bowled a 195, 179, and then 156. At least I may go up with my average. Hard to say since I bowled so bad last week. We won all four games. 

So, as much as I tried not to, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Movie And Puzzle

This morning I was up when the sun came up. That seems to be my norm. lol 

I got laundry going and played games. Then it was time to go to the movies. We saw "A Man Called Otto." It was so good!! I loved this movie! Tom Hanks is the best. He can play any part and still be good at it. I have missed very few of his movies. I just loved his part. 

Came home and I wanted to work on a puzzle. I have been thinking about jigsaw puzzles for a while. I pulled out the puzzle mom gave me for Christmas and divided it up. Laid all the frame out and tried to get started.....sat there and looked at it.....and looked at it.....and looked at it. Nope! It is in off white, pink and black. A puzzle of a pink/black cat. 3/4's of the frame was white. WHITE! I couldn't have it figured out! I did the pink, but ugh. So, I put it all away and went down to find another puzzle. 

This one has color! And I'm happy to get started on this! 

After spending half the day dividing the pieces so I could find the frames (both puzzles), I was finally able to find one that I could handle. I think I missed a couple puzzle pieces but will figure that out when I get the rest of this done. This is a picture of a house and quilts. So, not so much Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Quilting -

 Before I start my blog, I would like to thank Anne Kirby for her kind words on my blog. I don't see the posts till I clean up my "social" and "Promotions" on my email. They don't seem to come straight to my email. I will pay more attention - more often. Thank you for you kind words regarding Patrick. We take each day as it goes. The blood tests today seem to be better than they have been in the past - figures crossed and prayers going. 

Today started out to be getting ready to head to moms. I made a couple detours before arriving at her place. Everyone else was there. I found the Tuesday group siting with our Friday group. Come to find out the two groups joined together. There was about 10 of us. I found it hard to follow any conversation. There were 3 or 4 conversations going at once. It isn't that much fun when there is that many people. Mom had to get another chair for me. The living room was full. I decided not to take anything to work on, but I did take my binding stuff. Then I picked up a quilt from mom's stack to do the binding on. After everyone left, I told mom I think that's way too many people for our quilt group. She said she didn't realize the Tuesday group is no longer and that they joined Friday, but she had enough room. I told her I may not be coming all the time then, because I have a hard time following conversations. I want to listen to someone, and someone is talking to me. Oh, well. We will see how it goes. 

I was able to finish it today too. I added the label to the back. Now I have 7 quilts to take to the museum. Connie Carter made this one as well. I did notice while I was at our meeting that Nancy was working on my quilt. They are slowly getting done. Mom still had a pile of about 3 or 4 more quilts to work on. I will pick up another one later when I go to see her next week. 

I didn't get much else done. Patrick and I enjoyed watching TV while I was stitching. It will be fun to see what I can get done this weekend. I want to start working on a jigsaw puzzle. lol  I look forward to this weekend. I'm not sure if I will be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Physical Therapy And What Ever Else I Could Figure To Do

 This morning before heading out to PT, I cleaned the cat litter and started laundry - which I still haven't touched. Will have to wash them again tomorrow and get back on track. 

Then it was off to PT. I stopped at moms. She gave me 3 quilts that were done and needed the labels on them. I then went to PT and after stopped at Carol's to give her some labels (paper). We chatted awhile and I was off to home. First I had to go get gas. I like the app where I get money back. Funny thing now is that they don't give 4 cents, but 1 cent. I'm okay with that because it's still cheaper gas. I have $18 worth in the app. Will transfer that to Amazon later. 

Once I got home I decided to play a little. Then I pulled the quilts out and started working on the labels. 

Another one of Debbie Aust's quilts with Connie Carter quilting it. 

This one is Connie's. She does a lot of the scrap quilts for us.

This is another one of Debbie's with her sister-in-law, Pat Stenhouse. Connie quilted this one too. All I did was put the labels on. They are now ready to go to the museum to be given out. 

