Tuesday, January 24, 2023

In Training Today

 This morning Patrick was out the door before 8 am for golfing. He usually goes at 9 but they decided to do 8 am - when it's cold outside. I went back to sleep!

I played on my jigsaw puzzle. I was waiting for Debbie to arrive at 11:15 am. We got her set up in the computer room. We both signed in at 11:45 am. There were 19 of us learning how to use the new program for QOV. They are getting ready to do the turn out in February. We have to be trained before we can use the program. I have some "homework" on the data base that I need to do in a week. I will do it tomorrow to get it over with. It was fun and poor Debbie, she hadn't done zoom in a long time. So, she was getting a little training on that too. lol 

We were done by 3 pm. I went back to the jigsaw puzzle. 

I got a few more pieces in my puzzle. I'm having fun working on this. I'm listening to my books at the same time. It's actually relaxing. I'm surprised at how much I've got done so far and not working on it a lot. 

We watched the "Worst Cooks" and I worked on my Angel. 

This one is done. I have the first green one done. I do like it. I had to fix a couple lines on my word chart. Now I need to reprint them. I'm also going to have to fix the other two as well, since it's the same pattern just different dress colors. I will work on that tomorrow as well. Maybe I can get something done tomorrow. It's hard to say. I'm just glad that I could work on my stuff after that long class! I get burned out. Today I wasn't burned out, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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