Sunday, January 15, 2023

Binding And Bowling This Time

Today was working on laundry - that I keep forgetting about. At least it's coming down. 

Patrick was watching TV and I wasn't in the mood to watch what he was, so I listened to my book. As well as worked on the bind of Debbie's challenge quilt.

 He decided to go take a nap, so that was nice. I got a lot of stitching in and I only have about 20" left on the binding to finish. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow and then I can get back to working on my beading. I will try and do my challenge quilt after I get the one downstairs sewn together. I may work on it this week, but hard to say. Since I haven't done it for awhile, I'm really not in the mood to get back to it. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled SO BAD! I bowled a 144, 146, 161. Not my best. No matter what, I couldn't even spare! I got 3 strikes all night. What a nightmare! Then the team we bowled decided they are no longer going to bowl on the league. They had an issue with the bowling alley and things didn't work out right. So, they quit. At least they paid for the 2 weeks that is required. Didn't help me be in my "happy place" while bowling. 

Anyway, it was an awesome day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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