I played games and listened to my book. I know there are things on TV that I could watch but wasn't in the mood. I even missed the national news. 

Then I decided I better do something instead of playing games all day. I went to the table and pulled out my beading. I actually want to start a puzzle but need to finish a few things first. Or maybe this weekend I will do it anyway. 

I worked on the angel. I did have to take out a couple rows because my word chart was off. I fixed it and will have to fix it on the computer. Then I'll reprint the pages that are wrong. I have to fix them on all three angels. Good thing I have them on the computer! lol 

Even though I tried not to be, I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Day Of Waiting...Waiting...

This morning we were up early. I had a pulmonary appointment in Olympia. It's not through Kaiser. Which meant I would be waiting. My first appointment for breathing was at 9:40 am. My appointment for walking was at 10:45 am and then my doctor appointment was 11:40 am. We arrived early. Got in to the breathing test on time. Then waited...waited...and waited. I went to the counter to see if I was checked in for my walking test, since I was past my time. She said I was "next." The gal that did the walking test got snitty with me and said, "You realized your appointment isn't till 11:40, right?!" I said yes, I know that, but sometimes I can get in earlier. She just said, "But it's not till 11:40!" I should have said, but this appointment was at 10:45 and it's 11 am. I ended up waiting.....and waiting....waiting. Then at noon I finally go in to see the doctor. Go figure!!

While I wanted I tried to do some embroidery on the Debbie Goff piece. 

I worked on the butterfly. I was supposed to do a double cast on, and for some reason couldn't remember how to do that!! So, after taking out the mistakes, I decided to move to the other piece by Debbie Goff. 

I added more leaves. At this rate the leaves will be done before to much longer. I still want to finish the other one. "Sew Five Alive." I believe that's the butterfly piece. 

We then went to Costco. Came home and cleaned the refrigerator - completely! Took everything out and even the shelves. Washed those down and then refilled the refrigerator will our stuff. Through out a few things but not much. I just wanted to get the refrigerator cleaned out. 

After that I took a break and played games. Once dinner was over, I decided to work on the beading. I tried to do that while waiting, which I got 2 rows in. Trouble was I had to put it away and when I pulled it back out the beads were where the zipper area is. So, I needed to clean the beads out. I did that after supper and worked on a few more rows before calling it done for the night. 

Which means my day turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Guess I'm In The Finishing Mood

 This morning Patrick was out the door to go golfing. I enjoyed another half hour of sleep before getting up. Then I decided to play a few games and listen to my book. 

After awhile I decided it was time to get the quilt done for QOV. I finished the binding. 

Then I added the label. This is another of the challenge quilts. It turned out a little different from the others, but I love seeing them come in. 

Once that was done, I sat with Patrick to watch more "Willow." I do like it. Even though there are a few times I can't figure out what's what. 

Next was to pull out my embroidery. It's time I get something done since I have a list of things I have to do and time is running out. 

I ended up doing the center twice because I started with the blue and yellow. Realized it was supposed to be pink with blue and took them out. I then re-worked the pink to make them a little longer. I had them short and it didn't look right. I think it need to be a little long then this too, but I decided to stop here. I finished the brown area, and I actually started on the butterfly to the right. The body is done, I just need to do the tail. That will come later. Then I need to work on the wings. Once all that is done, I can call it done. 

So, today was quiet and fun. I worked on things that are close if not finished. I need to do more of that. My day can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery And Beading - Plus More

Today I started out with exercises and vacuuming. I wanted to clean the house a little before I was heading out the door to our Brazilian embroidery meeting. We had just 3 of us. It was really nice. We talked about some of the stitches in each of our projects. 

I would love to say I did all that greenery today, but sadly no. I did some of it while mom was getting a tooth pulled. That was about half of the leaves on top of this photo. I did the fill ins and started on the next set of leaves. I couldn't find the light leave color in my stash, so I will check downstairs to find it. I was on a roll. This is going fast. I do like doing different colors on this. It's fun to see how it turns out. Basic leaf stitches. My favorite. 

