Saturday, January 28, 2023

QOV Presentation Day

 Because we have over 100 nominations to get quilts out, we are doing presentations every 2 weeks. I had to schedule more presentations till Aug. So, today was another presentation day. Since I didn't get photos, I'm not able to show who we honored. 

I arrived around 11:30 am. Debbie was already there and we were working on getting everyone fixed. Mom and Kristi were not there, so Connie had to take over the presentation part. We honored 8 veterans today. I was hoping we could get 9 but 8 is good too. I'm approved for the new program, so our group won't get behind. We found a few quilts that haven't been given out that were about a year old. Two of them were quilts that Bill Tate quilted. One of the veterans that received his quilt was thrilled. I had told them in the introduction that we had 2 quilts that were quilted from Bill, who recently passed. So, when the veterans got one, he was thrilled. 

Veterans Memorial Museum had their annual meeting today. So Debbie and I thought we would stay and see what they had. We were surprised that they didn't mention our group. We have been bringing in the veterans and families. They mentioned a few other things but we weren't included. The meeting went on. At 4:30 pm Debbie and I left. We weren't the only ones. lol 

Came home and cooked supper. Today was way to long. So, I've been playing on my tablet. Now I'm watching British TV with Patrick. 

I worked on the puzzle for awhile before the shows came on. He was watching "As Time Goes By"' and I have seen that 100 times if not more!! So, I decided to work on the puzzle instead. 

Tomorrow I need to cut the backing and batting for the church. I'm sending 2 quilts to them on Monday. That will keep them on our list. We don't want to loose them with quilting. Still looking for a quilt machine for Debbie. She's been looking and we haven't found one that she wants yet. We'll just keep looking. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe that's when I will get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...