Came home and started the Upside Down Cake for Patrick. Then went to playing a game and listening to my book when I realized I had a virtual BE meeting for Distant Learning. I decided I didn't want to sit through a meeting. So, I took my bag of "to go" out and pulled the beading out. 

While we were in the meeting, I beaded. I was able to get 25 rows done. I believe there are 78-82 rows. I'm about a third of the way done. I am working on the green angel. I like the way it's coming along. AND at this rate, I may have a couple done before summer is over! I would be thrilled if I do! I do like this piece. 

Today turned out better than I thought it would. I'm just Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Binding And Bowling This Time

Today was working on laundry - that I keep forgetting about. At least it's coming down. 

Patrick was watching TV and I wasn't in the mood to watch what he was, so I listened to my book. As well as worked on the bind of Debbie's challenge quilt.

 He decided to go take a nap, so that was nice. I got a lot of stitching in and I only have about 20" left on the binding to finish. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow and then I can get back to working on my beading. I will try and do my challenge quilt after I get the one downstairs sewn together. I may work on it this week, but hard to say. Since I haven't done it for awhile, I'm really not in the mood to get back to it. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled SO BAD! I bowled a 144, 146, 161. Not my best. No matter what, I couldn't even spare! I got 3 strikes all night. What a nightmare! Then the team we bowled decided they are no longer going to bowl on the league. They had an issue with the bowling alley and things didn't work out right. So, they quit. At least they paid for the 2 weeks that is required. Didn't help me be in my "happy place" while bowling. 

Anyway, it was an awesome day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Beading And Binding Day

This morning I slept in. I love not having to get up early to go places. I tend to stay up till midnight listening to my books. Plus I play games. So, last night was a midnight day and sleeping in was nice. Patrick actually slept in longer than me. 

I worked on laundry. Didn't get very far. I did clean up my "in box" in the computer room. Then I pulled my beading out and moved it to the dinning room table to work on. 

I was able to get 3 rows done. I'm really surprised at how well it's coming along. The colors are right so far. It's going to be fun when I get started on Sophie. That will be awhile I'm sure. I have close to 150 beads to put in each row. Plus it's 325 rows long. So, I'm just now on row 7 - long way to go. It will be exciting if this turns out right. 

Then I pulled out the quilt to finish the binding. 

This is Debbie's quilt and now it's finished. One more done. Now I have 2 to go to the museum. I will finish up the next one this week too. I have a few things I want to do, and quilting isn't one of them. But I do need to get another quilt top or two done this month. I haven't done one in two months. I have an idea for the next one. I will try and work on it this week too. 

Today was a relaxing day of listening to my book and beading. Then it was watching TV and binding. That's in the line of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Just Enjoying The Day

Today I just wanted to enjoy the day. After a week of going everywhere, I wanted to just relax. So, my morning started out just playing games. And playing more games. Then Patrick and I watched a couple TV shows. "Willow" was on as well. 

We went out to eat. Ended up at KFC. We were hungry for chicken and decided to go there. There isn't much around here as far as restaurants. Mostly fast food. We didn't want to do fast food, but we ended up going there anyway. 

I worked on getting my office in box cleaned out. I ended up getting a reimbursement sent out for QOV as well as sending the donation we received. 

After all the paperwork was done, I decided to work on the quilts that need binding and labels done. This was the challenge quilt that Joanne made. I put the label on it. This quilt is now done. I then got back to the quilt I was working on the other day. I need to finish the binding and get a label on it. I found that I have Debbie's quilt challenge. We had been looking all over for it. 

Between being lazy and trying to think of things that need to be done - list is long! - I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Still Looking Forward!

 This morning Patrick was off to golf. I was enjoying the morning to myself. I left around 11 to head to the museum. We had our presentation today. It's going better each time. We have another one on the 28th, and that will be about 9 people I think. 

I wanted to show a photo here of the veterans, but my computer is being a pain. I will have that tomorrow. 

We had a great presentation. It was nice to get a few more done. We were visited by the County to add us to the county website. That will be a big boost for us! I'm thrilled to see that. 

Came home around 3 and got busy with playing games and supper. Patrick had to leave for bowling. After he left, I went to work on my beading video. I was able to put one row of a row in on Fireplace Sophie. I will work on it tomorrow. I loaded it to my computer and then Connie called. We talked for close to 2 hours!! So, I didn't get much done. 

I'm still looking forward to the day I don't have to go places, do things for others, or even have to deal with phone calls. At least I was able to do something that counts for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Day 3 Of Busy!

Today was Patrick's day to golf. So I decided to spend the day with mom and get the quilt basting going again. Plus I had my PT at 2 pm. 

Heading over to moms, I had a couple texts. One from Phil asking if I wanted some carrot cake - Heck Yea! One from Debbie asking for the list for tomorrow. Then out the door I went. Stopped at Safeway to get some lunch - since mom only has soft food for the next day. I got a seafood salad. Then to Rite Aid for a couple things. Stopped at Phil's to pick up my carrot cake. He was sweet and had a piece for mom as well. Off to moms. 

Arrived at moms to find her getting ready to go to the Gathering Place to work on the Hawaiian quilt. 

 We have half the quilt basted. It's coming along great. Mom has the bottom of the photo area done already. Next time I think we can get the other half done. We only worked on this for about 3 hours. Time will tell. 

After PT at 2, I came home. Then I had to get the certificates done for tomorrow's presentation. 

Once that was done, I pulled out the tubes I got the other day for my beads. 

I ordered a 100 of them because they break so easily. 

I filled some with the beads I have for my Fireplace Sophie. I didn't do them all because how little amount I have of the beads. When I'm all done and have extra, then I will put them in tubes. 

Now I'm tired and am just going to enjoy the evening by playing games. My day was full of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Busy Week And I'm Not Done Yet!

Today I was up and doing exercises before getting to moms by 8:40 am. I stopped and got a sausage bisque from McD's. Good thing I did because I didn't get lunch. 

Took mom over to the dentists to get her tooth pulled. She didn't have the meds she was supposed to take before she got there. They gave them to her and had her wait 30 mins before she could go in. They didn't put her out, so it didn't take long. While I was waiting I got word that Dian Keepers wasn't doing good and it will be days for her. Breaks my heart, the Keepers are like family to me. Loosing Dian is painful. I do know she wasn't doing good ever since Willie past away about 6 years ago. I worked on my embroidery while there. I was able to get some done on both my class pieces. 

Took mom to get her meds and we had to wait for about 10 mins in line. Then was told it would take another 30 mins. So, we went out in the car and mom wanted to go to Starbucks. I got ice tea. Still cost $10 + with her drink and mine!! Not going there as much anymore. We went back to Walgreens and had to wait in line for another 20 - 30 mins. UGH!! I texted Patrick and told him I would be able to go with him to his appointment. His appointment was at 12:10 in Olympia. I got mom back to her place and had to help her with her phone. Then Georgie came over for a few minutes and by the time I left it was 1:15 pm. Called Patrick and he was at Rite Aid in town. Shocked him I wasn't home yet! He beat me home by 10 mins. 

I finished up with the pastry. 

Then it was time to clean up the cabinet. Once I did that, I pulled out my beading project. I took each row at a time and worked it from there. 

Thankfully it worked out! I didn't have to take it out. I will add this video to the one I did earlier when I get the chance. I can't do it tomorrow and I can't do it Thursday....UGH. 

I now have 3 rows done. I will work row 4 later. I will try and work on the black for the border on the top. 

While I was working on the beading, I saw this beautiful sky. Trouble is that I couldn't get a better photo!

Now my day is over. Tomorrow I head over to moms and have PT at 2 pm. Then I need to get certificates done for Thursday. It's going to be another busy day! At least I find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...